
2.0.5 • Public • Published

APIGEE - Backup Tool

Supports both Apigee x and Apigee hybrid , does not support Apigee Edge

The tool can backup Apigee Api Proxies, Shared flows, Api Products etc

NOTE: The Script is tested and works fine on Linux(ubuntu) and nodejs version >16


  1. Download gcloud

  2. Install nodejs

  3. Clone the repository

  4. Create a directory where you want to backup all apigee objects

Getting Started

This tool is published to npm registry. Can be installed as a global npm package and used as a cli tool - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@niveus/apigee-backup-tool

  1. run npm install -g @niveus/apigee-backup-tool to install the script as a global npm package

  2. Now you can run the script as a cli tool from anywhere from your ubuntu machine

  3. run apigee-backup-tool login to authenticate with google cloud

  4. run apigee-backup-tool config set --orgName name-of-organization --backupFolderPath /path/to/backup/folder/ to configure the apigee organization name and backup folder path

  5. run apigee-backup-tool --help to get help on all the available commands

Usage: apigee-backup-tool [options] [command]

CLI tool to backup  apigee resources like api proxies, shared flows, Api
products etc

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -h, --help                 display help for command

  config [options] <action>  configure organization name and backupFolderPath
  backup [options] <type>    Backup a specific apigee resource
  login                      Login to google cloud - Runs 'gcloud
                             application-default login' command
      Back up following Apigee resources
          1. Api Proxy
          2. Shared Flow
          3. Api Products
          4. Developers
          5. Developer Apps
          6. Custom Reports
          7. Flow Hooks
          8. Target Servers

  api-proxy [options]        Backup all revisions of all Api Proxies
  shared-flow [options]      Backup all revisions of all Shared Flows
  api-product [options]      Backup all Api Products
  developer [options]        Backup all App Developers
  developer-app [options]    Backup all developer Apps
  flow-hook [options]        Backup all Flow Hooks
  custom-report [options]    Backup all Custom Reports
  target-server [options]    Backup all Target Server
  help [command]             display help for command

  1. run following commands as required

    • run apigee-backup-tool all or apigee-backup-tool backup all to backup all apigee resources

    • run below commands to backup Api Proxies

        // To backup all revisions of all api proxies
        apigee-backup-tool api-proxy --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup api-proxy --all
        // To backup specific revision of a specific api proxy
        apigee-backup-tool api-proxy --name name-of-proxy --revision proxy-revision
        apigee-backup-tool backup api-proxy --name name-of-proxy --revision proxy-revision
    • run below commands to backup shared flows

        // To backup all revisions of all shared flows
        apigee-backup-tool shared-flow --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup shared-flow --all
        // To backup specific revision of a specific shared flow
        apigee-backup-tool shared-flow --name name-of-shared-flow --revision shared-flow-revision
        apigee-backup-tool backup shared-flow --name name-of-shared-flow --revision shared-flow-revision
    • run below commands to backup Api Products

        // To backup all Api Products
        apigee-backup-tool api-product --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup api-product --all
        // To backup a specific api product
        apigee-backup-tool api-product --name name-of-api-product
        apigee-backup-tool backup api-product --name name-of-api-product
    • run below commands to backup Developers

        // To backup all Developers
        apigee-backup-tool developer --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup developer --all
        // To backup a specific Developer
        apigee-backup-tool developer --name developer-email
        apigee-backup-tool backup developer --name developer-email
    • run below commands to backup Developer Apps

        // To backup all Developer Apps
        apigee-backup-tool developer-app --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup developer-app --all
        // To backup a specific Developer app
        apigee-backup-tool developer-app --dev developer-email --name app-name
        apigee-backup-tool backup developer-app --dev developer-email --name app-name
    • run below commands to backup Custom reports

        // To backup all Custom reports
        apigee-backup-tool custom-report --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup custom-report --all
        // To backup a specific custom report
        apigee-backup-tool custom-report  --name custom-report-name
        apigee-backup-tool backup custom-report  --name custom-report-name
        custom-report-name - is actually an id Ex: 3aed7d5c-330d-4e30-acf1-d19a25be64ba
    • run below commands to backup flow hooks

        // To backup all flow hooks for all environments
        apigee-backup-tool flow-hook --all
        apigee-backup-tool backup flow-hook --all
        //To backup all flow hooks for specific environment
        apigee-backup-tool flow-hook --envName name-of-environment
        apigee-backup-tool backup flow-hook --envName name-of-environment
    • run below commands to backup Target servers

      // To backup all Target servers for all environment
          apigee-backup-tool target-server --all
          apigee-backup-tool backup target-server --all
      //To backup all Target servers for specific environment
        apigee-backup-tool target-server --envName name-of-environment
        apigee-backup-tool backup target-server --envName name-of-environment
  2. Run step 4 and step 5 everytime you want to switch between gcp accounts and apigee organization


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  • niveus-solutions
  • mohsinniveus
  • natesh.mogera