
1.1.0 • Public • Published


kihunter is a simple stand-alone bot that runs the Ganon's Tower key guessing game for ALttP Randomizer in Twitch chat.


As it is built on tmi.js, kihunter runs on node.js 4.4 or higher, and of course requires a network connection that can reach Twitch chat.

kihunter will need a twitch account to log into. All commands can function without any special privilege (sub, mod, etc.). That said, various anti-spam measures may be more relaxed if kihunter uses a more privileged account. Depending on chat volume during the guessing period, if kihunter malfunctions, it may be necessary to adjust its configuration (e.g. by reducing its feedback level) and/or increase the privilege of its account in the channel.


The simplest way to install is via npm.

npm install --global @madelsberger/kihunter

Alternately, you can visit the project's github page. (After a manual installation, kihunter will still require some other npm modules, however.)


Options are defined in a configuration file. You can specify the file to use as a command-line argument when launching kihunter (see below); or by default it will look for kihunter.properties in the current directory.

[tmijs] section

This is the only section where configuration is reuqired, as the properties tell kihunter how to connect to Twitch and they have no defaults.

  • identity.username : the name of the Twitch account kihunter will use
  • identity.password : an oauth token belonging to the specified account; you can get a suitable token using the tool at http://twitchapps.com/tmi/
  • channels : one or more channels (comma-separated) whose chat kihunter should monitor. When monitoring multiple channels, the game is run independently in each channel.

[core] section

  • locationcount (default 22) : the number of guessable locations; this should be 22, but who knows what they'll randomize next?

  • maintainers : a list of twitch users who can whisper special commands to the account hosting kihunter. These are typically for diagnostic purposes. In previous versions, there have been whisper commands that would bypsass the checks that limit certain commands to "mods only". Currently there are none, but they could be re-added if it's found that they would provide an ongoing testing benefit. Because kihunter doesn't perform any mod-level actions, this shouldn't pose any major security risk, but it would allow someone to disrupt the key game; so except when someone is actively testing kihunter with this capability, this list should usually be empty.

[scoring] section

You can adjust how the game is scored.

  • multiguess (default true) : Determines if multiple guesses will be accepted for each location, with points awarded based on who guessed the correct location 1st, 2nd, etc.; or whether there will be a single definitive winner. By default all valid guesses are accepted, and points are awarded based on the order of correct guesses (see points option, below). If multiguess is set to false, kihunter will reject all but the first guess for each location, and will declare an undisputed winner at the end of the game (assuming anyone guesses correctly); but once all locations are claimed, guessing is automatically closed.

  • match (default 'exact') : By default, only players who guess the exact location can win. If you set match to closest, then the closest guess(es) win instead. e.g. if the key is found at 3, but nobody guessed 3, then 2 and 4 are considered as winning guesses; and if nobody guessed 2, 3, or 4, then 1 and 5 are considered; then 6; then 7; etc. When multiguess is true, points are still awarded in order of guess - so if 2 and 4 were guessed, whichever was guessed first gets 1st-place points, etc. When multiguess is false, the first "equally correct" guess wins.

  • points (default 7, 3, 1) : In multiguess mode, this determines the points awarded for each correct guess. The first correct guess is awarded points equal to the first value, and so on. If there are more correct guesses than specified values, the remaining guessers get "honorable mention". At this time the points do nothing and are not tracked.

[chat] section

You can control kihunter's behavior in the channels' chat.

  • commandprefix (default: !) : a single-character prefix for commands recognized by kihunter. Chat messages will be considered as possible commands only if their first character is the command prefix.

kihunter limits its outbound traffic to avoid problems with anti-spamming measures. You can influence those limits:

  • expectmod (default false) : This indicates whetehr kihunter is running on an account with mod privileges on the channel(s) it monitors. While kihunter does not use moderator abilities, when run as mod it can safely send more messages. If you want to enable more frequent messages from kihunter during high-volume periods of open guessing, you can set this to true; but if the bot isn't actually running under a mod account, it will likely end up getting disconnected by tmi, potentially limiting access to chat from the computer where kihunter is running.

You can specify if/how keyguess commands should be acknowledged. During the period of open guessing, kihunter may receive a high volume of commands (depending on number of viewers in chat), and these may arrive rapidly.

As noted above, kihunter limits the rate at which it sends messages. While you can relax the limit some when running the bot as a mod, excessive traffic can still negatively affect the chat's experience.

  • feedback.mode.success (default 1) : how to respond to accepted guesses
    • 0 : do not provide feedback. This is the safest option for channels that anticipate high guess volumes
    • 1 : provide batched feedback ; i.e. send periodic updates telling the chat who has successfully recorded a guess. Updates will be sent throughout the period while guessing is open.
    • 2 : send immediate feedback for each guess, addressed to the user who placed the guess. This runs the highest risk of triggering anti-spam measures.
  • feedback.mode.failure (default 2) : how to respond to rejected guesses. It is likely that the volume of invalid guesses will be relatively low, especially in multiguess mode, so this can be configured separately. Note that there is no "batch" option for failure messages, as this would not be useful. Also note that regardless of this setting, feailure messages may be dropped during periods of high traffic.
    • 0 : do not provide feedback. When multiguess is false, or if volume of invalid guesses is too high for whatever reason, this is the "safest" setting.
    • 2 : send immediate feedback to each failed request.

For feedbackMode 1, you can control how batch messages are sent. The interval.x parametrs establish a range of possible intervals, and the exact timing depends on the volume of guesses. (This balances messages frequency against message length.)

  • feedback.batch.interval.min (default 5) : under no circumstances will the bot send batch messages more frequently than every min seconds

  • feedback.batch.interval.max (default 30) : a batch message will be sent every max seconds during open guessing, even if no new guesses have been received

  • feedback.batch.length (default 450) : The longest you want a single batched message to be. As the number of guesses to be reported in the next batch increases, the message length will increase. The closer to max length the message gets, the closer to the min interval (instead of the max interval) the next batch will be sent. If the message length would exceed the maximum length, then some guesses will be held back for the next batch. The minimum value for this parameter is 100; if you try to set a lower value then 100 will be used instead. Messages above a certain length (current testing suggests ~480) may not be rendered accurately in chat; if long batch messages become garbled, try lowering feedback.batch.length.


Once you've completed the above steps, you're ready to launch kihunter. If you used npm to install the package globally, then at a command prompt you can just type

kihunter [<config-file>]

where <property-file>, if provided, is the path to a file containing the configuration values.

Alternately, you can launch it explicitly

node <path/to/kihunter.js> [<config-file>]

kihunter will then log in using the supplied twitch identity, and will listen for chat commands from the channels listed in opts.channels as well as whispers from users named in maintainers.

Chat Commands

A channel's mods (and/or broadcaster) can use the following commands in chat (remember to prepend the configured commandPrefix):

  • keyreset : start a new key location guessing game in the channel. If a game was in progress on the channel, it will be aborted - i.e. guessing will be closed and all prior guesses will be discarded. This could be used at the beginning of a seed, for example, to make sure kihunter is in the proper starting state, but it usually isn't needed.

  • keyopen : begin accepting guesses for the channel's current game. When kihunter first launches (or after a reset), guesses are not immediately accepted. Tyipcally a mod would issue the keyopen cmmmand when the runner collects the final crystal for the seed.

    This comamnd does nothing when guessing is already open. If multiguess mode is false and all locations have been guessed, then guessing is auto-closed and cannot be reopened for the channel's current game.

  • keyclose : suspend accepting guesses on the channel, but without aborting the current game. For example, if Sakura Tsubasa softlocks the game while trying to enter Ganon's Tower and loses all progress back to the 2nd crystal, her mods might suspend guesses while she recovers the lost progress and then re-open guessing (with keyopen) once she regains the last crystal.

  • keyfound <#> (where <#> is an integer between 1 and locationCount, inclusive) : End the game and declare the winner(s)! Anyone who guessed the specified location will be recognized. This will automatically close guessing and reset to prepare for the next game.

Anyone in chat can issue the following commands:

  • keyguess <#> (where <#> is an integer between 1 and locationCount, inclusive) : Guess that the key will be found in location <#>. kihunter will only take one guess per user per game, and may reject duplicate guesses (if multiguess is false). Guesses will only be accepted when guessing is open (see keyopen and keyclose).

  • keylist : Show which locations, if any, nobody has guessed; this command has a built-in 5 second cooldown

Whisper Commands

If any users are listed in maintainers, they can whisper the following commands to the account kihunter is logged into. These are generally for diagnostic purposes.

  • logstate : On the local console log, record informatino about the current guessing game state in each channel kihunter is monitoring.

  • sudo <channel> <suname> <command> [<params> ...] : Execute the specified <command>(with the specified <params>, if any) in the specified <channel>; beahve as though the command had been sent in chat by a non-mod user named <suname>. This may be useful to set up test scenarios with specific combinations of guesses, for example.

  • spamguess <channel> <count> : Behave as though <channel>'s chat sent <count> keyguess commands (each from a different user) in rapid succession. This is for stress-testing (e.g. to make sure the feedback settings will work well on your channel).


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