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0.1.1 • Public • Published


TypeScript abstraction library for RAML-based REST API YaasApiProductV2.

Auto-generated using raml-typescript-generator.


npm install yaas-api-product-v2 --save



import {YaasApiProductV2} from 'yaas-api-product-v2';
constructor(..) {
  this.yaasApiProductV2 = new YaasApiProductV2({});

To support multiple versions of the API, it is recommended to alias the import so it can easily be mapped to a later API version - and, due to the nature of Typescript, you should be alerted on API signature changes already at compile time:

import {YaasApiProductV2 as YaasApiProduct} from 'yaas-api-product-v2';

JS (Legacy)

API skeleton as it would be produced by MuleSoft's raml-javascript-generator JS generator is shipped for reference and to ease migrations:

var YaasApiProductV2 = require('yaas-api-product-v2/leagcy.js')
var client = new YaasApiProductV2()


You can set options when you initialize a client or at any time with the options property. You may also override options per request by passing an object as the last argument of request methods. For example:

client = new YaasApiProductV2({ ... })
client('GET', '/', {
  baseUri: 'https://api.yaas.io/hybris/product/anotherVersion',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

For dynamic header injection - for example required for non-standard REST services asking for custom authentication token - a provider may be defined:

client = new YaasApiProductV2({
  getHeaders: ()=>{ return(this.myToken ? {Authorization: "Bearer " + this.myToken} : {}) }

Base URI

By default, endpoint as defined in RAML file https://api.yaas.io/hybris/product/v2 is used.

Note If supported by API provider, it is recommended to use one API version definition (i.e. RAML file and corresponding API TypeScript library) and switch endpoint based on the desired environment, for example test, qa or prod

You can override the base URI by setting the baseUri property, or initializing a client with a base URI. For example:

new YaasApiProductV2({
  baseUri: 'https://api.yaas.io/hybris/product/anotherVersion',


All methods return an Observable wrapping a Popsicle obtained response:

tenant({ tenant }).products.get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)

Get all products.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve non-public products. If not provided only published products are returned
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)

Create new product.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_create - mandatory
  • hybris.product_publish - required if product is created as published (by providing published flag true )
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.post([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.delete([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)

Delete all Product entities.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_delete_all - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.delete([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Retrieves a single product.

YRN: urn:yaas:hybris:product:product:{tenant};{productId}

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve non-public product
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).put([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Update a single product.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - required to update product data
  • hybris.product_publish - required to publish the product (by setting published flag to true)
  • hybris.product_unpublish - required to unpublish the product (by setting published flag to false)
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).put([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).delete([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Delete a single Product entity.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_delete - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).delete([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Initialize process of creating new media file for product

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.post([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Return metadata of media files. The list is ordered according to the "position" attribute set in the file metadata.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve media metadata of non-public product
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Return media file metadata by ID.

YRN: urn:yaas:hybris:product:product-media:{tenant};{productId};{mediaId}

Accepted scope:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - to retrieve media metadata of non-public product
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).put([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Update media file metadata. Note that only part of the metadata field can be updated.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).put([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).delete([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Delete media identified by media ID.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).delete([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).commit.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Confirms that the media file specified by the media id is updated and ready to be used with product.

Accepted scope:

  • hybris.product_update - required to attach media to product
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).commit.post([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Get all variants for product.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve variants of non-public product. If not provided only variants of published product are returned
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Create new product variant.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_create - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.post([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.delete([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)

Delete all variants entities for specified product id.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_delete - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.delete([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)

Retrieve a single product variant.

YRN: urn:yaas:hybris:product:product-variant:{tenant};{productId};{variantId}

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve non-public product variants
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).put([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)

Replace a single product variant.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - required to update product variant data
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).put([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).delete([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)

Delete a single Product variant entity.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_delete - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).delete([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)

Initialize process of creating new media file for variant

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.post([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)

Return metadata of media files. The list is ordered according to the "position" attribute set in the file metadata.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve media metadata of a variant that belongs to a non-public product
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Return media file metadata by ID.

YRN: urn:yaas:hybris:product:product-variant-media:{tenant};{productId};{variantId};{mediaId}

Accepted scope:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - to retrieve media metadata of a variant that belongs to a non-public product
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).put([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Update product variant media file metadata. Note that only part of the metadata field can be updated.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).put([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).delete([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Delete media identified by media ID.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_update - mandatory
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).delete([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).commit.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)
  • productId (type: string)
  • variantId (type: string)
  • mediaId (type: string)

Confirms that the media file specified by the media id is updated and ready to be used with product variant.

Accepted scope:

  • hybris.product_update - required to attach media to product variant
client.tenant({ tenant }).products.productId({ productId }).variants.variantId({ variantId }).media.mediaId({ mediaId }).commit.post([body, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).variants.get([query, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)

Get variants by code or id. If user provides ids and codes only the variants that fulfill both restrictions will be returned.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve variants of non-public product. If not provided only variants of published product are returned
client.tenant({ tenant }).variants.get([query, [options]]).then(...)

tenant({ tenant }).search.post([body, [options]])

  • tenant (type: string)

Search products and variants by yrn. If you would like to embed product data into requested variant then use params.variant.expand parameter with value product. Using fields parameter user can limit the properties returned with response entities. If you would like to limit the properties of product embedded in variant, use params.variant.fields parameters prefixed with product., please see the example for more details.

Accepted scopes:

  • hybris.product_read_unpublished - required to retrieve non-public products and variants. If not provided only published products or variants are returned
client.tenant({ tenant }).search.post([body, [options]]).then(...)


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