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@causa/workspace-google module

This repository contains the source code for the @causa/workspace-google Causa module. It provides many GCP-related utilities and implementations for cs commands. For more information about the Causa CLI cs, checkout its repository.

➕ Requirements

The Google module requires Docker in order to run local emulators of GCP services.

Although not required, the gcloud CLI might be useful, e.g. to set up credentials that will be used by the Causa Google module.

🎉 Installation

Add @causa/workspace-google to your Causa configuration in causa.modules.

🔧 Configuration

For all the Google-related configuration in your Causa files, look at the schema for the GoogleConfiguration.


If you use Firebase functionalities and the corresponding CLI commands listed below (e.g. AppCheck, Identity Platform), you may want to set the configuration under the google.firebase path. This configuration is optional, but may speed up some CLI commands that would otherwise need to fetch the configuration from GCP using APIs every time they are run. Here is an example of such configuration:

    adminServiceAccount: firebase-adminsdk-<random ID>@<GCP project>.iam.gserviceaccount.com
    apiKey: Public API key, e.g. for iOS, Android, or Web.
    appId: Firebase App ID for iOS, Android, or Web.
  • adminServiceAccount references a private service account only known to developers. While it cannot be used without the corresponding IAM credentials, you should ensure only developers with relevant access can read this configuration.
  • apiKey: Be sure to select a public API key. For example, keys embedded in client applications are safe because they are distributed to all users anyway.
  • appId: Firebase App IDs are also embedded in client applications. Any (public) app ID is safe to set in the configuration.

This makes the google.firebase configuration safe to commit in your repository. Getting access to this configuration does not grant any permission that is either public or has to be set separately in IAM.

✨ Supported project types and commands

Project types

The following Causa project.types are supported:

  • serviceContainer, with google.cloudRun as the serviceContainer.platform. This will ensure the built Docker images are pushed to the repository set in google.cloudRun.dockerRepository.
  • serverlessFunctions, with google.cloudFunctions as the serverlessFunctions.platform. This will push functions archives to the Cloud Storage bucket set in google.cloudFunctions.archivesStorageLocation.


The following emulators are implemented:

  • google.firebaseStorage: The Firebase Storage emulator from the Firebase tools. It supports setting the corresponding security rules. See the cs google firebaseStorage mergeRules documentation for more details.
  • google.firestore: The Firestore emulator from the gcloud tools. If supports setting the corresponding security rules. See the cs google firestore mergeRules documentation for more details.
  • google.identityPlatform: The Identity Platform (Firebase Auth) emulator from the Firebase tools.
  • google.pubSub: The Pub/Sub emulator from the gcloud tools. It automatically creates the topics for all event topics found in the Causa workspace. events.broker must be set to google.pubSub for this.
  • google.spanner: The Spanner emulator. It automatically creates all the Spanner databases defined in the Causa workspace, and sets up their DDLs. See the google.spanner configuration for more details.


Backfilling is supported when google.pubSub is set as the events.broker. Temporary triggers can be created for Cloud Run services, by referencing them using the format [[projects/<projectId>/]locations/<location>/]services/<name>/path-to-trigger.

When no source is specified, the default is to fetch events to backfill from the BigQuery dataset configured in google.pubSub.bigQueryStorage. A custom BigQuery table can also be set as source using the bq://<projectId>.<datasetId>.<tableId> format. It should have the data and attributes columns.

Secrets backend

This module implements the google.secretManager secret backend, allowing fetching secrets from the Google Secret Manager service. Here are some example of how secrets with the google.secretManager backend should be defined:

    id: simple-secret
    id: projects/gcp-project/secrets/my-secret
    id: projects/gcp-project/secrets/my-secret/versions/12

When the GCP project is not specified in the secret ID, it is inferred from google.secretManager.project, or google.project (in this order). This allows defining the GCP project a single time if needed.

A second secret backend, google.accessToken, does not fetch secrets from a source but rather returns a GCP access token, which can be used to access Google services:

    backend: google.accessToken

Code generation

This module implements the google.spanner TypeScript decorator renderer, which can be used to add @SpannerTable and @SpannerColumn decorators to classes generated from events. Below is an example of how to enable it for a JSONSchema object:

title: MyClass
type: object
additionalProperties: false
  # This must be set for the decorators to be added to both the class and its properties.
  # The content of the object will be passed as the argument to the `@SpannerTable` decorator.
    primaryKey: [id]
    type: string
    format: uuid
    # In most cases, the property-level `tsGoogleSpannerColumn` attribute does not need to be set. The decorator configuration will be automatically inferred.
    # If needed, the content of `tsGoogleSpannerColumn` will be passed as the argument to the `@SpannerColumn` decorator.
    # causa:
    #   tsGoogleSpannerColumn:
    #     isJson: false
    type: string

🔨 Custom google commands

This modules adds a new command to the CLI: cs google. Here is the list of subcommands that are exposed.

App Check

The cs google appCheck genToken command generates an App Check token, which can be used to authenticate calls to APIs that are protected by Firebase App Check.

A token is generated for a specific Firebase application. This can be set using the -a, --app <app> argument. If it is not set, any Firebase application will be selected automatically using the Firebase API.

An App Check token must be signed using an admin service account in the same project as the app. Firebase automatically creates such an account when it is initialized from a GCP project. This command can take care of automatically finding this account. However, if you want to save on API calls, the email for any service account with Firebase admin permissions can be set in google.firebase.adminServiceAccount.

Enable services

The cs google enableServices command will enable all the GCP services defined in google.services. This command is also exposed as an infrastructure processors, under the name GoogleServicesEnable.

Firebase Storage

The cs google firebaseStorage mergeRules command merges several Firebase security rules files together into a single file that can be used as configuration for both the Firebase Storage emulator, and the Firebase Storage production service.

Input files are found using the glob patterns defined in google.firebaseStorage.securityRuleFiles. Input files should not include the header, i.e. they should defined what is inside:

rules_version = '2';

service firebase.storage {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    // Only include what is inside those brackets.

The output Firebase security rules file can be set in google.firebaseStorage.securityRuleFile.


The cs google firestore mergeRules command merges several Firebase security rules files together into a single file that can be used as configuration for both the Firestore emulator, and the Firestore production service.

This command is extremely similar to cs google firebaseStorage mergeRules. Input files are defined in google.firestore.securityRuleFiles, and the output file is defined in google.firestore.securityRuleFile.

Identity Platform

The cs google identityPlatform genToken command generates an Identity Platform (formerly Firebase Auth) ID token, which can be used to authenticate calls to API protected by Identity Platform.

This command is similar to cs google appCheck genToken in that it requires a service account with Firebase admin permissions to sign the token. See the corresponding command for more information.

🧱 Infrastructure processors

The Google module provides several infrastructure processors, which can be used to set up the Causa workspace before running infrastructure-related operations.


GoogleFirebaseStorageMergeRules is the same underlying function as the cs google firebaseStorage mergeRules command. It allows preparing the Firebase Storage security rules before possibly deploying them along with the infrastructure. See the corresponding command for more details.


GoogleFirestoreMergeRules is the same underlying function as the cs google firestore mergeRules command. It allows preparing the Firestore security rules before possibly deploying them along with the infrastructure. See the corresponding command for more details.


GoogleServicesEnable is the same underlying function as the cs google enableServices command. It enables GCP services before preparing or deploying the infrastructure.

Although infrastructure as code tools usually expose this feature as well (e.g. the google_project_service Terraform resource), it might be more convenient to enable all the required services before running those tools. It avoids having to define dependencies between the services and all the actual resources being deployed.


GoogleSpannerWriteDatabases writes a configuration file for each Spanner database, such that it can be picked up by the Causa Spanner Terraform module. This allows automatic setup of Spanner databases and their DDLs.


GooglePubSubWriteTopics writes a configuration file for each event topic, such that it can be picked up by the Causa Pub/Sub Terraform module. This allows automatic setup of Pub/Sub topics, and optionally of the corresponding BigQuery tables.




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