
1.2.6 • Public • Published


This module is a set of react hooks, mathematical explicit functions and dynamic systems. The hooks help clients to animate any by continuously releasing primitive numbers of the range of a function or elements of an array.


Explicit functions


import useCubicBezier from 'use-frames/useCubicBezier';
// ...
// n is frames for a full animation. 60 for 1 sec. 120 for 2 sec
const [ y ] = useCubicBezier(n, x1, y1, x2, y2); // y is on [0, 1]

return (
    <Dog style={{ transform: `translateX(${y * 200}px)` }}>

useCubicBezier with an external cubic-bezier module

import useCubicBezier from 'use-frames/useCubicBezier';
import bezierEasing from 'bezier-easing';
// ...
const [ y ] = useCubicBezier(n, x1, y1, x2, y2, { getCubicBezier: bezierEasing });


useQuadraticBezier is much faster than useCubicBezier.

import useQuadraticBezier from 'use-frames/useQuadraticBezier';
// ...
const [ y ] = useQuadraticBezier(n, x1, y1);


It releases Y: [0,1] -> R of a harmonic oscillator. It uses an explicit function deduced from the differential equation of harmonic oscillator. It takes its displacement from d to 0.

  • d for the initial displacement.
  • v for the initial velocity.
  • damping for a viscous damping coefficient. It makes d converge to 0. If it is 0, its displacement vibrates infinitely.
  • If halfPeriods is 30, it scales the harmonic curve, then you get Y(1) = 0 that is 30th 0. halfPeriods 0 means 'not scaled'.
import useHarmonic from 'use-frames/useHarmonic';
// ...
const [ y ] = useHarmonic(n, { damping : 1000, stiffness : 110, mass : 15, d : 1, v : 0, halfPeriods : 6 }, { onEnd: () => {}});
// or just
const [ y ] = useHarmonic();


This module takes the displacement from 0 to d for motion usage.

import useHarmonicForUnit from 'use-frames/useHarmonicForUnit';

useCurve with any explicit function

import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { useCurve } from 'use-frames';
import { linear, getExponential, getMonomial, getCubicBezier, getQuadraticBezier } from 'use-frames/explicits';
// ...
// Choose one of five or any function on your own
const f = useMemo(() => getExponential(base), []); // The default for base is e.
const [ y ] = useCurve(n, f);

This creates a set of y = f(x) from the domain of [0, ...., 1] with length n + 1.


This is the best practice for performance. Programs like Matlab does not generate random numbers but just use them from its huge archive of random numbers. Archiving than calculating.

import useFrames from 'use-frames';
// ...
const Y = [0, ... , 1]; 
// ...
const [ y ] = useFrames({range: Y})

Create a range dynamically.

import { useMemo } from 'react';
import useFrames from 'use-frames';
import getCubicBezier from 'use-frames/explicits/getCubicBezier';
import getRange from 'use-frames/tools/getRange';
// ...
const Y = useMemo(() => getRange(n, getCubicBezier(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)), []); 
const [ y ] = useFrames({ range: Y })

Animation contol examples

const [ y, setMotion ] = useCubicBezier(n, x1, y1, x2, y2, { from: 0, to: n, onEnd: ({ from, end }) => ({ from: to, to: from }) }) // useCurve, useQuadraticBezier also work like this.

const handelClick = () => setMotion({ restart: })
const handelChange = () => setMotion({ to: Math.round(n/2)})
const handelAny = () => setMotion(({ from, to }) => ({ from: to, to: from }));
const handelBall = () => setMotion({ onEnd: () => ({ restart: }) })

const [ z, setMotionForZ ] = useFrames({ range: Z, onEnd: ({ from }) => ({ to: from })})
const handleSomething = () => setMotionForZ({ to: 300000000000 }); // It's ok to exceed its limit. It just release numbers to the limit.

const handleSoftly = () => setMotionForZ({ range: AnotherRangeWithDifferentLength }); // It works

Choose n from duration

  • If you animate it for 1 sec, you need about 60 frames for a full motion.
  • If you animate it for 0.5 sec, you need about 30 frames for a full motion.
import getFramesFromMilli from 'use-frames/tools/getFramesFromMilli';
// 20 frames for 1000/3 ms
const n = getFramesFromMilli(1000 / 3); // 20

Deduce a explicit function from parametric functions

import deduceFromParametric from 'use-frames/tools/deduceFromParametric';

const f = deduceFromParametric(pfx, pfy);
  • parametric to explicit
  • pfx: [0, 1] -> [0, 1], increasing <---------- important
  • pfy: [0, 1] -> R
  • pfx and pfy should start from (0,0) and end to (1,1) to be used as a unit of motions

Numerical implementations of deduceFromParametric

Only the Monte-Carlo method is implemented yet.

Dynamic systems


It releases values of a harmonic oscillator in a dynamic system. It is not a exact harmonic oscillator but a linear approximation.

import useDynamicHarmonic from 'use-frames/useDynamicHarmonic';
// ...
const [{d, v}, setH] = useDynamicHarmonic();
const handleMouseMove = () => setH({d: da, v: va});

It supports any natural dimension.

const [[{d: d1, v:v1}, {d:d2, v:v2}], setHH] = useDynamicHarmonic(2, options); // 2-dimension
// or ... useDynamicHarmonic([{d:di, v:vi}, {d:dii, v:vii}]) with init values
const handleMouseMove2 = () => setHH([{d:db, v:vb}, {d:dc, v:vc}]);

options could be { stiffness: 100, mass: 1, damping: 5, frequency: 60, precision: 0.0001 }. frequency is for dT = 1 / frequency for linear approximation.


This module is extremely easy to use consecutively.

import createUseSpring from 'use-frames/createUseSpring';

const useSpring = createUseSpring(3, options); // the same argument rules as `useDynamicHarmonic`

const [[x, y, z], setD3] = useState(); // object coordinates from mouse moves or keyboard control in 3D

const [x1, y1, z1, setSpring1] = useSpring(x, y, z); // x1, y1, z1 converge to x, y ,z
const [x2, y2, z2, setSpring2] = useSpring(x1, y1, z1); // x2, y2, z2 converge to x1, y1 ,z1
const [x3, y3, z3, setSpring3] = useSpring(x2, y2, z2); // x3, y3, z3 converge to x2, y2, z2
const [x4, y4, z4, setSpring2] = useSpring(x3, y3, z3); // x4, y4, z4 converge to x3, y3, z3
// ...
// as many as you want

const handleMouseMove = e => {
    toRAF(() => {
        // ...
const handleSpringChange = () => {
    setSpring1({stiffness: 300, mass: 1.5, damping: 20});
    setSpring2({stiffness: 200, mass: 1.4, damping: 40});
    // ...

toRAF is a throttling adapter to requestAnimationFrame. It adapts a number of callbacks to requestAnimationFrame.


This is the core module for dynamic systems, fn = F(fn-1 = F(...F(f2=F(f1 = F(f0))))). You can simulate chaos or fractal.

const dynamicFunction = (prevState, stop) => {
    if (someConditionToStop) {
        return prevState;
    return nextState;
const [state, setState] = useDynamicFrames(dynamicFunction, initState);

In the react lifecycle, this module returns necessary evils of values detached from animation frames. Clients should receive them idempotently. If they change its client's state recursively with useEffect without its second argument, it might ruin the mathematical integrity of the classic-physics world. For example, if the releasing state is a derivative dF of F and a client updates F2 = F1 + dF to another useState, it would be an anomaly. dynamicFunction never gets frame-detached values but it must return a new value each time to make it valid. Or return its previous value to make it invalid.

other modules


This is the fundamental module.

import useAnimationEffect from 'use-frames/useAnimationEffect';

const [x, setX] = useState(0);

useAnimationEffect(stop => {
    setX(x => {
        if (x > 100) {
            return x;
        return x + 1;
    // return () => {
        // you do not need to call `stop` here. `useAnimationEffect` does it for you
        // you can do something else here as you want for useEffect
    // };
}, []);
return (


It scales outputs from a to b by blend(a, b, y) as y goes from 0 to 1.

import useFrames from 'use-frames';
import blend from 'use-frames/tools/blend';

const Y = [0, ... , 1];

// Both div elements are identical.
// But `blend` works easily for any other values like blend(42.4, -234, y); // 42.4 to -234
function SomeComponent() {
    const [y] = useFrames({range: Y});
    return (
            <div style={{width: '1rem', transform: `translateX(${200 + y * 100}px)`}}>o</div>
            <div style={{width: '1rem', transform: `translateX(${blend(200, 300, y)}px)`}}>O</div>

Plan for updates

  • cubic-bezier by a cubic inverse.
  • setInterval mode for discretes.
  • polynomial interpolation.
  • use the harmonic solution in the harmonic dynamic function.
  • motion linking interfaces or an integrated interface for a dynamics world



MIT © wooheemusic

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