
1.0.6 • Public • Published


Parses module start-lines in bundle, embeds the info into the JS, then adds an <Error>.Stack getter which calculates the original files/lines.

It's an alternative to regular source-maps, for when you need the source stack-traces in the JS code itself, and synchronously.


Transpilers should retain line-breaks

If you're using a transpiler in Webpack, you need to make sure it's set to retain the line-breaks of the original files.

For Babel, this means creating a .babelrc file with:



  1. Run npm install --save webpack-basic-sourcemap.
  2. Add the following to your webpack.config file:
var WebpackBasicSourcemap = require("webpack-basic-sourcemap");
// ...
// module.exports = {
// ...
	plugins: [
		new WebpackBasicSourcemap(),
// ...
  1. Add the following to your JS start file:
// general polyfills
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "Props", {enumerable: false, get: function() {
	var result = [];
	var i = 0;
	for (var propName in this)
		result.push({index: i++, name: propName, value: this[propName]});
	return result;
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "Last", {enumerable: false, value: function(matchFunc = null) {
	if (matchFunc) {
        for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (matchFunc.call(this[i], this[i]))
                return this[i];
        return null;
    return this[this.length - 1];

function GetSourceStackEntryInfo(bundleName, bundleLine) {
	var bundle_modStartLinesInBundle = window["ModuleFileStartLines_" + bundleName];
	if (bundle_modStartLinesInBundle == null)
		return {modulePath: `[Can't find bundle with name: ${bundleName}]`, moduleFileName: `[Can't find bundle with name: ${bundleName}]`};
    var module = bundle_modStartLinesInBundle.Props.Last(a=>a.value <= bundleLine);
	if (module == null)
		return {modulePath: `[Can't find module for bundle ${bundleName}, line: ${bundleLine}]`,
			moduleFileName: `[Can't find module for bundle ${bundleName}, line: ${bundleLine}]`};
	var {name: modulePath, value: moduleStartLine} = module;
	var moduleFileName = modulePath.substr(modulePath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
	var moduleLine = bundleLine - moduleStartLine;
	return {modulePath, moduleFileName, moduleLine};
// gets the source stack-trace of the error (i.e. the stack-trace as it would be without the js-files being bundled into one)
Object.defineProperty(Error.prototype, "Stack", {enumerable: false, get: function() {
	var options = {
		bundlePath: true, // turn off for just file-name
		modulePath: true, // turn off for just file-name

	var rawStack = this.stack;
	var oldLines = rawStack.split("\n");
	var newLines = oldLines.map(oldLine=> {
		let lineParts = oldLine.match(/^(.+?)\((.+?\.js):([0-9]+)(?::([0-9]+))?\)$/);
		if (lineParts == null) return oldLine;

		let [, beforeText, bundlePath, bundleLine, bundleColumn] = lineParts;
		let bundleFileName = bundlePath.substring(bundlePath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
		let bundleName = bundleFileName.substring(0, bundleFileName.lastIndexOf("."));

		let {modulePath, moduleFileName, moduleLine} = GetSourceStackEntryInfo(bundleName, bundleLine);
		return `${beforeText}(${(options.bundlePath ? encodeURI(bundlePath) : bundleFileName)}:${bundleLine}${bundleColumn ? ":" + bundleColumn : ""})${""
				} (${(options.modulePath ? "file:///" + encodeURI(modulePath) : moduleFileName)}:${moduleLine}${bundleColumn ? ":" + bundleColumn : ""})`;
	return newLines.join("\n");
  1. Whenever you need the source stack-trace of an error, just call:


If you don't need the source stack-trace synchronously, you can use a library that calculates source stack-traces from regular source-maps: (though this takes longer)



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  • venryx