
0.1.8 • Public • Published

Philips Hue for Minoss

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This module adds support for controlling Philips Hue devices to Minoss server. The API communication is based on node-hue-api.

Table Of Contents


Inside your Minoss root folder just use npm to install this Module.

$ npm install minoss-hue


By default there are three configuration files available inside the config/ folder: bridges, lights and groups. The configurations for lights and groups are optionally. You can store different light states there, if wanted. For more details take a look inside the files or read about the state builder.

Before using this module the bridges configuration should be set up. This file contains the IP address and username for all bridges inside the network, which should be controlled.

It is possible to store the bridges under own names. The name default is a reserved name. Minoss will select this bridge whenever no bridge name was given by request parameters. So, if only one bridge is available, the name default should be used.

module.exports = {
    default: {
        ip: "",
        username: "your-hue-bridge-username"
    garden: {
        ip: "",
        username: "your-garden-bridge-username"
    another: {
        // ...

If you don't know how to register a username for your bridge, read about it in the official documentation.

Bridge selection

It is possible to use more than one bridge in this module. The bridge request parameter controls which bridge will be selected for the current action. Inside the configuration it is possible to add those.

When no bridge parameter was added on request, the default bridge will be used. So, if working with a single bridge only, or when it's wanted to use the default bridge, the bridge parameter redundant.

Default bridge:


Selecting another bridge:


Parameter Shorthand

All request parameters can be shorten to it's first character. With this it is possible to use shorten URLs.

bridge  ->  b
id      ->  i
group   ->  g 
state   ->  s



State Builder

Hue lights and groups uses so called states to define it's current output. Things like brightness or saturation and others can be controlled by this. The module can build these states by request.

States for lights and groups could be predefined in configuration. By default the states on, off, low, mid and high are predefined and available. They can be set by it's name on request:


Using JSON as State

It is possible to use a JSON string as state on request. It works the same way as with predefined states:


Chaining States

The state builder can even handle a chain of states. These states has to be separated by a pipe | on request. It will combine all state in the given order. When a state property is set by more than one entry, the last one will be set.

For example, these are predefined states:

var states = {
    on: {
        on: true
    normal: {
        bri: 1,
        sat: 255
    high: {
        bri: 255

And this request:


The resulting state would become:

  "on": true,
  "bri": 255,
  "sat": 255

It is even possible to chain a JSON string too.



The following tables describe the available scripts and parameters of the module



action parameters description
config (str) bridge | b [optional] receive the full configuration of a bridge
description (str) bridge | b [optional] receive the description of a bridge
search (default) - search for bridges inside your network
state (str) bridge | b [optional] receive the full current state of a bridge
user (str) bridge | b [optional] receive all registered users of a bridge
version (str) bridge | b [optional] receive software version information of a bridge



action parameters description
get (default) (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i [optional]
receive information of all lights, or of a specific light when id is set
set (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i 
(str) state | s 
set a state, or a chain of states, to a specified light



action parameters description
get (default) (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i [optional]
receive information of all groups, or of a specific group when id is set
set (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i 
(str) state | s 
set a state, or a chain of states, to a specified group



action parameters description
get (default) (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i [optional]
receive information of all scenes, or of a specific scene when id is set
set (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i 
(str) group | g 
set a scene to a specified group



action parameters description
get (default) (str) bridge | b [optional]
(int) id | i [optional]
receive information of all schedules, or of a specific schedule when id is set

Bugs / Feature request

Please report bugs and feel free to ask for new features directly on GitHub.


Minoss is dual-licensed under MIT and GPL-2.0 license.


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  • eisbehr