
0.2.1 • Public • Published


A Node.js package to connect to a Ubiquiti Unifi LED controller which allows for more programmatic control over devices and groups instead of being limited by the user-driven Ubiquiti interface.

This package can get information about connected lights and light groups as well as set the state and brightness of devices/groups.

Deeper down there is also detailed device information. Basically anything that can be viewed from the Ubiquiti EoT LED controller web UI can be accessed.

The API endpoints and usage were taken from the Python unifiled repo by florisvdk


  • validate/improve error handling
  • use axios.all() for setting multiple devices simultaneously


npm install unifi-led

Quick start

const UnifiLED = require('./unifi-led');

const unifiLED_IP = ''
const user = 'user';
const pass = 'password';

(async () => {
    const unifiLED = await new UnifiLED({ip: unifiLED_IP, username: user, password: pass});

    const devices = await unifiLED.getDevices();
    // There will always be at least one group (All Lights) assuming there is at least one light adopted
    const groups = await unifiLED.getGroups(); 

    console.log(`There are ${devices.length} devices adopted by this controller.`);

    let countOn = 0;
    devices.forEach((device, index) => {
        if (device.status.output == 1) countOn++;
    console.log(`${countOn} of ${devices.length} are powered on currently.`)

    groups.forEach((group, index) => {
        console.log(`The ID of group ${group.name} is ${group.id}. There are ${group.devices.length} devices in this group.`)

    if (await unifiLED.setDeviceOutput(devices[0].id, true)) console.log(`${devices[0].name} is turned on.`)

    if (await unifiLED.setGroupOutput(groups[0].id, false)) console.log(`${groups[0].name} is turned off.`)

    // Fade the first group up to full brightness by steps of 2 every 20ms
    for (let i = 0; i <= 100; i += 2) {
        setTimeout(() => {
            unifiLED.setGroupBrightness(groups[0], i);
        }, 20*i)


Kind: global class

new UnifiLED(params)

Create a Unifi LED connection session

Param Type Default Description
params Object
params.ip string The IP address of the unit
params.username string The username to connect as
params.password string The password used to connect
[params.port] number 20443 The port number the unit is listening on

unifiLED.getDevices() ⇒ Array

Returns a list of devices adopted by the controller

Kind: instance method of UnifiLED

unifiLED.getGroups() ⇒ Array

Returns a list of groups created in the controller web UI

Kind: instance method of UnifiLED

unifiLED.setDeviceOutput(device, state) ⇒ boolean

Sets the on/off state for a single device

Kind: instance method of UnifiLED

Param Type Description
device string The id of the device to set. id values can be retrieved from getDevices()[i].id or getGroups().devices[i].id
state boolean true to turn the device on, false for off

unifiLED.setGroupOutput(group, state) ⇒ boolean

Sets the on/off state for a group

Kind: instance method of UnifiLED

Param Type Description
group string The id of the group to set. id values can be retrieved from getGroups()[i].id
state boolean true to turn the group on, false for off

unifiLED.setDeviceBrightness(device, brightness) ⇒ boolean

Sets the brightness of a device

Kind: instance method of UnifiLED

Param Type Description
device string The id of the device to modify. id values can be retrieved from getDevices()[i].id or getGroups().devices[i].id
brightness Number The brightness of the device, in the range [0,100]

unifiLED.setGroupBrightness(group, brightness) ⇒ boolean

A convenience function that's a wrapper around setDeviceBrightness() for setting all of the devices in a group to one brightness. This can be very noisy if modifying a large group and this._debug is set to true

Kind: instance method of UnifiLED

Param Type Description
group string The group to modify. This should be an a member of the array returned by getGroups()
brightness Number The brightness of the group, in the range [0,100]

Format of getDevices() return value

        isOnline: true, // whether or not the controller can access this device
        status: {
            led: 40, // current brightness setting
            output: 1, // if the device is on (1) or off (0)
            voltage: 51112, // instantaneous voltage in mV
            current: 179, // instantaneous current draw in mA
            energy: 5,
            power: 9149, // instantaneous power consumption in mW (voltage*current/1000)
            rimState: null,
            bleEnable: 1,
            pnpEnable: 1,
            pirSense: null,
            lightOnTimeout: null,
            mode: null,
            triggerMode: null
        info: {
            uptime: 3432574, // uptime in seconds, this doesn't seem to always match the controller web UI, maybe an overflow somewhere
            version: 'v3.8.26-236r', // current firmware version
            devFwUpgrade: 'null',
            model: 'ULED-AT' || 'ULED-AC' || 'UDIM-AT',
            outgoingIface: 'eth0'
        id: 'a43e77d7-8e87-47a0-87d1-2fea1d6c3222', // UID for controlling this device
        name: 'LIGHT-5277D2', // optional friendly name if configured in the controller
        hostname: 'ULP2PE2-5277D2', // factory assigned hostname
        mac: '00:00:de:ad:be:ef',
        ethMac: '00:00:de:ad:be:ef',
        wifiMac: null,
        ip: '', // the device's IP address
        adopted: true,
        adoptedAt: '2021-09-03T15:44:16.409Z',
        platform: 'ULP2PE2',
        type: 'LED' || 'DIMMER',
        state: 'ONLINE' || 'OFFLINE', // whether or not the controller can access this device
        supportsCustomUpgrade: true

Format of getGroups() return value

        name: 'My Group 1', // the friendly name of the group configured via the web UI
        displayRecentPowerConsumptionChart: true,
        id: 'c4bea315-ac78-4cf2-86bb-288f37b53477',  // UID for controlling this group
        devices: [ // an array of devices in this group. the information in each array member is (more-or-less) a subset of the information included when getting a single device
            id: 'a43e77d7-8e87-47a0-87d1-2fea1d6c3222',
            name: 'LIGHT-5277D2',
        energy: 48352, // total instantaneous power consumption for the group
        led: 40, // the brightness of the group
        output: 1, // if the group is on (1) or off (0)
        devicesTurnedOn: 4 // number of devices in the group that are on


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


MIT License



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  • commlink-integration