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2.0.0 • Public • Published

Dexie Addon Suite

NPM Version NPM Version master lerna Conventional Commits

Dexie Addon Suite combines the Dexie-addons from:

Adds new functionality:

  • populated rxjs observables.

Install over npm

npm install @pvermeer/dexie-addon-suite rxjs

Peer dependencies

rxjs: https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/

RxJs is not bundled so you can use your own implementation.


Dexie Addon Suite depends on Dexie.js v3. NPM Version

npm install dexie


Extend your database the Dexie way!

Addon is written to be as easy to use as Dexie.js itself.

How to use

Added Schema Syntax

Symbol Description
$ Encrypt this value (does not create an index)
# Only as first key: hash the original document and create an index
=> Relational notation: group => groups.id (group is indexed)


Add addonSuite(db: Dexie) to your Dexie database. See below examples and https://dexie.org for more info.

For individual documentation check the individual repositories / packages (links are above).

By default these addons will be loaded:

  • dexie-immutable-addon;
  • dexie-populate-addon;
  • dexie-rxjs-addon;
  • dexie-class-addon.

see individual package readme for more info


interface EncryptedOptions {
  secretKey: string;
  immutable?: boolean;

interface Config {
  encrypted?: EncryptedOptions;
  immutable?: boolean;
  class?: boolean;

function addonSuite(db: Dexie, config?: Config | EncryptedOptions);

// It is also possibe to provide the config using:
new Dexie("FriendDatabase", {
  addons: [addonSuite.setConfig({ immutable: false, class: false })],
  • Provide secretKey to enable encryption. (see below and dexie-encrypted-addon on how to use)
  • Provide immutable: false to disable immutability. (not recommended in combination with encryption)
  • Provide class: false to disable class mapping. (class constructor and serializer will not be called anymore)

Rxjs and Populate are mandatory, could not (yet) figure out conditional typings for these.


Populated RxJs observables:

To get a populated RxJs observable that emit on changes use:




These methods are interchangeable and also detect changes in the populated records and emit accordingly. See dexie-populate-addon and dexie-rxjs-addon for all query options.

Array methods

And more... see rxjs / populate addon and https://dexie.org

RxJs usage:
const friends$ = db.friends
  .anyOf([1, 2])
  .pipe(map((x) => x));

const sub = friends$.subscribe((friends) => {
  friends.forEach((friend) => console.log(friend));

// Don't forget to unsubscribe when done! (many ways to handle this, see RxJs documentation and guides / blogs)

Getting and setting a raw document

To get or set raw document, unaltered by hooks, a transaction can be used while setting raw to true on the transaction object:

await db.transaction("readonly", db.friends, async (transaction) => {
  transaction.raw = true;
  const friendRaw = (await db.friends.get(id)) as RawFriend;

All read actions in the transaction will return a raw document as saved in the db. All set actions will save the document as is. So no Class mapping or decryption / encryption will be performed on the document.

Create Dexie database

import Dexie from "dexie";
import {
} from "@pvermeer/dexie-addon-suite";

// Declare classes
class Style {
  styleId?: number;
  name: string;
  color: string;
  description: string;
class Theme {
  id?: number;
  name: string;
  style: Ref<Style, number>;
  description: string;
class Club {
  id?: number;
  name: string;
  size: number;
  theme: Ref<Theme, number>;
  description: string;
class Group {
  id?: number;
  name: string;
  true: boolean;
  description: string;
class Friend implements OnSerialize {
  id?: number;
  name: string;
  memberOf: Ref<Club, number>[];
  group: Ref<Group, number>;

  doSomething() {
    return "done";

        For dexie-class-addon (will call constructor/serialize on read/write).
        Implement OnSerialize to enable type checking for this method.
        See dexie-class-addon documentation for more info
  serialize() {
    return {
      id: () => this.id,
      name: () => this.name,
      memberOf: () =>
        this.memberOf.map((club) => (club instanceof Club ? club.id : club)),
      group: () => (this.group instanceof Group ? this.group.id : group),

  deserialize(input: OmitMethods<Friend>) {
    Object.entries(input).forEach(([prop, value]) => (this[prop] = value));
    this.date = new Date(input.date);

  constructor(input: OmitMethods<Friend>) {

// Declare Database
class FriendsDatabase extends Dexie {
  public friends: Dexie.Table<Friend, number>;
  public clubs: Dexie.Table<Club, number>;
  public themes: Dexie.Table<Theme, number>;
  public groups: Dexie.Table<Group, number>;
  public styles: Dexie.Table<Style, number>;

  constructor(name: string, secretKey: string) {

    addonSuite(this, { secretKey });

        "#id, $name, *memberOf => clubs.id, group => groups.id, [id+group]",
      clubs: "++id, $name, theme => themes.id",
      themes: "++id, $name, style => styles.styleId",
      styles: "++styleId, $name, color",
      groups: "++id, $name",


// Generate a random key (only on first use the database)
const newSecret = Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey();
// Save this key somewhere secure and trusted to be used on reopening the database

const secretKey = "[key fetched from a secure location]";
const db = new FriendDatabase("FriendsDatabase", secretKey);

// Open the database
db.open().then(() => {
  console.log("DB loaded! :D");
  // Use Dexie
import Dexie from "dexie";
import { addonSuite, Encryption } from "@pvermeer/dexie-addon-suite";

// Generate a random key (only on first use the database)
const newSecret = Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey();
// Save this key somewhere secure and trusted to be used on reopening the database

const secretKey = "[key fetched from a secure location]";

// Declare Database
const db = new Dexie("FriendDatabase", {
  addons: [addonSuite.setConfig({ secretKey })],
  friends: "#id, $name, *memberOf => clubs.id, group => groups.id, [id+group]",
  clubs: "++id, $name, theme => themes.id",
  themes: "++id, $name, style => styles.styleId",
  styles: "++styleId, $name, color",
  groups: "++id, $name",

// Open the database
db.open().then(() => {
  console.log("DB loaded! :D");
  // Use Dexie
HTML import

Bundled & minified package: https://unpkg.com/@pvermeer/dexie-addon-suite@latest/dist/dexie-addon-suite.min.js.

Addon is exported as namespace DexieAddonSuite

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Include Dexie (@next if v3 is still in RC) -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/dexie@latest/dist/dexie.js"></script>

    <!-- Include DexieAddonSuite (always after Dexie, it's a dependency) -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@pvermeer/dexie-addon-suite@latest/dist/dexie-addon-suite.min.js"></script>

      // Generate a random key (only on first use the database)
      const newSecret = DexieAddonSuite.Encryption.createRandomEncryptionKey();
      // Save this key somewhere secure and trusted to be used on reopening the database

      const secretKey = "[key fetched from a secure location]";

      // Define your database
      const db = new Dexie("FriendDatabase", {
        addons: [DexieAddonSuite.addonSuite.setConfig({ secretKey })],
          "#id, $name, *memberOf => clubs.id, group => groups.id, [id+group]",
        clubs: "++id, $name, theme => themes.id",
        themes: "++id, $name, style => styles.styleId",
        styles: "++styleId, $name, color",
        groups: "++id, $name",

      // Open the database
      db.open().then(() => {
        console.log("DB loaded! :D");
        // Do Dexie stuff


The package main exports:

function addonSuite(db: Dexie, config?: Config | EncryptedOptions): void;
namespace addonSuite {
	const setConfig: (config?: EncryptedOptions | Config) => (db: Dexie) => string;

 * Ref nominal type.
 * TS does not support nominal types. Fake implementation so the type system can match.
export type Ref<O extends object, K extends IndexTypes, _N = "Ref"> = NominalRef<O> | K | null;

 * Overwrite the return type to the type as given in the Ref type after refs are populated.
 * T = object type;
 * B = boolean if shallow populate;
 * O = union type of object keys to populate or the string type to populate all.
export type Populated<T, B extends boolean = false, O extends string = string>;

 * Class with cryptic methods
export class Encryption { } // See dexie-encrypted-addon

export interface OnSerialize { } // Add to database classes that use serialization. See dexie-class-addon

export as namespace DexieAddonSuite;

Also exports some other classes and types to support further extension. See declaration or source.


Dexie.js is a wrapper library for indexedDB - the standard database in the browser. https://dexie.org


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