
3.2.1 • Public • Published

Skeletor Pattern Lab Plugin

This plugin runs Pattern Lab and is part of the Skeletor ecosystem. To learn more about Skeletor, go here.


Install this plugin into your Skeletor-equipped project via the following terminal command:

    npm install --save-dev @deg-skeletor/plugin-patternlab


Example Configuration

  patternLabConfig: {
    "cacheBust": true,
    "cleanPublic" : true,
    "defaultPattern": "all",
    "defaultShowPatternInfo": false,
    "ishControlsHide": {
      "s": false,
      "m": false,
      "l": false,
      "full": false,
      "random": false,
      "disco": true,
      "hay": true,
      "mqs": false,
      "find": false,
      "views-all": false,
      "views-annotations": false,
      "views-code": false,
      "views-new": false,
      "tools-all": false,
      "tools-docs": false
    "ishViewportRange": {
      "s": [240, 500],
      "m": [500, 800],
      "l": [800, 2600]
    "logLevel": "info",
    "outputFileSuffixes": {
      "rendered": ".rendered",
      "rawTemplate": "",
      "markupOnly": ".markup-only"
    "paths" : {
      "source" : {
        "root": "./source/",
        "patterns" : "./source/_patterns/",
        "data" : "./source/_data/",
        "meta": "./source/_meta/",
        "annotations" : "./source/_annotations/",
        "styleguide" : "./node_modules/styleguidekit-assets-default/dist/",
        "patternlabFiles" : "./node_modules/styleguidekit-mustache-default/views"
      "public" : {
        "root" : "./public/",
        "patterns" : "./public/patterns/",
          "data" : "./public/styleguide/data/",
        "annotations" : "./public/annotations/",
          "styleguide" : "./public/styleguide/"
    "patternExtension": "mustache",
    "patternStateCascade": ["inprogress", "inreview", "complete"],
    "patternExportDirectory": "",
    "patternExportPatternPartials": [],
    "serverOptions": {
      "wait": 1000
    "starterkitSubDir": "dist",
    "styleGuideExcludes": [],
    "theme": {
      "color": "dark",
      "density": "compact",
      "layout": "horizontal"
  method: 'build',
  methodArgs: [],
  patternExport: {
    patternGroups: [
        patterns: 'components/*',
        dest: './dist/patterns/',
        includeHeadFoot: false,
        flatten: false
        patterns: 'pages/*',
        dest: './dist/patterns/',
        includeHeadFoot: true,
        flatten: true
    assetPathReplacements: [
        path: '../../images/',
        replacementPath: '/images/'
        path: '../../css/',
        replacementPath: '/styles/'

Configuration Options


Type: Object The configuratin object for Pattern Lab. See the official Pattern Lab documentation for configuration details.

method (optional)

Type: String The Pattern Lab method to execute. If omitted, this option defaults to build. Acceptable values include build, patternsonly, version, help, liststarterkits, and loadstarterkit.

methodArgs (optional)

Type: Array An array of arguments to pass to the Pattern Lab method specified in the method configuration option. For example, the value of this option could be ['@deg-skeletor/starterkit-mustache-default'] for the loadstarterkit method.

patternExport (optional)

Type: Object An optional configuration object for exporting patterns.


Type: Array An array of one or more pattern group objects, which define groups of patterns to export. A pattern group contains the following options:


Type: String The path to the patterns to be exported. Globbing is supported. For example, components/* would export all patterns within the components directory.


Type: String The base destination directory to export the patterns to. Example: ./dist/patterns. See the patternGroup.flatten option below for details on how exported patterns are organized within this base destination directory.

patternGroup.includeHeadFoot (optional)

Type: Boolean Default: false A flag for including the pattern header and footer in the exported patterns. If false, only a pattern's HTML will be exported.

patternGroup.flatten (optional)

Type: Boolean Default: false A flag for flattening all of the exported pattern files within the base destination directory. If false, pattern files will be exported to sub-directories within the destination directory that mimic the structure of the source pattern files. For example, given a base destination directory of ./dist/patterns, a components/frame/header.mustache pattern would be exported to ./dist/patterns/frame/header.html.


Type: Array An array of one or more asset path replacement objects. Path replacement is useful for updating portions of asset paths (the src of an <img>, for example) within the HTML of patterns during export. For example, you may want to update the paths within the src of all <img> tags from ../../images/ to /images/. A path replacement object contains the following options:


Type: String The asset path to target for replacement. For example, ../../images/.


Type: String The path to replace targeted asset paths with. For example, /images/.


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  • 3.2.1
    • latest

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  • heaper
  • briangraves
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