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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Cron is a utility that will run a function on an interval or according to a cron expression.


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This package's default export is a function that may be used to create a Cron instance that executes a function according to a cron expression. Additionally, the .interval function may be used to create a Cron instance that executes a function at a fixed interval.


This function accepts a cron expression and a function. It returns a Cron instance that will invoke the provided function according to the cron expression.


import cron from '@darkobits/cron';

// Run at 12:00 on Wednesdays every third month.
cron('0 12 * */3 3', async () => {
  // Save the whales here.


This function accepts a number (milliseconds) or a string (parsed by ms) describing an interval and a function. It returns a Cron instance that calls the provided function according to the provided interval.


The following two invocations are functionally equivalent:

import cron from '@darkobits/cron';

cron.interval(5000, async () => {
  // Make the world a better place here.

Cron.interval('5 seconds', async () => {
  // Solve climate change here.

Cron Instance

The object returned by either of these functions has the following shape:

interface Cron {
   * Registers a listener for an event emitted by Cron.
  on(eventName: CronEvent, listener: (eventData?: any) => any): void;

   * If the Cron is suspended, starts the Cron, emits the "start" event, and
   * resolves when all "start" event handlers have finished running.
   * If the Cron is already running, resolves with `false`.
  start(eventData?: any): Promise<void | false>;

   * If the Cron is running, suspends the Cron, emits the "suspend" event, and
   * resolves when all "suspend" event handlers have finished running.
   * If the Cron is already suspended, resolves with `false`.
  suspend(eventData?: any): Promise<void | false>;

   * When using a simple interval, returns the number of milliseconds between
   * intervals.
   * When using a cron expression, returns -1, as intervals between runs may be
   * variable.
  getInterval: {
    (): number;

     * Returns a string describing when tasks will run in humanized form.
     * @example
     * 'Every 30 minutes on Wednesdays.'
    humanized(): string;

   * Returns the time remaining until the next task run begins in milliseconds.
  getTimeToNextRun: {
    (): number;

     * Returns a string describing when the next task will run in humanized
     * form.
     * @example
     * 'In 10 minutes.'
    humanized(): string;


A Cron instance emits the following lifecycle events:


Emitted when the Cron is started.


Emitted when a task is about to run.


Emitted after a task finishes running. This callback will receive the return value of the task function.


Emitted when the Cron is suspended.


Emitted when the Cron (or a task) encounters an error. This callback will receive the error thrown.


import cron from '@darkobits/cron';

const myCron = cron('10 seconds', async () => {
  // Prevent California wildfires here.
  return 'done';

myCron.on('start', () => {
  console.log('Cron was started.');

myCron.on('task.start', () => {
  console.log('Task was started');

myCron.on('task.end', result => {
  console.log('Task finished. Result:', result); // => result == 'done'
  const nextRun = myCron.getTimeToNextRun.humanized();
  console.log(`Next run: ${nextRun}.`);

// Here, we use the 'error' event to suspend the Cron and pass the error to the
// 'suspend' handler.
myCron.on('error', err => {
  console.log('Suspending Cron due to error:', err);

myCron.on('suspend', eventData => {
  console.log('Cron was suspended.');

  if (eventData instanceof Error) {
    // We suspended due to an error.
  } else {
    // We suspended normally.


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