
1.0.0 • Public • Published

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Lookup values from a dictionary with aliasing, mapping, and flattenining.

This is used by doubleshot to map values inside of content.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install value-mapper

// Create a mapper
var ValueMapper = require('value-mapper'),
    mapper = new ValueMapper({
      '1 + 2': ['One', 'plus two'],
      'One': function () {
        this.sum = 1;
      'plus two': function () {
        this.sum += 2;
      '= 3': 'equals three',
      'equals three': function () {
        assert.strictEqual(this.sum, 3);
    }, {
      middlewares: ['alias', 'map']

// Lookup the values on a per-key basis
mapper.lookup('1 + 2');
  function () {
    this.sum = 1;
  function () {
    this.sum += 2;


ValueMapper is a constructor function

new ValueMapper(input);
new ValueMapper(input, options);
 * Constructor for mapping values
 * @param {Object} input Key-value pairs to map values across
 * @param {Object} [options] Flags to adjust how the mapping is performed
 * @param {Function[]} [options.middlewares] Proxies to process resolved value through
 *   Built-in middlewares can be used via a 'string'.
 *   'alias': If `value` is a string, returns `value = input[value];`
 *   'map': If `value` is an array, each value will be processed via 'alias'
 *   'flatten': If `value` is an array and contains arrays, flatten it

To find values, use the lookup method

 * Resolve the value of a key
 * @param {String} key Name to lookup value by

If you choose to write your own middleware, the method signature will have to look like

 * @param {Mixed} val Value to perform operations on
 * @returns {Object} retObj Container for value and meta information
 * @returns {Mixed} retObj.value Manipulated value of `val`
 * @returns {String[]} retObj.aliasesUsed Array of aliased keys used while looking up
 * @returns {String[]} retObj.aliasesNotFound Array of aliased not found while looking up

Inside of your middleware, you have the context (i.e. this) of mapper (allowing you to call this.lookup) and access to the key of the current lookup call via this.key.

Values can be procesed through middlewares via process(val);

New middlewares can be added to an instance via addMiddleware(key); (accepts built-in name or function)

Built-in middlewares can be added via ValueMapper.addMiddleware(name, fn);


Here is an example using map, alias, and flatten.

// A complex mapping
var mapper = ValueMapper({
      'A fruit': 'A banana',
      'A banana': function () {
        this.color = 'yellow';
        this.fruit = new Banana();
      'is yellow': ['hasColor', 'assertColor'],
      'when peeled is white': ['when peeled', 'is white'],
      'when peeled': function () {
        this.color = 'white';
        this.fruit = this.fruit.peel();
      'is white': ['hasColor', 'assertColor'],
      'hasColor': function () {
      'assertColor': function () {
        assert.strictEqual(this.fruit.color, this.color);
    }, [
      middlewares: [

// when mapped looks like
mapper.lookup('A fruit');
function () {
  this.color = 'yellow';
  this.fruit = new Banana();

mapper.lookup('is yellow');
  function () {
   function () {
    assert.strictEqual(this.fruit.color, this.color);

mapper.lookup('when peeled is white');
   function () {
    this.color = 'white';
    this.fruit = this.fruit.peel();
  function () {
   function () {
    assert.strictEqual(this.fruit.color, this.color);


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In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via grunt and test via npm test.


Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson

Licensed under the MIT license.




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  • twolfson