
0.0.7 • Public • Published


Keeping state sucks. Nobody wants to do it.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are tracking transaction IDs (because, say, you have an asynchronous network app and you want to know how many are outstanding at any given time) you may feel like the code required to track your transactions is too large and pollutes an otherwise small codebase that just does whatever it's supposed to do.

So let something else do the lifting for tracking transaction IDs and generating unique values for those transactions. That's what this package is for.


I know you're busy. Here's the real simple use pattern:

var xit  = require( 'xact-id-tiny' )
  , xact = xit.add_xact( );
database.do_a_thing( args, function (e, rvalue) {
  if (e) { return new Error( 'gasp! database breakage!' ) }
  else   { xit.end_xact( xact ); return rvalue;           }
} );

Easy, right? The rest of the API is defined below.


var n = xit.nonce()

Returns a guaranteed-to-be-unique string. Note that this string is not actually stored in the register of open transactions. If you would like xact-id-tiny to use your fancy unique ID generator, just overwrite the nonce() function with your own.

var t = new xit.xact()
var t = new xit.xact(serial)

Returns a transaction object suitable for use with add_xact() and end_xact(). If you wish to use your own serial (because you have a means of providing your own or whatever), pass it in as an optional argument. The transaction object is very simple:

  'serial'  : nonce,
  'state'   : scalar, // 'open' or 'closed'
  'opened'  : scalar, // the return from moment().format()
  'closed'  : scalar, // the return from moment().format()

You may pass in any object that contains these four keys and use it to keep state through transactions.

var xact = xit.add_xact( transaction );
var xact = xit.add_xact( );

Attempts to "open" a new transaction, Returns the transaction object stored in the transaction register. Any failures will result in an Error being returned with a hopefully-useful string.

When called without arguments, it will create the transaction object for you, using the internal nonce() function.

var xact = xit.end_xact( transaction );
var xact = xit.end_xact( serial );

Attempts to "close" the transaction specified. Returns an Error with a hopefully-useful string in the event something goes wrong.

var xact = xit.get_xact( transaction );
var xact = xit.get_xact( serial );

Attempts to return to you a transaction object from either the transaction object (as it exists in the register, which may differ than what you have in your local code if you are doing things concurrently or in separate packages) or the serial that was used to track that object.

extra stuff

  • You may set the comment field of your transaction objects. When the transaction is closed, if there is a comment ('opening a socket to foomatic dot com' or whichever), this will be sent to log4js in the INFO facility along with the delta for that transaction.
  • There's no magic to the objects. Theoretically, you can store anything you like in them, and the api only pays attention to the four (five…) fields listed above.

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  • janearc