
4.0.1 • Public • Published


Redux/React/React Native framework handling network requests, state management, selectors, caching and much more

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Release article


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At Brigad, we have been extensively using redux and redux-thunk to perform network requests, and store/access the resulting data, and we always felt some pain points, or at least like there were things we could do better:

  • We were often copying/pasting a lot of code (along with some logic regarding caching, hooks, etc) from one file to another each time we would create a new resource or action
  • Our state was not organized at all, and accessing it was messy and error-prone
  • We had a huge caching problem: sometimes performing unnecessary requests, sometimes not performing requests which should have been
  • We had no way to know if a given component was performing an action, we only knew if an action was being performed on a given resource


To solve the problems listed above, redux-rest-easy generates actions, reducers, and selectors, and also manages the state's data and metadata for your network requests. It is easy to use, and to observe via the Redux Devtools.

It also provides sensible defaults, allowing you to use it with almost no configuration, but also to customize anything you would like.

And the cherry on the top: it works seamlessly with redux-offline and redux-persist!

Scroll down for a small example, or browse the documentation to get started! To learn more about the problem and solution, you can also read the release article.


import {
} from '@brigad/redux-rest-easy';
  • createResource - easily generate then export your actions and selectors from one file
  • reducer - plug a single reducer to your state, we handle the rest
  • connect - connect your components to the state so the magic can happen
  • reset - reset redux-rest-easy's whole state (you can reset parts of the state with actions generated by createResource)
  • initializeNetworkHelpers - provide your own network handlers (optional, fallback to included defaults)
  • getPersistableState - transform the state before storing it, in order to later persist it (using redux-offline, redux-persist, or friends)


Core principles

  1. Preflight checks
  2. Actions
  3. Reducers
  4. Selectors

Minimal Example

// users.js

import { createResource } from '@brigad/redux-rest-easy';

const users = createResource('users')({
  retrieve: {
    method: 'GET',
    url: 'https://my-api.com/users',
    afterHook: () => console.log('Users retrieved successfully'),

const {
  actions: { retrieve: retrieveUsers },
  selectors: {
    resource: { getResource: getUsers },
    retrieve: {
      request: { isPerforming: isRetrievingUsers },
} = users;

export { retrieveUsers, getUsers, isRetrievingUsers };
// reducers.js

import { reducer } from '@brigad/redux-rest-easy';

const reducers = combineReducers({
  restEasy: reducer,
// UsersList.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from '@brigad/redux-rest-easy';
import {
} from './redux-rest-easy/users';

class UsersList extends Component {
  state = {
    error: false,

  componentDidMount() {
    this.props.retrieveUsers(this.onSuccess, this.onError);

  onSuccess = () => {
    this.setState({ error: false });

  onError = () => {
    this.setState({ error: true });

  render() {
    if (this.props.isRetrievingUsers) {
      return <div>{'Loading...'}</div>;

    if (this.state.error) {
      return (
        <div>{'There seems to be a problem... A network error occured.'}</div>

    return <Users items={this.props.users} />;

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  users: getUsers(state),
  isRetrievingUsers: isRetrievingUsers(state),

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  retrieveUsers: (onSuccess, onError) =>
    dispatch(retrieveUsers({ onSuccess, onError })),

export default connect(

Peer dependencies

Redux-rest-easy assumes you are using react (or react-native) and react-redux.

Redux-rest-easy also uses redux-thunk under the hood, to handle async actions, and therefore requires you to use redux-thunk's middleware in your store. If you are already using redux-thunk, then you have nothing more to do. Else, follow redux-thunk's docs for a quick setup.


Simple Example

Displays a list of users and allows to create new ones.

Pagination (TODO, coming soon)

Displays a paginated list, with seamless query-based selectors and cache.

Data invalidation (TODO, coming soon)

Invalidates store data after a successful POST request

Multiple requests (e.g. S3 signed upload) (TODO, coming soon)

Performs multiple requests in beforeHook before the final one, to upload a signed file to S3.

Cache hints (TODO, coming soon)

Makes use of cache hints to customize the built-in cache.

Store persistence (TODO, coming soon)

Introduces store persistence in the "Pagination" example, so that data persists after the page is refreshed.


Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):


📝 💻 📖 🤔 🚇 👀 ⚠️

Thibault Malbranche

🐛 💻 🤔 👀

Grisha Ghukasyan


Aymeric Beaumet



🐛 📖

Matt Labrum


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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  • grishjan
  • adrienharnay
  • jeanlebrument
  • titozzz