
0.2.2 • Public • Published

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A rewrite of the Telecortex project in NodeJS which controls APA102/SK9822 LED strips over OPC

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Timecrime DJing inside dome

Video of Steamed Hams on a previous version of TeleCortex




Our Balena image running on a Raspberry Pi 3 can control 4 channels of 300 SK9822 pixels pixels with UDP over on-board WiFi at about 200 FPS.


Option 1: Balena Cloud (Recommended)

We've created a docker image that sets up your Raspberry Pi 3B+ as an Open Pixel Control server with 4 SPI ports. The docker image is designed to run on BalenaOS. This is the recommended way of using TeleCortex if you don't need to do development on the server. Otherwise, there's a lot of messing around required.

Sign up for BalenaCloud (it's free!) and set up an application. Use its wizard to make an image with your network details.

Or you can download and configure your own image as long as it runs docker. Head over to https://www.balena.io/os/#download and get yourself a BalenaOS image.

Once the Pi(s) is running you can push an image to it by following the instructions below

Option 2: Download and run directly on Raspbian

With a fresh install of raspbian lite, get your raspberry pi configured with the correct locale using raspi-config. Optionally, while you're there you may wish to enable SSH, set the correct WiFi country, change the root password, and set a unique hostname.

Enable all 4 SPI ports on raspberry pi

(this can be done by editing the file on the SD card, or while the pi is on) As root, add the lines

dtparam=spi=on # this one is not necessary if you've already enabled it in raspi-config

to /boot/config.txt and reboot. For more options (e.g. 5 SPI devices) and pinouts see /boot/overlays/README.

To test, ls /dev | grep spidev should show



# Fresh pi needs update
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
# Install essential tools
sudo apt-get install vim git zip

Install build tools for node / yarn

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make cmake python3

Install Node

Determine architecture

uname -m

If you have an ARMv7 or later Pi: (Model 2B, 3*) If you just run sudo apt-get install nodejs you will get an old version of node. We want version 11.

# install node 11
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

If you have an ARMv6 Pi: (Model A*, B*, Zero) node 10 or above is required, but can't be installed through the official repositories as of the time of writing. This script will install the latest node 10 (which is LTS until 2020)

ARCH=$(uname -m)
NODE=$(curl https://nodejs.org/dist/index.tab | grep v10 | grep linux-${ARCH} | cut -d $'\t' -f 1 | head -n 1)
curl "https://nodejs.org/dist/${NODE}/node-${NODE}-linux-${ARCH}.tar.gz" -o "node-${NODE}.tar.gz"
tar -C /usr/local -zxf "node-${NODE}.tar.gz"

check that Node works with

node -v
npm -v

Install yarn

If you just run sudo apt-get install yarn you will install the wrong yarn.

curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn

Clone this repo

mkdir -p ~/Documents/GitHub
git clone https://github.com/Laserphile/JS-Telecortex-2-Server ~/Documents/GitHub/JS-Telecortex-2-Server
cd ~/Documents/GitHub/JS-Telecortex-2-Server

Install dependencies

npm install nodemon --save

OSX setup

This will only work as a PBX server on OSX. You need /dev/spidev... for pi-spi to work.

Balena dev setup

If you want to push to your pi without going through the pipeline. Make sure you also "enable local mode" on BalenaCloud if its a cloud image.

  • npm install --global --production --unsafe-perm balena-cli

  • Get the hostname of the device you want to push to with sudo balena local scan

  • build and push to the device with balena push <hostname>

  • Be patient, the output will just stop for about an hour with no loading screen.

  • You'll know the push completed when you get to

    [Build]   [main] Successfully tagged local_image_main:latest
    [Info]    Streaming device logs...

To view the output of the main container, you can do

  • balena ssh <hostname>
  • then inside that session, do balena container ls to get a list of running containers. the app is likely the latest created container which means is necessary for the next step to work
  • Attach to the output of the main container with balena attach $(balena container ls -lq)


Run the server in development mode (refreshing on change)

yarn dev

Run the server with arguments

get a list of command line options with

npx babel-node -- src/main.js -h
      --spi-clockSpeed  SPI Clock speed to use for all devices
                                                     [number] [default: 3000000]
      --spi-mode        SPI Data mode to use for all devices
                                                           [number] [default: 0]
      --spi-channels    SPI Channel information (as JSON)
    [string] [default: "{"0": {"bus": 0, "device": 0}, "1": {"bus": 0, "device":
               1}, "2": {"bus": 1, "device": 0}, "3": {"bus": 1, "device": 1}}"]

      --pbx-ports     PBX Serial port definitions for js-pixelblaze-expander
      [string] [default: "{"0": {"name": "/dev/ttyS0", "options": {"channels": {
   "0": { "capacity": 300 }, "1": { "capacity": 300 }, "2": { "capacity": 300 },
      "3": { "capacity": 300 }, "4": { "capacity": 300 }, "5": { "capacity": 300
      --pbx-channels  PBX channel definitions for js-pixelblaze-expander
        [string] [default: "{"0": { "port": 0, "channel": 0 }, "1": { "port": 0,
  "channel": 1 }, "2": { "port": 0, "channel": 2 }, "3": { "port": 0, "channel":
      3 }, "4": { "port": 0, "channel": 4 }, "5": { "port": 0, "channel": 5 }}"]

      --version             Show version number                        [boolean]
  -d, --devType             Type of device used
                                        [choices: "PBX", "SPI"] [default: "SPI"]
  -p, --port                port used to listen for OPC commands
                                                       [number] [default: 42069]
  -t, --transportProtocol   OSI Transport Layer protocol with which the server
                            will listen [choices: "TCP", "UDP"] [default: "UDP"]
  -m, --middlewareProtocol  Protocol used to translate colours before sending to
  [choices: "colours2sk9822", "colours2ws2811", "colours2ws2812", "colours2rgb"]
                                                     [default: "colours2sk9822"]
  -h, --help                Show help                                  [boolean]

so, if you wanted to use a different serial port, devType and middleware, you could do:

npx babel-node -- src/main.js -d PBX -m colours2rgb --pbx-ports '{"0": {"name": "/dev/tty.usbserial-AD025M69", "options": {"channels": { "0": { "capacity": 300 }, "1": { "capacity": 300 }, "2": { "capacity": 300 }, "3": { "capacity": 300 }, "4": { "capacity": 300 }, "5": { "capacity": 300 }}}}}'

If everything is working, you should see something like this:

🛰  UDP Server listening on port:

Quick test

Before setting up an OPC client such as JS-Telecortex-2-Client, you can test that everything is working by running this command in a new terminal window on the pi:

printf "\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\xff\x00" >/dev/udp/
printf "\x01\x00\x00\x03\x00\xff\x00" >/dev/udp/
printf "\x02\x00\x00\x03\x00\xff\x00" >/dev/udp/
printf "\x03\x00\x00\x03\x00\xff\x00" >/dev/udp/
#       |ch-|cmd|cmd_len|--colors--|
#         ^   ^       ^    ^
# ch: 3   '   |       |    |
# cmd: 0 (8bit RGB)   |    |
# cmd_len (uint16BE): 3B   |
# colours: 1 green pixel  /

This will send a UDP OPC message to localhost port 42069 that sets the first pixel on each channel (0-3) to green. For more info, Check out the OPC protocol details


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