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npm install @cerebral/firebase-admin


The firebase admin package for function-tree allows you to easily handle Firebase Queues. With the Cerebral debugger you will even be able to merge execution data cross client/server. This package helps you set up a QueueHandler which registers your specs with queues and lets you know when new tasks are ready to be run.


First you create a function tree with the Firebase provider. You will need to add the Devtools with the same port as the client to merge execution.

const FunctionTree = require('function-tree').FunctionTree
const Devtools = require('function-tree/devtools')
const FirebaseProvider = require('@cerebral/firebase-admin').Provider

const devtools = Devtools({
  // Connect to same port as the client to merge execution
  host: 'localhost:8787'

const runTask = new FunctionTree([
    serviceAccount: {} // your service account details
    databaseURL: '', // Your database url
  /* Your other providers */


module.exports = runTask


Create a new Firebase key at some path.

function authenticate (context) {
  const newKey = context.firebase.createKey('some/path')


Lists all users from Firebase authentication. Responds with "{users: [], nextPageToken: 'token'}".

function listAllUsers (context) {
  return context.firebase.listUsers(context.props.maxResults, context.props.nextPageToken)


Create a user from Firebase. All properties are optional. Responds with "user".

function createUser (context) {
  return context.firebase.createUser({
    uid: context.props.uid,
    email: context.props.email,
    emailVerified: context.props.emailVerified,
    phoneNumber: context.props.phoneNumber,
    password: context.props.password,
    displayName: context.props.displayName,
    photoURL: context.props.photoURL,
    disabled: context.props.disabled


Delete a user from Firebase. Outputs nothing.

function deleteUser (context) {
  return context.firebase.deleteUser(context.props.uid)


Push new data. Outputs {key: 'keyAdded'}.

function addItem (context) {
  return context.firebase.push('items', context.props.data.item)


Remove key. Outputs nothing.

function removeItem (context) {
  return context.firebase.remove(`items/${context.props.itemKey}`)


Set new data. Output nothing.

function addItem (context) {
  return context.firebase.set(`items/${context.props.data.itemKey}`, context.props.data.item)


Run a transaction. Outputs nothing.

function updateItems (context) {
  return context.firebase.transaction('some/path', (maybeValue) => {
    if (!maybeValue) {
      return 'bar'

    return context.props.data.foo


Update multiple paths from top level or at specific path. Outputs nothing.

function updateItems (context) {
  return context.firebase.update({
    'items/1': context.props.data.item1Data,
    'items/2': context.props.data.item2Data
function updateItems (context) {
  return context.firebase.update('items', {
    '1': context.props.data.item1Data,
    '2': context.props.data.item2Data


Get value. Outputs {key: 'theKey', value: 'theValue'}.

function updateItems (context) {
  return context.firebase.value('some/path')


Run a task

function runTask (context) {
  return context.firebase.task('someTask', {
    // Data to task


The QueueHandler is responsible for registering Firebase Queues with your defined specs and what trees should run when new tasks arrive in Firebase. The QueueHandler also automatically authenticates the tasks using verifyIdToken.

const runTask = require('./runTask')
const firebase = require('firebase-admin')
const username = require('username')
const QueueHandler = require('@cerebral/firebase-admin').QueueHandler

module.exports = new QueueHandler({
  // If you are using a specPrefix on the client during development
  // you will have to use it here as well, to pick up the correct
  // queue tasks. It is automatically removed in production
  specPrefix: username.sync(),

  // You can specify if you want to authenticate or not.
  // default is false
  authenticate: true,

  // An array of specs and corresponding trees to run
  tasks: [{
    specId: 'some_spec_name',
    numWorkers: 100,
    tree: [
      /* Some tree to run */

  // A reference in Firebase to your queue
  queueRef: firebase.database().ref('queue')
}, (specId, tree, payload) => {
  runTask.run(specId, tree, payload)
    .catch((error) => {
      // Handle error. Payload has error property with details
      runTask.run('ERROR', [/* A tree handling errors */], error.payload)

When a task runs you have access to the following props:

function someFunc (context) {
  context.props.uid // Uid of user who made the task
  context.props.data // Data passed from client
  context.props.task.resolve // Resolve the task
  context.props.task.reject // Reject the task


If you are using the firebase-queue and need to create tasks, you can do that with:


function someAction({ firebase, state }) {
  return firebase.task('create_post', {
    uid: state.get('app.user.uid'),
    text: state.get('posts.newPostText')

This will add a task at queue/tasks. There is no output from a resolved task, it just resolves when the action has been processed.


You can easily test tasks. The TestTasks includes a local firebase-server and allows you to define a state of your Firebase instance before running tasks and assert its state after the tasks are run.

const TestTasks = require('@cerebral/firebase-admin').TestTasks

const testTasks = new TestTasks([
  /* Any mocked providers */

module.exports = testTasks

In your test framework of choice:

const someTreeToRun = require('./someTreeToRun')
const test = require('./testTasks');
const assert = require('assert');

describe('example', () => {
  it('should test for foo', (done) => {
    const runTest = test.create({
      foo: 'bar'
    }, {
      // The tree to be run
      task: someTreeToRun,

      // Data to pass into tree execution
      data: {
        bip: 'bop'
    }, (data) => {
      assert.equal(data.foo, 'bar')


Run multiple tasks:

const someTreeToRun = require('./someTreeToRun')
const test = require('./testTasks');
const assert = require('assert');

describe('example', () => {
  it('should test for foo', (done) => {
    const runTest = test.create({
      foo: 'bar'
    }, [{
      task: someTreeToRun,
      data: {
        foo: 'bop'
      // You can do assertions between running tasks
      assert (data) {
        assert.equal(data.foo, 'bop')
    }, {
      task: someTreeToRun,
      data: {
        foo: 'bap'
    }], (data) => {
      assert.equal(data.foo, 'bap')


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  • fweinb
  • cerebral.js
  • christianalfoni
  • guria
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  • henri-hulski