
1.2.6 • Public • Published

Express Rest API & Boilerplate Generator

Create an app from scratch with Boilerplalte or Generate services and controllers by simple CLI commands based on latest conventions of coding.

We have tried our best to use Restful conventions in our boilerplate and codes.


  • a Boilerplate to start a project from scratch with neccessary configs and structure.

  • CLI Commands to simply create project parts: services, controllers or even whole project structure.

    we will try to make it much better in futrue, any suggestions would be appreciated by all users.

  • Error Handling System.

  • pre configed dotenv structure to bring environment variables.

  • and more hidden features like async handler.


In your Terminal/CMD enter npm i -g xpg then you can use this package anywhere by CLI commands.

CLI Commands

  • makes a new app xpg -n [app name]

    this command will create a complete project based on model-view-controller and services which is api based and all layers are seperated.

  • makes both controller and service xpg [model name]

  • generate controller xpg -c [controller name]

  • generate service xpg -s [service name]

xpg -h will show a list of commands .

Async Handler

  • async handler function will wrap all controllers so you will never need to use try-catch in any of your express apps.
    async handler

Error Handling System

  • very flexible error handling system.
    this system has been designed and covered all required status codes for your errors. configs
    Methods :

    • badRequest
    • unAuthorized
    • forbidden
    • notFound
    • internal
    • badGateway
    • unAvailabe
    • gatewayTimeout

    Usage :

    • import any of static methods from error directory inside ApiError file. \errors\ApiError.js
    • call imported method and pass your custom message or it will use default message.

Hidden Features

  • pre configured environment variable configurations for development and production which uses dotenv package.
  • other pre configurations like:
    • session & cookie parser
    • mongodb database connection by mongoose
    • logger for routes that uses morgan
    • EJS view engine
    • static files directory in public folder
    • extended urlencoded
      extra configs

note: this is an open source project, feel free to clone.
if you have any suggestions we appreciate you make an issue.

Hope You Enjoyed Using This Package ❤️❤️❤️.

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  • mrramezanzad