
0.2.1 • Public • Published


This library enables Zipkin tracing support for serverless functions running on the OpenWhisk platform.

It supports instrumenting both the function handlers and the openwhisk client library.


npm install zipkin-instrumentation-openwhisk 

Using NPM modules on OpenWhisk requires the user to install them locally and include this node_modules directory in the deployment archive.

See here for more details.

Both the base zipkin module and a transport module (e.g. zipkin-transport-http ) must be included within this package.

usage - serverless functions

The instrumentation wraps the handler functions to record zipkin trace events for each invocation. Parent trace identifiers should be passed in using the _zipkin invocation property. These values are automatically added if you are wrapping the client library, see below.

const {Tracer, ExplicitContext, BatchRecorder} = require('zipkin');
const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http');
const wrap = require('zipkin-instrumentation-openwhisk');

const ctxImpl = new ExplicitContext()

const recorder = new BatchRecorder({
  logger: new HttpLogger({
    endpoint: 'http://your_trace_server_ip:9411/api/v1/spans'

const tracer = new Tracer({ctxImpl, recorder});
const serviceName = 'greeting-service';

const handler = function (params) {
  const name = || 'stranger';

  return {message: `Hello, ${name}!`};

exports.handler = wrap(handler, {tracer, serviceName});

usage - client library

The library will also wrap the OpenWhisk client library, allowing you to trace HTTP calls to the platform.

When the library is used to invoke other serverless functions, the parent trace identifiers are automatically added to the request.

const {Tracer, ExplicitContext, BatchRecorder} = require('zipkin');
const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http');
const wrap = require('zipkin-instrumentation-openwhisk');

const ctxImpl = new ExplicitContext()

const recorder = new BatchRecorder({
  logger: new HttpLogger({
    endpoint: 'http://your_trace_server_ip:9411/api/v1/spans'

const tracer = new Tracer({ctxImpl, recorder});
const serviceName = 'greeting-service';

const openwhisk = require('openwhisk')
const ow = wrap(openwhisk(), { tracer, serviceName });

ow.actions.invoke({actionName: 'myServerlessFn'}).then(result => ...)


Using the ConsoleRecorder module will log traces to the console, rather than the Zipkin server. This can help to understand what is being sent to the server.

const {Tracer, ExplicitContext, BatchRecorder, ConsoleRecorder} = require('zipkin')

const ctxImpl = new ExplicitContext()
const recorder = new ConsoleRecorder()

const tracer = new Tracer({ctxImpl, recorder})



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  • jthomas