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0.5.1 • Public • Published


New phone, whodis? Signup, Login, and Admin your Whodis account.

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Table of Contents

Getting Started


npm install -g whodis-cli


whodis signup --email=__YOUR_EMAIL__

reserve a namespace for your application / organization / business

You can create multiple user directories in a namespace. This namespace is the name that confirmation code emails / texts will include, to identify to the user who this confirmation code is from.

whodis namespace:reserve --namespace=__YOUR_APPS_NAME__

After reserving a namespace, you are the only one who can create directories with that namespace.

create a directory under your namespace

Inside of your namespace, you can have one or more user directories.

whodis directory:create --namespace=__YOUR_APPS_NAME__ --name=__TYPE_OF_USER__

Some applications use different user directories for different types of users (e.g., customers -vs- delivery drivers). Others only have one type of user.

A user must sign up to each user directory in order to be a user of that directory, so only create more than one directory if you really want to treat it as a completely different set of users.

create a client token, to user your directory

In order to manage access to a directory, you are able to create clients. These are used to specify which particular audiences JWTs generated with it are for, monitor for usage patterns, and be revoked in the future if needed.

A client allows interacting with a specific user directory programmatically, to allow your users to signup, login, and refresh tokens (see the whodis-client for more details).

whodis directory:client:create --directoryUuid=__DIRECTORY_UUID__  --audienceUri=__AUDIENCE_URI__ --reason=__SOME_REASON__

Note: the reason flag allows you to identify which use case a specific client token was created for in the future

register a custom email to send confirmation codes from, for your directory

By default, whodis sends confirmation code emails to your users from auth@whodis.com. You can customize this to send emails from any email you own. To do this, just:

  1. Register the email
whodis directory:email:set --directoryUuid=__DIRECTORY_UUID__ --email=__EMAIL__
  1. Confirm your email address, by clicking on the link that amazon will send you

  2. Check the status of this email registration

whodis directory:email:check --directoryUuid=__DIRECTORY_UUID__ --email=__EMAIL__

and you're done.

For better deliverability rates, please also add the DKIM required DNS records to your email's domain name's DNS. The desired DNS records will be returned with response of the whodis directory:email:set command above.

setup a domain proxy to be able to securely store JWTs for the web

If you're setting up authentication for a website, then you'll need a domain proxy in order to be able to securely store and send authentication cookies. Whodis can create this proxy for you - requiring you only to verify ownership of your domain and add a CNAME to your domain's DNS.

To have whodis setup the proxy for you

  1. claim ownership of the domain
whodis domain:ownership:claim --domain=__YOUR_DOMAIN__

example domain: yourdomain.com

  1. add the verification DNS records returned in the response from ownership:claim to your domain's DNS

  2. wait a few minutes, then confirm that your domain ownership claims is now VERIFIED.

whodis domain:ownership:check --domain=__YOUR_DOMAIN__

note: try again in a few more minutes if it still hasn't verified, DNS changes sometimes take some time to propagate

  1. create a domain proxy now that you have verified ownership over the domain
whodis domain:proxy:create --domain=__YOUR_DOMAIN__
  1. add the proxy forwarding DNS record returned in the response from proxy:create to your domain's DNS

  2. check that the proxy was successfully created

whodis domain:proxy:check --domain=__YOUR_DOMAIN__

And you're done! Whodis is now hosting a proxy that automatically routes requests from auth.__YOUR_DOMAIN__ to api.whodis.io for you.

why is this needed?

In the web environment, the only safe place to store a JWT is an HTTPSOnly, Secure, Same-site cookie. In order to receive and send this cookie, however, the cookie needs to be set by the same-site as your website - and will only be sent to the same-site as your website. Fortunately, browsers consider subdomains as the same-site; so, with a proxy that forwards requests from auth.yourdomain.com to api.whodis.io, www.yourdomain.com is able to get cookies from the whodis api - and later send them to api.yourdomain.com.

This does not affect native platforms (e.g., android, ios, the terminal) because native platforms aren't exposed to as many vulnerabilities as browsers are (e.g., they have secure storage available).

generate api key, to programmatically manage your directory

In order to programmatically access and manage user data with the whodis-sdk you need an api key. Fortunately, it is really easy to generate one.

⚠️ Your private key is like a password. Make sure to keep it secure! ⚠️

whodis directory:apikey:generate --directoryUuid=__DIRECTORY_UUID__


$ npm install -g whodis-cli
$ whodis COMMAND
running command...
$ whodis (-v|--version|version)
whodis-cli/0.5.0 linux-x64 node-v18.16.1
$ whodis --help [COMMAND]
  $ whodis COMMAND


whodis directory:apikey:generate

create an apikey to programmatically manage a directory

  $ whodis directory:apikey:generate

  -d, --directoryUuid=directoryUuid  the uuid of the directory you would like to create an apikey for?
  -h, --help                         show CLI help


  ➜ whodis directory:apikey:generate
  What is the uuid of the directory you would like to generate an apikey for?: ***
  Ok. Generating that that now... done
  Your new public key: '***'
  Your new private key: '***'
  ⚠️ Your private key is like a password. Make sure to keep it secure! ⚠️

  ➜ whodis directory:apikey:generate --directoryUuid=***
  Ok. Creating that that now... done
  Your new public key: '***'
  Your new private key: '***'
  ⚠️ Your private key is like a password. Make sure to keep it secure! ⚠️

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/apikey/generate.ts

whodis directory:client:create

create a client token for accessing a directory

  $ whodis directory:client:create

  -a, --audienceUri=audienceUri      the uri of the intended audience you want tokens issued with this client for (e.g.,

  -d, --directoryUuid=directoryUuid  the uuid of the directory you would like to create a client token for

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -r, --reason=reason                what is the reason for needing this client access? (to remind you in the future
                                     what this one is for)


  ➜ whodis directory:client:create
  What is the uuid of the directory you would like to create a client token for?: ***
  What is the uri of the intended audience you want tokens issued with this client for? (e.g.,
  `https://api.yourdomain.com`): ***
  Why are you creating this client? (This is to remind you in the future what this one is for): ***
  Ok. Creating that that now... done
  Your new client access token is: '***'

  ➜ whodis directory:client:create --directoryUuid=*** --audienceUri=***
  Why are you creating this client? (This is to remind you in the future what this one is for): ***
  Ok. Creating that that now... done
  Your new client access token is: '***'

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/client/create.ts

whodis directory:create

create a new user directory

  $ whodis directory:create

  -h, --help                 show CLI help
  -n, --name=name            What you want to call this user directory
  -s, --namespace=namespace  A namespace you have reserved


  ➜ whodis directory:create
  What namespace would you like to create the new user directory in?: ***
  What name would you like to give the new user directory?: ***
  Ok. Creating that now... done
  Your new directory's uuid is:

  ➜ whodis directory:create --namespace=*** --name=***
  Ok. Creating that now... done
  Your new directory's uuid is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/create.ts

whodis directory:email:check

check the status of an email registration for a directory

  $ whodis directory:email:check

  -d, --directoryUuid=directoryUuid  the uuid of the directory you would like to check for
  -e, --email=email                  the email address that you would like to check for
  -h, --help                         show CLI help


  ➜ whodis directory:email:check
  What is the uuid of the directory you would like to check for?: ***
  What is the email address you would like to check for?: ***
  Ok. Checking that now... done

  The status of this registration is:

  ➜ whodis directory:email:check --directoryUuid=*** --email=***
  Ok. Checking that now... done

  The status of this registration is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/email/check.ts

whodis directory:email:set

register an email for a directory

  $ whodis directory:email:set

  -d, --directoryUuid=directoryUuid  the uuid of the directory you would like to register an email for
  -e, --email=email                  the email address that you would like to register
  -h, --help                         show CLI help


  ➜ whodis directory:email:set
  What is the uuid of the directory you would like to register an email for?: ***
  What is the email address you would like to register?: ***
  Ok. Registering that now... done

  The status of this registration is now:

  ➜ whodis directory:email:set --directoryUuid=*** --email=***
  Ok. Registering that now... done

  The status of this registration is now:

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/email/set.ts

whodis directory:list

list the directories in a namespace you have admin access of

  $ whodis directory:list

  -h, --help                 show CLI help
  -s, --namespace=namespace  A namespace you have reserved


  ➜ whodis directory:list
  What namespace would you like to list the directories of?: ***
  Ok. Looking that up now... done
  The directories in this namespace are:
     - ***
     - ***

  ➜ whodis directory:list --namespace=***
  Ok. Looking that up now... done
  The directories in this namespace are:
     - ***
     - ***

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/list.ts

whodis directory:oidc:credentials:set

set the oidc credentials of a directory

  $ whodis directory:oidc:credentials:set

  -d, --directoryUuid=directoryUuid        the uuid of the directory you would like to set the credentials to
  -h, --help                               show CLI help
  -i, --clientId=clientId                  the client id of the credentials
  -k, --clientPrivateKey=clientPrivateKey  the client private key of the credentials, if applicable

  -p, --provider=provider                  the name of the identity provider these credentials are from (e.g., APPLE,
                                           GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, etc)

  -s, --clientSecret=clientSecret          the client secret of the credentials, if applicable


  ➜ whodis directory:oidc:credentials:set
  What is the directoryUuid of the directory to set the credentials to?: ***
  What is the name of the identity provider these credentials are from? (e.g., APPLE, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, etc): ***
  What is the client id of these credentials?: ***
  What is the client secret of these credentials? (type 'null' if not applicable): ***
  What is the client private key of these credentials? (type 'null' if not applicable): null
  Ok. Setting that now... done

  ➜ whodis directory:oidc:credentials:set --directoryUuid=*** --provider=*** --clientId=*** --clientSecret=***
  Ok. Setting that now... done

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/oidc/credentials/set.ts

whodis directory:user:test:token:generate

get a test user token with customizable expirations

  $ whodis directory:user:test:token:generate

  -a, --audienceUri=audienceUri      the uri of the intended audience of this token
  -d, --directoryUuid=directoryUuid  the uuid of the directory you would like to create the test user token for
  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  -r, --exprefresh=exprefresh        number of hours until token can no longer even be refreshed
  -x, --expauth=expauth              number of hours until token can no longer be used for auth


  ➜ whodis directory:user:test:token:generate
  What is the directoryUuid for the directory to get a test user token from?: ***
  What is the uri of the intended audience of this token?: ***
  In how many hours should this token expire?: ***
  In how many hours should this token not even be refreshable?: ***
  Ok. Getting that now... done
  The test user token is:

  ➜ whodis directory:user:test:token:generate --directoryUuid=*** --audienceUri=*** --expauth=*** --exprefresh=***
  Ok. Getting that now... done
  The test user token is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/directory/user/test/token/generate.ts

whodis domain:ownership:check

check the status of a domain ownership claim

  $ whodis domain:ownership:check

  -h, --help           show CLI help
  -s, --domain=domain  A domain you would like to check ownership claim status for


  ➜ whodis domain:ownership:check
  What domain would you like to check an ownership claim for?: ***
  Ok. Checking that now... done

  The status of this ownership claim is:

  ➜ whodis domain:ownership:check --domain=***
  Ok. Checking that now... done

  The status of this ownership claim is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/domain/ownership/check.ts

whodis domain:ownership:claim

claim ownership of a domain

  $ whodis domain:ownership:claim

  -h, --help           show CLI help
  -s, --domain=domain  The domain you would like to claim ownership of


  ➜ whodis domain:ownership:claim
  What domain would you like to claim ownership of?: ***
  Ok. Doing that now... done

  The status of this ownership claim is:

  ➜ whodis domain:ownership:claim --domain=***
  Ok. Doing that now... done

  The status of this ownership claim is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/domain/ownership/claim.ts

whodis domain:proxy:check

check the status of a domain proxy

  $ whodis domain:proxy:check

  -h, --help           show CLI help
  -s, --domain=domain  A domain you would like to check the status of a proxy for


  ➜ whodis domain:proxy:check
  What domain would you like to check the proxy of?: ***
  Ok. Checking that now... done

  The status of this proxy is:

  ➜ whodis domain:proxy:check --domain=***
  Ok. Checking that now... done

  The status of this proxy is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/domain/proxy/check.ts

whodis domain:proxy:create

create a domain proxy

  $ whodis domain:proxy:create

  -h, --help           show CLI help
  -s, --domain=domain  A domain you would like to create a proxy for


  ➜ whodis domain:proxy:create
  What domain would you like to create the proxy for?: ***
  Ok. Doing that now... done

  The status of this proxy is:

  ➜ whodis domain:proxy:create --domain=***
  Ok. Doing that now... done

  The status of this proxy is:

See code: dist/contract/commands/domain/proxy/create.ts

whodis help [COMMAND]

display help for whodis

  $ whodis help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

whodis login

login to your Whodis account

  $ whodis login

  -h, --help         show CLI help
  -p, --email=email  the email address you would like to login with


  ➜ whodis login
  What email would you like to login with?: hello@whodis.io
  Ok. Sending a confirmation code now... done
  What is the confirmation code that was sent to that email?: *****
  Thanks! Confirming that now... done
  You have been successfully logged in!

  ➜ whodis login --email=hello@whodis.io
  Ok. Sending a confirmation code now... done
  What is the confirmation code that was sent to that email?: *****
  Thanks! Confirming that now... done
  You have been successfully logged in!

See code: dist/contract/commands/login.ts

whodis logout

logout from your Whodis account

  $ whodis logout

  -h, --help  show CLI help


  ➜ whodis logout
  Ok. Logging out now... done

See code: dist/contract/commands/logout.ts

whodis namespace:list

list namespaces you have admin access of

  $ whodis namespace:list

  -h, --help  show CLI help


  ➜ whodis namespace:list
  Ok. Looking that up now... done
  The namespaces you have admin access to are:
     - ***
     - ***

See code: dist/contract/commands/namespace/list.ts

whodis namespace:reserve

reserve a namespace

  $ whodis namespace:reserve

  -h, --help                 show CLI help
  -s, --namespace=namespace  A namespace you would like to manage


  ➜ whodis namespace:reserve
  What namespace would you like to reserve?: ***
  Ok. Reserving that now... done

  ➜ whodis namespace:reserve --namespace=***
  Ok. Reserving that now... done

See code: dist/contract/commands/namespace/reserve.ts

whodis signup

signup and create a new Whodis account

  $ whodis signup

  -h, --help         show CLI help
  -p, --email=email  the email address you would like to signup with


  ➜ whodis signup
  What email would you like to signup with?: hello@whodis.io
  Ok. Sending a confirmation code now... done
  What is the confirmation code that was sent to that email?: *****
  Thanks! Confirming that now... done
  You have been successfully signed up!

  ➜ whodis signup --email=hello@whodis.io
  Ok. Sending a confirmation code now... done
  What is the confirmation code that was sent to that email?: *****
  Thanks! Confirming that now... done
  You have been successfully signed up!

See code: dist/contract/commands/signup.ts

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