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9.0.0 • Public • Published


Automated Functional Testing (AFT) package providing Selenium-based BrowserFacet extends UUiFacet Plugins and BrowserStack, Sauce Labs and Selenium Grid UiSession Plugins extending the aft-ui package. This enables testing using BrowserStack, Sauce Labs or a Local Selenium Grid for any Browser application tests.


> npm i aft-ui-browsers

Page Object Model (POM)

the POM is a standard design pattern used in UI and layout testing. AFT-UI supports this model via Sessions and Facets where the Session is an object extending from UiSession and is responsible for managing the UI container (browser, mobile view, etc.)and the Facet is an object extending from UUiFacet and is responsible for managing logical collections of sub-facets and elements in the UI. For example: aft-ui-pom The above would use a POM design like:

Session - BrowserSession

  • Page Facet - BrowserFacet
    • logo element - WebElement
    • Breadcrumbs Facet - BrowserFacet
      • breadcrumb links - WebElement[]
    • avatar element - WebElement
    • Nav Facet - BrowserFacet
      • nav elements - WebElement[]
    • Tabs Facet - BrowserFacet
      • Tab Facet 1 - BrowserFacet
      • Tab Facet 2 - BrowserFacet
        • Table Facet - BrowserFacet
          • header elements - WebElement[]
          • cell elements - WebElement[]
      • Tab Facet 3 - BrowserFacet
    • media element - WebElement

Creating your own Facets for use in testing

Take the following as an example of how one could interact with the following page

Step 1: create the Page Facet

 * represents the login page object containing widgets encapsulating
 * the functionality of the website
export class HerokuLoginPage extends BrowserFacet {
    /* the locator can also be specified in options */
    readonly locator: Locator = By.css('html');
    /* facets contained in this page */
    private content(): Promise<HerokuContentFacet> {
        return this.getFacet(HerokuContentFacet);
    private messages(): Promise<HerokuMessagesFacet> {
        return this.getFacet(HerokuMessagesFacet, {maxWaitMs: 20000});
    async navigateTo(): Promise<void> {
        await this.session.goTo('');
    /* action functions */
    async login(user: string, pass: string): Promise<void> {
        await this.content().then((c) => c.login(user, pass));
    async hasMessage(): Promise<boolean> {
        return await this.messages().then((m) => m.hasMessage());
    async getMessage(): Promise<string> {
        return await this.messages().then((m) => m.getMessage());

Step 2: create the content and messages Facets

 * represents the content of the login page including the 
 * username and password fields and the login button
export class HerokuContentFacet extends BrowserFacet {
    readonly locator: Locator ="content");
     * function will get the Facet's root element using
     * the Facet.locator ("content")) and then will
     * call {findElement("username"))} from that
     * ```
     * <html>
     *   ...
     *   <div id="content">
     *     <input id="username" />
     *   </div>
     *   ...
     * </html>
     * ```
    private async usernameInput(): Promise<WebElement> {
        return await this.getElement({locator:"username")});
    private async passwordInput(): Promise<WebElement> {
        return await this.getElement({locator:"password")});
    private async loginButton(): Promise<UiFacet> {
        return await this.getElement({locator: By.css("button.radius")});
    /* action functions */
    async login(user: string, pass: string): Promise<void> {
        await this.usernameInput().then(input => input.sendKeys(user));
        await this.passwordInput().then(input => input.sendKeys(pass));
        return await this.clickLoginButton();
    async clickLoginButton(): Promise<void> {
        await this.loginButton().then(button =>;
 * represents the results message content shown on successful 
 * or failed login.
export class HerokuMessagesFacet extends BrowserFacet {
    readonly locator: Locator ="flash-messages");
    private async message(): Promise<WebElement> {
        return this.getElement({locator:"flash")});
    /* action functions */
    async hasMessage(): Promise<boolean> {
        return await this.message()
        .then((message) => {
            return message !== undefined;
        }).catch((err: Error) => {
            return false;
    async getMessage(): Promise<string> {
        if (await this.hasMessage()) {
            return await this.message().then(m => m.getText());
        return null;

Step 3: use them to interact with the web application

await verifyWithBrowser(async (bv: BrowserVerifier) => {
    let loginPage: HerokuLoginPage = await bv.session.getFacet(HerokuLoginPage);
    await bv.logMgr.step('navigate to LoginPage...');
    await loginPage.navigateTo();
    await bv.logMgr.step('login');
    await loginPage.login("tomsmith", "SuperSecretPassword!");
    await bv.logMgr.step('wait for message to appear...')
    await wait.untilTrue(() => loginPage.hasMessage(), 20000);
    await bv.logMgr.step('get message...');
    return await loginPage.getMessage();
}).withDescription('can access websites using AFT and Page Widgets and Facets')
.returns("You logged into a secure area!");

aftconfig.json keys and values supported by aft-ui-selenium package

    "BrowserSessionGeneratorManager": {
        "uiplatform": "windows_10_chrome",
        "plugins": [{
            "name": "browserstack-browser-session-generator-plugin",
            "searchDirectory": "../node_modules",
            "options": {
                "user": "%browserstack_user%",
                "key": "%browserstack_key%",
                "debug": true,
                "resolution": "640x480",
                "local": false,
                "localIdentifier": "abcdefg"
        }, {
            "name": "sauce-labs-browser-session-generator-plugin",
            "searchDirectory": "../node_modules",
            "options": {
                "enabled": false,
                "uiplatform": "ios_10_safari_80_iPhone 11",
                "username": "%saucelabs_username%",
                "accessKey": "%saucelabs_accesskey%",
                "resolution": "1024x768",
                "tunnel": false,
                "tunnelIdentifier": "abcdefgh"
        }, {
            "name": "selenium-grid-session-generator-plugin",
            "searchDirectory": "../node_modules",
            "options": {
                "enabled": false,
                "url": "",
                "additionalCapabilities": {
                    "your-custom-key": "your-custom-value"
  • browserstack-browser-session-generator-plugin
    • options
      • uiplatform - a UiPlatform string used to define what OS and Browser combination is to be generated (defaults to value specified on BrowserSessionGeneratorManager.uiplatform)
      • url - an alternative url for the grid hub (only the Selenium Grid plugin requires this value)
      • additionalCapabilities - an object containing keys and values to be used when creating your BrowserStack Session. this can be used to override default capabilities or to add additional ones (defaults to none)
      • user - [REQUIRED] the BrowserStack username for the account to be used
      • key - [REQUIRED] the BrowserStack accesskey for the account to be used
      • resolution - a string containing a valid resolution for your BrowserStack session like: 1024x768 (defaults to no value so BrowserStack will choose)
      • local - a boolean value indicating if sessions should connect via an already running BrowserStack Local VPN (defaults to false)
      • localIdentifier - a string containing the BrowserStack Local localIdentifier to use when connecting to a Local VPN instance. only required if local is set to true and your Local VPN instance is using a localIdentifier
      • debug - a boolean indicating if debug logging is enabled at BrowserStack (defaults to false)
  • sauce-labs-browser-session-generator-plugin
    • options
      • uiplatform - a UiPlatform string used to define what OS and Browser combination is to be generated (defaults to value specified on BrowserSessionGeneratorManager.uiplatform)
      • url - an alternative url for the grid hub (only the Selenium Grid plugin requires this value)
      • additionalCapabilities - an object containing keys and values to be used when creating your BrowserStack Session. this can be used to override default capabilities or to add additional ones (defaults to none)
      • username - [REQUIRED] the Sauce Labs username for the account to be used
      • accesskey - [REQUIRED] the Sauce Labs accesskey for the account to be used
      • resolution - a string containing a valid resolution for your Sauce Labs session like: 1024x768 (defaults to no value so Sauce Labs will choose)
      • tunnel - a boolean value indicating if sessions should connect via an already running Sauce Labs tunnel VPN (defaults to false)
      • tunnelIdentifier - a string containing the Sauce Labs tunnelIdentifier to use when connecting to a tunnel VPN instance. only required if tunnel is set to true and your tunnel VPN instance is using a tunnelIdentifier
  • selenium-grid-session-generator-plugin
    • options
      • uiplatform - a UiPlatform string used to define what OS and Browser combination is to be generated (defaults to value specified on BrowserSessionGeneratorManager.uiplatform)
      • url - an alternative url for the grid hub (only the Selenium Grid plugin requires this value)
      • additionalCapabilities - an object containing keys and values to be used when creating your BrowserStack Session. this can be used to override default capabilities or to add additional ones (defaults to none)

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