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Unsorted Module

A simple module to help in Competitive-Programming. User can simply leverage by using pre-defined functions and boilerplate code.

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Goal 🎯

  • Here to Help you in Code Less, Think More!: _ To start writing code taking leverage by using pre-defined functions and boilerplate code _ To debug the code easily by providing input through terminal one by one and check output instantly


  1. First, install the package globally :
    npm install -g unsorted
    Why? Global package will let you use unsorted module anywhere in your workspace
  2. Now install it locally in the project :
    • Initialize the project (If it's not already NPM project) npm init -y
    • Installing the package npm install --save unsorted

Features 🎯

  1. Write the code which use input utility provided by this npm package.
    • this package helps in reading input from terminal one by one.
    • For example input.readNumber() will wait for user input and return provided input.
  2. Now simple global command is provided by this package which convert the code, written using input, into the code which is submittable on websites like codeforces, codechef, topcoder, hackerrank, hackerearth etc.
  3. Use Various Functions which are frequently used for Competitive-Programming Purpose, e.g. Sorting, Searching, Number-Conversion, Most Used Algos etc.


1.Sorting =>

const {sort} = require("unsorted");


Sort all the elements using BubbleSort. e.g. console.log(sort.bubbleSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Sort all the elements using SelectionSort. e.g. console.log(sort.selectionSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Sort all the elements using InsertionSort. e.g. console.log(sort.insertionSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Sort all the elements using MergeSort. e.g. console.log(sort.mergeSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Sort all the elements using QuickSort. e.g. console.log(sort.quickSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1],0,6));


Sort all the elements using HeapSort. e.g. console.log(sort.heapSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Sort all the elements using CountingSort. e.g. console.log(sort.countingSort([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));

2.Array-Operations =>

const {array} = require("unsorted");


Return sum of all the elements of array. e.g. console.log(array.sum([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Return average of all the elements of array. e.g. console.log(array.avg([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Return maximum element of all the elements of array. e.g. console.log(array.max([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Return minimum element of all the elements of array. e.g. console.log(array.min([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Return unique elements from all the elements of array. e.g. console.log(array.set([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));


Return the index postion to insert element in array. e.g. console.log(array.bisect([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1], 3));


Return updated array with the exact position of new element. e.g. console.log(array.insert([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1], 3));

Create HashMap

Return hash map object of all the elements of array. e.g. console.log(array.dict([3, 0, 2, 5, -1, 4, 1]));

3.String-Operations =>

const {string} = require("unsorted");


Return boolean value whether two strings are anagrams or not. e.g. console.log(string.isAnagrams(stringA, stringB));


Return char map of given string. e.g. console.log(string.getCharMap(string));


Return frequency of all chars of given string. e.g. console.log(string.getFrequency(string));


Return boolean value after checking whether given string is palindrome or not. e.g. console.log(string.palindrome(string));

4.Math-Operations =>

const {math} = require("unsorted");

Newton's Square Root Method

Return square root using Newton's Square Root Method. e.g. console.log(math.newtonSquareRoot(num));

karatsuba Multiplication (O(n^1.59))

Return multiplication of two numbers using karatsuba Multiplication Method. e.g. console.log(math.karatsubaMultiplication(x,y));


Return all permutations of given string. e.g. console.log(math.permutation(string));


Return Power Set of given string. e.g. console.log(math.powerset(string));

Catalan Number

Return Catalan Sequence of given number. e.g. console.log(math.catalannumber(num));


Return HCF of given number. e.g. console.log(math.hcf(a,b));


Return LCM of given number. e.g. console.log(math.lcm(a,b));

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Return Sieve of EratosThenes on given number. e.g. console.log(math.sieve(num));

Fibonacci Series

Return Fibonacci Sequence for given number. e.g. console.log(math.fibonacci(num));

5.Searching =>

const {search} = require("unsorted");

Linear Search => O(n)

Return position of number else -1. e.g. console.log(search.search(arr, num));

Binary Search => O(logn)

Return position of number else -1. e.g. console.log(search.binarySearch(arr, num));

Jump Search => complexity of this algorithm lies in between linear search (O(n)) and binary search (O(log n))

Return position of number else -1. e.g. console.log(search.jumpSearch(arr, num));

6.algo =>

const {algo} = require("unsorted");

NumberOfSubsetSum => return no of subsets having exact sum

Return NumberOfSubsetSum. e.g. console.log(algo.NumberOfSubsetSum(array, sum));

Kadane's Algorithm

Return Maximum Sum Subarray. e.g. console.log(algo.kadane(array));


Return maximumNonAdjacentSum. e.g. console.log(algo.maximumNonAdjacentSum(nums));

7.conversion =>

const {conversion} = require("unsorted");


Return decimalToBinary Conversion. e.g. console.log(conversion.decimalToBinary(num));


Return decimalToHex Conversion. e.g. console.log(conversion.decimalToHex(num));

8.Input =>

const {input} = require("unsorted");

Read Array

Generic Array Input. e.g. console.log(input.readArray());

Read Boolean Value

Input Boolean Value. e.g. console.log(input.readBoolean());

Read Single Character

Input Single Character. e.g. console.log(input.readChar());

Read Line

Input Line. e.g. console.log(input.readLine());

Read Numeric Array

Input Numeric Array. e.g. console.log(input.readNumberArray());

Used technologies :

  • ES6/ESNext - Write ES6 code and Babel will transpile it to ES5 for backwards compatibility

Contributed by NobleBlack


MIT © Abhishek Sharma

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