
4.0.9 • Public • Published

o-gallery MIT licensed

A configurable content gallery. For carousels, slideshows and thumbnail strips.


Check out how to include Origami components in your project to get started with o-gallery.


  • Item: One of many objects to be displayed in the gallery. Likely to be an image. Must support being forcibly scaled to any size.
  • Page: A set of items that may be displayed in the frame at the same time (for normal slideshows, pages are likely to contain only one item, while thumbnail strips will contain more than one)
  • Viewport: A fixed element through which the items move.
  • Shown: only means in view.
  • Selected: only means chosen.

A shown item does not necessarily have to be selected, and vice versa.

The following wireframes show two example galleries: A) a gallery with single items per page, with a title and caption; B) a gallery with multiple items per page and no captions (ie, a thumbstrip). Galleries would often be used together in these forms to create a single coherent interface for viewing and navigating slideshows of images.


Browser support

Gallery supports the same browsers as FTScroller (which it uses for touch/mouse input and transition behaviour), but also adds graceful degradation for IE8 and IE9.

In IE8 and IE9 there is no option for touch input support and there are no transitions (items & pages will change instantly). Usage of the Polyfill service is necessary in IE, and you need to request the default set of polyfills and, if you want it to work on IE8, also add the DOMContentLoaded one.

Creating Galleries

Gallery content can come from either HTML already in the DOM, or data passed explicitly to Gallery javascript via a configuration object. See the declarative demo for an example of the HTML structure required.

In both cases there must be an root element already in the DOM to construct the Gallery in. The root element must not be set to display: none, either directly or via an ancestor element, otherwise the Gallery will be unable to calculate its item widths and will not work correctly.

Note: a Gallery may behave oddly when an ancestor element is set to display: table causing issues with the Gallery sizing (see https://github.com/Financial-Times/o-gallery/issues/44 for more details).

Galleries can be constructed in three ways:

  1. Declaratively from HTML source
  2. Imperatively from HTML source
  3. Imperatively from JS data

1. Declaratively from HTML source

With the HTML already in the page, the following method can be called to search for Gallery HTML elements and automatically construct a Gallery for each one:

var galleries = Gallery.init();

Any gallery objects that are constructed will be returned.

Alternatively, a o.DOMContentLoaded event can be dispatched on the document to auto-construct a o-gallery object for each element with a data-o-component="o-gallery" attribute:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
	document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('o.DOMContentLoaded'));

Optionally, a DOM element can be passed to limit the search to a particular area of the page:

	var galleries = Gallery.init(document.getElementByClassName(".ft-article-body")[0]);

2. Imperatively from HTML source

With the HTML already in the page, a Gallery object can be constructed like so:

var gallery1 = new Gallery(document.getElementById('#gallery1');

An optional configuration object can be passed as second argument:

var gallery2 = new Gallery(document.getElementById('#gallery2', {
	// config options

3. Imperatively from JS data

With just an HTML container element already in the page, a Gallery object can be constructed by passing the content as data via the config object:

var gallery = new Gallery(document.getElementById('#gallery', {
	items: [ <itemObject>, <itemObject>, <itemObject> ...]

Where an itemObject can consist of the following properties:


Type: String (required)

The HTML content of the item.


Type: String (optional)

The HTML content of the item's caption.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Whether this item is selected. If more than one item is set to be selected, then only the first one will be selected.

For example:

	content: '<img src="http://ft-static.com/image1.jpg" alt="Slideshow image 1">',
	caption: '<p>Slideshow caption text.</p>',
	selected: true


Galleries can be configured by HTML data-attributes or the JS configuration object, or a combination of the two. Where both are supplied, the JS values will take precedence.

Once the config options have been gathered, the HTML data-attributes are added/updated to show the configuration actually in use.

Multiple items per page

HTML source: attribute data-o-gallery-multipleitemsperpage on root element

JS property: multipleItemsPerPage

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Sets whether multiple items should be allowed to show per page. For example a normal slideshow would set this to false, but its thumbnail strip would set it to true.

Sync ID

HTML source: attribute data-o-gallery-syncid on root element

JS property: syncID

Type: String

Default: o-gallery-[timestamp]

Sets the ID used in events fired and listened to by a Gallery instance. Setting two Gallery objects to the same sync ID will cause them to control each other - for example where Gallery 1 is a slideshow, and Gallery 2 is its thumbnail strip.


HTML source: attribute data-o-gallery-touch on root element

JS property: touch

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Controls whether touch events will be listened to. See ftscroller for more details.


HTML source: Element inside container with a class of o-gallery__title.

JS property: title

Type: String

The [optional] Gallery title. Displayed in the top left of the viewport and remains in place for all items.


HTML source: attribute data-o-gallery-captions on root element

JS property: captions

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Whether captions will be shown at all. With this set to true, a blank area will always be shown for every item, even if there is no caption data for an item.

Caption min/max height

HTML source: attributes data-o-gallery-captionminheight, data-o-gallery-captionmaxheight on root element

JS property: data-o-gallery-captionmaxheight, captionMaxHeight

Type: Integer

Default: 24, 52

The height constraints of the caption area. The min value is used to position the caption area below the gallery item. If the content of the caption forces the caption height to increase, then it will increase upwards, in front of the gallery item, up to the maximum height set.


The following events will be dispatched on the Gallery's root DOM element:

  • oGallery.ready: The Gallery has initialised and made all required DOM changes
  • oGallery.itemSelect: The selected item in the gallery has changed. Passes two properties: the index of the newly active item, and the source of the change ('user' or 'api').
  • oGallery.scrollEnd: A scroll has finished and passes the scrolling distance in the property x.

In IE8, these events will only be dispatched if the EventTarget API has been polyfilled.


Note that showing and selecting are two separate concepts and are independent of each other.

There must always be one item selected, even if the selected state is not made visible in the UI.

Each gallery item has an index number. Pages do not have index numbers as the number of pages can vary when a gallery has a variable width (e.g. in a responsive layout).

  • showItem(idx): Navigates the gallery to the specified item index (starting from zero)
  • showNextItem(): Navigates the gallery forward one item
  • showPrevItem(): Navigates the gallery backwards one item
  • showNextPage(): Navigates the gallery forward one page
  • showPrevPage(): Navigates the gallery backward one page
  • selectItem(idx, show): Selects item, and optionally shows it too.
  • selectNextItem(show): Selects next item, and optionally shows it too.
  • selectPrevItem(show): Selects previous item, and optionally shows it too.
  • getSelectedItem(): Returns the index of the currently selected item (integer)
  • getSyncID(): Returns the sync ID of that gallery
  • syncWith(galleryInstance): Sets the syncID to that of the gallery instance that's passed to the function
  • onResize(): Resizes the gallery. This is executed when the viewport is resized. It should also be manually executed when the gallery is in a container element that's resized.

When a next/prev method is called, if there is no next or previous, then it will do nothing.

The desired behaviour of the left & right UI controls for single- and multiple-item-per-page galleries will be different. For example, in a slideshow (single item per page), the right arrow control should select and show the next item, but in a thumbnail strip (multiple items per page), it should show the next page without affecting what it selected.

The following simplified methods are provided to handle this logic:

  • next():
    • multiple: false - selectNextItem(true); // select & show
    • multiple: true - showNextPage(); // doesn't affect selection
  • prev():
    • multiple: false - selectPrevItem(true); // select & show
    • multiple: true - showPrevPage(); // doesn't affect selection

These method may be useful for adding keyboard control to a Gallery.


Include all o-gallery CSS by including the oGallery mixin:

@include oGallery();

To reduce your CSS bundle size, styles for themes may be included granularly using the options $opts argument:

@include oGallery($opts: ('themes': ('slideshow', 'thumbnails')));


By default, Gallery only provides the minimum styling for a Gallery to be functional - e.g. mostly just positioning, and the previous/next UI controls.

Two themes are provided: for slideshows and thumbnails.

To use the slideshow theme, set a 'o-gallery--slideshow' class on the root Gallery element:

<div class="o-gallery o-gallery--slideshow" data-o-component="o-gallery">

To use the thumbnails theme, set a o-gallery--thumbnails class on the Gallery root element:

<div class="o-gallery o-gallery--thumbnails" data-o-component="o-gallery">

The following Gallery classes are applied to elements in the Gallery structure:

  • o-gallery: the Gallery's root element
  • o-gallery__viewport: the are through which the Gallery items scroll
  • o-gallery__items: the container of all the Gallery items
  • o-gallery__item: the container of each item in the Gallery
  • o-gallery__item__content: the container of an item's content
  • o-gallery__item__caption: the container of an item's caption (if present)

In addition to this, a aria-selected="true" attribute is set on the selected Gallery item. It is up to a product to use this attribute to apply styles as required. This class is only likely to be useful when multipleItemsPerPage is set to true. This class is also used to identify the initially selected item when constructing a Gallery from HTML source.

Themes must only be used with the default o-gallery classes.


State Major Version Last Minor Release Migration guide
maintained 4 N/A migrate to v4
╳ deprecated 3 3.0 migrate to v3
╳ deprecated 2 2.1 -
╳ deprecated 1 1.7 -


If you have any questions or comments about this component, or need help using it, please either raise an issue, visit #origami-support or email Origami Support.


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.



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