
1.1.1 • Public • Published


Wires.js - Wires your DOM

How to install

Install it from bower:

bower install wires.js

It will install dependencies, that you need to include into your project along with build.min.js from build folder

  • Jquery
  • wires-domain

Subscribe to data changes

You can track if variable is changed by defining "$changed" function to an object. For example:

this.form = {};
this.form.$changed = function(key, oldValue, newValue){


Any time value is changed withing the object, you are going to be notified


Form validation is powerful mechanism that allows you to create custom validation objects and adjust behaviours. Wires.js does not come with defined validation, you have to do it yourself. "ws-validation" attribute takes place in case of defined ws-value attribute. In fact it is being processed there. In any other case, attribute will be completely ignored.

<input type="text" ws-value="$form.name" ws-validate="testEmail()">

In this version validator just toggles a class name. "testEmail" is a default validator (it is the only one that comes along with this release).

To create you own validator, register a service.

domain.service("validators.simple", function() {
   return {
      cls: "nice-error",
      validate: function(arg1) {
         if (this.str === arg1){ // Input string cannot be equal to the first argument
            return true;
<input type="text" ws-value="$form.name" ws-validate="simple('hello')">

In this example, typing hello will add "nice-error" class. You con't need to specify any arguments if you don't need them. Multiple validators are allowed as well.

<input type="text" ws-value="$form.name" ws-validate="simple, email, minLength(1)">

If a string contains non-valid javascript, validations won't work, and you will get a traceback (in the backend side )

Any response of "validate" function that differs from undefined will be taken is failure.

"this.str" - is the actual value.

Validator has 500ms delay. It waits for the user to type something before actually submmiting for validation. Let's have some decency and let user to type his own email without being stressed out of red and annoying input.

Syntax is being compiled in the backend using (jsep)[http://jsep.from.so/] library. Therefore be cautious "1omnomo()" will spit out a backend error Nothing to be worried about though, Attribute will be just ignored.

Including external views

Use ws-include attribute.

<div ws-include="myView.html"></div>

Parent scope will be automatically applied. Children will be ignored. (for now). It's planned to have "section" with inner contents in future.

Repeaters and Conditional statements won't work directly with ws-include. It has to be wrapped.

For example:

<div ws-repeat="$user in $users">
   <div ws-include="myView.html"></div>


Resource, in essense, represents an object with magic methods attached. It can fetch data into the object, as well as reset all defined parameters.

You can initialize resource 2 different ways:

Provide a string:

this.user = $resource("/api/user/:id")

Provide initial data and options with endpoint property:

this.user = $resource({name : "user"}, {endpoint : "/api/user/:id" })

:_id is the parameter that will be replaced with input parameters (if defined)

Let's load some data into resource

Fetch resource

this.user.$fetch({id : 1})

Makes a GET request to /api/user/1, Imagine if you don't supply $fetch with request parameters. :_id will be just ignored, and the GET request is going to look like /api/user.

Fetch automatically fulfills the array and returns a promise.

this.user.$fetch({id : 1}).then(function(myData){
   // do anything you like
   // handle errors

Reset resource

To erase all defined values use $reset


Remove resource

If a parent array is attached calles array.$remove(obj)

If restful endpoint is attached pefrorms a DELETE request



Arrays are the most smartest objects in entire framework. They automate data interaction with RESTful service. Any array passed to the template will be converted to $array object.

var user1 = {name : "user1"}
var user2 = {name : "user2"}
this.users = $array([user1, user2])

Once your template is processed, this.users will be converted to $array, which methods described below.

this.users = $array([user1, user2]);

Initialize with RESTful endpoint

You can easily tell $array to fetch data from RESTful service. To do that initialize $array object like so:

this.users = $array("/api/user/:_id"); // First arguments is a string
this.users = $array({ endpoint :"/api/user/:_id"} ); // First argument is an object

It's important for you to leave :id parameter (or any other, e.g :slug) in order to remove items automatically


this.users.$fetch({ someQuery : "hello"})

Will peform a request to /api/user?someQuery=hello

Returns a promise

this.users.$fetch({ someQuery : "hello"}).then(function(arr){
 // do whatever you like.
 // At this point all models are injected into the dom if (ws-repeat) was defined
 // Catch an error


Adds new values to array

this.users.$add({name : "user3"}) // Object passed
this.users.$add([{name : "user4"}, {name : "user5"}]) // Array with objects
this.users.$add(user1, user2, user3, ...) // Also works

If rest configuration is attached - POST http request will be peformed.

Returns a promise

  // User has been sucessfully added
 // Handles errors here


You can pass index or object respectfuly.

this.users.$remove(0}) // First element will be removed
this.users.$remove(user1) // user1 object will be removed

If rest configuration is attached - DELETE http request will be peformed.


Removes all elements from array


If REST configuration is attached - DELETE request will be ignored for the sake of security.

You app.js

All starts with the router


	  $router.add('/:action?', 'BaseController',[






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