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zx-sml is some static method library, which contains toSnakeCase, splitValue, getLocalStorage, formatDate, createElement, classNames and other methods.

zx-sml/docgen is some tool functions used in the Nodejs environment, which contains getCommentsData, outputFile, mkdirSync and other methods. It is mainly used to obtain the comment information in the code, and then output it as a Markdown file.


NPM Install

npm install zx-sml

Yarn add

yarn add zx-sml

pnpm install

pnpm i zx-sml


import { formatDate } from 'zx-sml'

formatDate('2020-12-04', 'yyyy/MM/dd W')
// 2020/12/04 Fri


A document generator that read the comments in the code and automatically generate MarkDown documents, docs.

const { log, outputFile } = require('zx-sml/docgen');

log('hello docgen')

outputFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './src'), path.resolve(__dirname, './docs/README.md'));


$$(selector, doc)

Get the DOM elements that matches selector

Param Types Required Description
selector string yes -
doc Document/HTMLElement no default document
  • @returns HTMLElement[]

$(selector, doc)

Get the DOM element that matches selector

Param Types Required Description
selector string/HTMLElement yes -
doc Document/HTMLElement no default document
  • @returns HTMLElement | null

base64ToBlob(base64, type)

base64 to blob data

Param Types Required Description
base64 string yes -
type string no the target blob mimeType, Example image/jpeg
  • @returns Blob


Merge css class names. NOTE: Duplicate names will not be removed.

classNames({ active: true, zero: 0 }, ['text-center'], 'flex', 0)
// 'active text-center flex 0'
Param Types Required Description
args string/any[]/{ bool: true, number: 1, str: 'x', obj: {}, arr: [], other: ? } yes -
  • @returns string


Removing all the localStorage items.

  • @returns void


Removing all the sessionStorage items.

  • @returns void


creates a string containing a URL representing the object given in the parameter.

Param Types Required Description
blob Blob/File yes -
  • @returns string

createElement(tag, attrs, children)

create an element

Param Types Required Description
tag string yes -
attrs Record<string, any> no HTMLElement's attributes.
children string/HTMLElement/Node/string[]/HTMLElement[]/Node[] no -
  • @returns HTMLElement

createUrlForGetRequest(url, params)

Create full URL for GET request

createUrlForGetRequest('api/user', { age: 18 })
// 'api/user?age=18'
createUrlForGetRequest('api/user?class=a', { age: 18 })
// 'api/user?class=a&age=18'
Param Types Required Description
url string yes -
params Record<string, unknown> yes -
  • @returns string


read file to base64 string

Param Types Required Description
file File/Blob yes -
  • @returns Promise<string>

formatBytes(bytes, useDecimal, decimalPlaces)

Digital Information Sizes Calculator

Param Types Required Description
bytes number yes bytes
useDecimal boolean no whether to use decimal for calculations. default false
decimalPlaces number no How many decimal places to keep. default 2
  • @returns object {unit: string, text: string, value: number, bytes: number}

formatDate(date, format, langPackage)

Date format, see date-utils-2020 for details

// timestamp
formatDate( 20210101 , 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') // 1970-01-01 14:36:50
// yyyyMMdd
formatDate('20210101', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') // 2021-01-01 00:00:00
Param Types Required Description
date any yes any type of object
format string yes like this yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss W
langPackage ILangPackage no -
  • @returns string

formatKeys(obj, isCamelCase)

Format the key of the object, using the toSnakeCase or toCamelCase method.

formatObjKeys({lineHeight: 1.5}) // {'line-height': 1.5}
formatObjKeys({lineHeight: 1.5, childObj: {maxWidth: 100}})
// {'line-height': 1.5, 'child-obj': {'max-width': 100}}
formatObjKeys({'line-height': 1.5}, true) // {lineHeight: 1.5}
formatObjKeys({'line-height': 1.5, 'child-obj': {'max-width': 100}}, true)
// {lineHeight: 1.5, childObj: {maxWidth: 100}}
Param Types Required Description
obj object yes -
isCamelCase boolean no Whether the key of the object uses camel-case or snake-case, default false
  • @returns object

getLocalStorage(key, def)

Reading the localStorage item.

Param Types Required Description
key string yes A string containing the name of the key you want to retrieve the value of.
def any yes If the key does not exist, def is returned.
  • @returns any Any object the value of the key. If the key does not exist, def is returned.


Get the max zIndex value in the document

Param Types Required Description
defaultZIndex number no Return value when none of the DOM elements have zIndex set, default 100
  • @returns number

getScrollableParents(el, scrollDirection)

Get scrollable parent elements

Param Types Required Description
el HTMLElement yes -
scrollDirection ScrollDirection no optional values x,y
  • @returns HTMLElement[]

getSessionStorage(key, def)

Reading the sessionStorage item.

Param Types Required Description
key string yes A string containing the name of the key you want to retrieve the value of.
def any yes If the key does not exist, def is returned.
  • @returns any Any object the value of the key. If the key does not exist, def is returned.

getStyleValue(el, attr, needNumber)

Get the value of CSSStyleDeclaration or CSSStyleDeclaration[attr]

Param Types Required Description
el Node yes -
attr string no Arbitrary property key for CSSStyleDeclaration
needNumber boolean no whether to cast the returned property value to a numeric type
  • @returns string | number | CSSStyleDeclaration | CSSRule | ((index: number) => string) | ((property: string, value: string/null, priority?: string) => void) | null


determines whether the passed value is an Array

Param Types Required Description
input any yes any type of object
  • @returns boolean


determines whether the el is an Element

Param Types Required Description
el Node yes DOM Node
  • @returns boolean


Determine whether it is a valid number.

isNumber(10) // true
isNumber(-10.02) // true

isNumber(NaN) // false
isNumber(null) // false
isNumber(undefined) // false
Param Types Required Description
input any yes any type of object.
  • @returns boolean


Determine if input is a string number

Param Types Required Description
input any yes any type of object
  • @returns boolean


determines whether the passed value is an object

Param Types Required Description
input any yes any type of object
  • @returns boolean


format url,

joinUrl('https://a.com/', '/news', 'detail/100001/?x=9')
// https://a.com/news/detail/100001?x=9
Param Types Required Description
args string[] yes -
  • @returns string

randomId(prefix, suffix)

Generate a random string id.

Param Types Required Description
prefix string no A prefix of the id
suffix string no A suffix of the id
  • @returns string Like this prefix-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-suffix


Generate a random string with a maximum length of 1000.

Param Types Required Description
length number no The length of the random string, which has a maximum value of 1000.
  • @returns string


Removing the localStorage item.

Param Types Required Description
key string yes A string containing the name of the key you want to remove.
  • @returns void


Removing the sessionStorage item.

Param Types Required Description
key string yes A string containing the name of the key you want to remove.
  • @returns void

setLocalStorage(key, value)

It's accesses the current domain's localStorage object and adds a value to it using localStorage.setItem().

Param Types Required Description
key string yes A string containing the name of the key you want to create/update.
value any yes Any object the value you want to give the key you are creating/updating.
  • @returns void

setSessionStorage(key, value)

It's accesses the current domain's sessionStorage object and adds a value to it using sessionStorage.setItem().

Param Types Required Description
key string yes A string containing the name of the key you want to create/update.
value any yes Any object the value you want to give the key you are creating/updating.
  • @returns void

slice(arrayLike, offset)

Convert pseudo-array to array

slice({ length: 2, 0: 100, 1: 100 }) // [100, 100]
Param Types Required Description
arrayLike pseudo-array yes -
offset number no default 0
  • @returns array T[]


split base64 data

Param Types Required Description
base64 string yes base64(image) data.
  • @returns { type: string; data: string }


Split an attribute value into number and suffix unit. Returns [0, ''] if the string does not start with a number or -number.

splitValue('100px') // [100, 'px']
splitValue(100) // [100, '']
splitValue('2.5rem') // [2.5, 'rem']
splitValue('-2.5rem') // [-2.5, 'rem']
splitValue('50%') // [50, '%']
splitValue('1,600円') // [1600, '円']
splitValue(',1,600円') // [0, '']
splitValue('0000,600円') // [0, ',600円']
Param Types Required Description
input string/number yes -
  • @returns [number, string]

toCamelCase(input, isFirstCapitalLetter)

Format string as camel case

toCamelCase('hello_world') // helloWorld
toCamelCase('hello-world') // helloWorld
toCamelCase('hello world') // helloWorld
toCamelCase('hello-world', true) // HelloWorld
Param Types Required Description
input string yes -
isFirstCapitalLetter boolean no whether to capitalize the first letter, default false
  • @returns string

toCssValue(value, unit)

toCssValue('10 20') // 10px 20px
toCssValue('10') // 10px
toCssValue(' 25em 10px 0 8') // 25em 10px 0px 8px
Param Types Required Description
value any yes css properties value
unit string yes px, em...
  • @returns string


Convert input to Date, please click date-utils-2020 for details

Param Types Required Description
input any yes any type of object
  • @returns Date | null

toNumber(input, isStrictMode, defaultValue?: number)

Convert any type to number.

toNumber('1.3rem') // 1.3
toNumber('1.3rem', true) // 0
toNumber('-12px') // -12
toNumber('-12px', true) // 0
toNumber('1,000,999Yan') // 1000999
toNumber('1,000,999', true) // 0
Param Types Required Description
input any yes -
isStrictMode boolean/number no Whether it is strict mode, default false
defaultValue number no The return value when formatting fails, default is 0
  • @returns number

toSnakeCase(input, connectSymbol)

Format string as snake case

toSnakeCase('helloWorld') // hello-world
toSnakeCase('HelloWorld') // hello-world
toSnakeCase('helloWorld', '_') // hello_world
toSnakeCase('helloWorld', ' ') // hello world
Param Types Required Description
input string yes any string
connectSymbol string no word connect symbol, default -
  • @returns string


Convert styles object to string. When the properties are the same, the previous object properties will be overwritten

toStrStyles({'line-height': 1.5, width: '50%'})
// `line-height:1.5;width:'50%'`
toStrStyles({lineHeight: 1.5, width: '50%'})
// `line-height:1.5;width:50%`
toStrStyles({ lineHeight: 1.5, width: '50%' }, { 'line-height': '24px' })
// line-height:24px;width:50%
Param Types Required Description
styles object[]/CSSStyleDeclaration[] yes -
  • @returns string



The function formatDate(date, format, langPackage) args langPackage's interface. ILangPackage

Source Code
type FormatDateLangPackage = ILangPackage

GetStyleValueReturnType<T, N>

type of getStyleValue return

Source Code
type GetStyleValueReturnType<T, N> = T extends undefined
  ? CSSStyleDeclaration
  : N extends true
  ? number
  : string


type of scroll direction, x-axis/y-axis

Source Code
type ScrollDirection = 'x' | 'y'


The function formatDate(date, format, langPackage) args langPackage's interface.

Source Code
interface ILangPackage {
  // Starting on sunday. For example ['周日', '周一', ..., '周六']
  weeks: string[],
  [key: string]: any


MIT License © 2022-Present Capricorncd.

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  • capricorncd