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1.3.12 • Public • Published

Locations Map

This library allows developers to create a map with store locations and apply filters, geolocate or search locations.

How to install

Install using npm or yarn

npm install --save @smartimpact-it/locations-map

How to use

HTML structure

Inside your HTML, create a structure similar to this:

  <locations-map-header class="text-center">
    <div class="search-container">
      <form class="search-form" type="GET" action="#" data-location-search>
        <div class="search-wrapper">
          <div class="search-icon">Search</div>

          <input name="search_location" id="searchvalue" type="search" placeholder="Search" />
          <button type="reset" class="button-close">&times;</button>
          <button type="submit" class="button-search">Search</button>

      <button type="button" class="button-geolocate" data-geolocate-trigger>

    <!-- location popup will be added here by JS -->

    <!-- locations will be added here by JS -->

    <!-- The map will be added here by JS -->

  <template class="template-results-single">
    <div class="results-count">{{ results }} result</div>

  <template class="template-results-multiple">
    <div class="results-count">{{ results }} results</div>

  <!-- this is the default location template -->
  <template class="template-location">
    <div class="location">
      <div class="location-info">
        <h3 class="location-title">{{ name }}</h3>
        <div class="address">
          {{ address1 }} <br />
          {{ postcode }} {{ city }}
        <div class="phone-number">
          <a href="tel:{{ phone }}"> {{ phone }} </a>

  <!-- popup templates -->
  <template class="template-popup-location">
    <div class="location in-popup">
      <div class="location">
        <button class="close-popup" data-close-popup>&times;</button>
        <div class="location-info">
          <h3 class="location-title">{{ name }}</h3>
          <div class="address">
            {{ address1 }} <br />
            {{ postcode }} {{ city }}
          <div class="phone-number">
            <a href="tel:{{ phone }}"> {{ phone }} </a>

Instead of using template tags, you can also use script tags with type="text/locations-map-template. Keep the same classes on those script tags.

These elements will be used as following:

  • locations-map-container (required) - this is the wrapper around all the UI elements
  • locations-map-target (required) - will be used to display the map
  • locations-map-list - will be used to display the list of stores/locations (and optionally with pagination)
  • locations-map-popup - will be used to display outside the map the popups when clicking on a location. For example, if you want to display the popup in a different place on the page, not over the map, you can use this element (there can be multiple such elements) and use preventDefault on the showPopupOnMap.locationsMap event.
  • template.template-results-single or script[type="text/locations-map-template"].template-results-single - this is the template which will be used to display the header on the locations-map-list, containing the number of stores/locations displayed, when there is only one result
  • template.template-results-multiple or script[type="text/locations-map-template"].template-results-multiple - this is the template which will be used to display the header on the locations-map-list, containing the number of stores/locations displayed, when there are more than 1 result
  • template.template-location or script[type="text/locations-map-template"].template-location - this is used for the HTML markup for the items displayed in the location-map-list. Only required if you also have the locations-map-list element.
  • template.template-popup-location or script[type="text/locations-map-template"].template-popup-location - used for the HTML markup for the popups. If you want to add a "close" button, add the data-close-popup attribute to it.
  • form.data-location-search - the form for searching for a location. It should also contain a input[type="search"] element, which is the input used for searching.
  • [data-geolocate-trigger] - buttons which can trigger the geolocation. They can be anywhere in the locations-map-container element, not necessarily in the form.

Only the locations-map-container, locations-map-target and the templates are required. If you don't want to display specific elements, you can remove them.

The placeholders above ({{ postcode }}, {{ name }} etc) will be replaced by the JavaScript library using the data from the stores/locations. These are keys that should also be present on the location objects.

Also, the placeholders {{ distance }} and {{ distance_km }} will be replaced with the distance from the client position (if geolocated, or if a search provider option has been selected).

The locations

For example, your locations array could look like this (the id, longitude and latitude fields are mandatory; also type (string) or filterTypes (string[]) if you want to use filtering):

const locations = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'First location',
    address1: 'Paris',
    postcode: '12345',
    city: 'Nantes',
    longitude: 44.2,
    latitude: 40.2,
    filterTypes: ['location', 'forest'],
    id: 2,
    name: 'Second location',
    address1: 'Paris',
    postcode: '12345',
    city: 'Nantes',
    longitude: 44.2,
    latitude: 40.2,
    filterTypes: ['location'],

The id, longitude and latitude fields are mandatory. If you want to use filtering, also include the type (string) or filterTypes (string[]) fields.

Google Maps with Google Geocoder

You have 2 types of Google maps providers: with and without clusters:

  • GoogleMapsClusteredWrapper
  • GoogleMapsWrapper
import LocationsMap, { GoogleMapsClusteredWrapper, GoogleMapsGeocoderProvider } from '@smartimpact-it/locations-map';

const container = document.querySelector('locations-map-container');
if (container) {
  const mapProvider = new GoogleMapsClusteredWrapper({
    apiSettings: {
      apiKey: 'api-key-here',
    mapSettings: {
      disableDefaultUI: false,
      // styles, // array with the styles to apply on the map...
    clusterSettings: {
      styles: [
          width: 30,
          height: 30,
          className: 'custom-clustericon-1',
      clusterClass: 'custom-clustericon',
    }, // settings for the clusterer

  const searchProvider = new GoogleMapsGeocoderProvider();

  const locationsMapSettings = {
    latitude: 44.1,
    longitude: 10.3,
    zoom: 8,
    displaySearch: true,
    filters: [],

  const locationsMap = new LocationsMap(container, locationsMapSettings);

Leaflet with Nominatim Geocoder

You have 2 types of Leaflet maps: with and without clusters:

  • LeafletMapClusteredWrapper
  • LeafletMapWrapper
import LocationsMap, { LeafletMapClusteredWrapper, NominatimProvider } from '@smartimpact-it/locations-map';

const container = document.querySelector('locations-map-container');
if (container) {
  const mapProvider = new LeafletMapClusteredWrapper();
  const searchProvider = new NominatimProvider();

  const locationsMapSettings = {
    latitude: 44.1,
    longitude: 10.3,
    zoom: 8,
    displaySearch: true,
    filters: [],

  const locationsMap = new LocationsMap(container, locationsMapSettings);

Settings for the Locations Map class

Setting Default value Description
latitude the position on the map which will be displayed when first loaded
longitude the position on the map which will be displayed when first loaded
mapProvider the map provider (an instance of the map providers)
searchProvider the search provider (if search is to be used)
paginationProvider the pagination provider (if pagination is to be used)
autocompleteProvider the autocomplete provider (if pagination is to be used)
zoom 8 initial zoom value
focusedZoom 17 the zoom value when a location is focused
geolocateOnStart true Try to geolocate the current user when the map is displayed
scrollToGeolocation false Scroll to the geolocated position when we apply geolocation
focusOnHover false Scroll to the hovered store on the map when hovering on the store in the list
openOnListClick false Scroll to the store on the map and open the popup when clicking on the store in the list
filters [] The initial set of active filters
icon the icon to use, or a callback

The settings can also be added directly on the locations-map-container element, inside a data-settings attribute (you should put a valid JSON here). The order of "precedence" for the settings are: 1) the default settings; 2) the settings added as data-settings; 3) the settings set directly when creating the LocationsMap object.

The icon parameter can accept a callback to dynamically set the icon (for example, if you have different types or different icons if stores are selected).

import iconMulti from '../img/icon-store-multi.svg';
import iconMultiSelected from '../img/icon-store-multi-selected.svg';
import iconForest from '../img/icon-forest.svg';
import iconForestSelected from '../img/icon-forest-selected.svg';

new LocationMap(element, {
  // ...
  icon: (store, selected = false) => {
    switch (store.type) {
      case 'forest':
        return {
          url: selected ? iconForestSelected : iconForest,
          anchor: { x: 10, y: 30 },
        return {
          url: selected ? iconMultiSelected : iconMulti,
          anchor: { x: 10, y: 30 },

The default settings are the following:

const defaultSettings = {
  latitude: 0,
  longitude: 0,
  zoom: 6,
  focusedZoom: 17,
  focusedAreaZoom: 10,
  locations: [],
  displaySearch: false,
  mapProvider: null,
  searchProvider: null,
  paginationProvider: null,
  autocompleteProvider: null,
  filters: [],
  autocomplete: true,
  icon: null,
  clusterSettings: {},
  geolocateOnStart: true,
  scrollToGeolocation: false,
  focusOnClick: true,
  focusOnHover: false,
  focusOnHoverTimeout: 1000,
  openOnListClick: false,
  templateDelimiters: ['{{', '}}'],


You can setup pagination for the results list by using the paginationProvider argument on the LocationsMap instance.

The library contains a default Pagination class, which uses list.js, but you can create your own pagination provider by implementing the PaginationProvider typescript interface.

import { Pagination } from '@smartimpact-it/locations-map';

// These are the default settings for the list.js instance
const settings = {
  page: 5,
  pagination: {
    paginationClass: 'pagination',
    item: "<li><a class='page'></a></li>",
    outerWindow: 1,

const paginationProvider = new Pagination(settings);

new LocationsMap({
  paginationProvider: new Pagination(),


You can setup autocomplete for the search input field by using the autocompleteProvider argument on the LocationsMap instance.

The library contains a default Autocomplete class, using @tarekraafat/autocomplete.js, but you can create your own autocomplete provider by implementing the AutocompleteProvider typescript interface.

new LocationsMap({
  autocompleteProvider: new Autocomplete(),


You can implement your own logic for creating filters on the page (for example, radio buttons or checkboxes). You can then filter the stores that are displayed, based on the their type property, using the setFilters method on the LocationsMap instance:

// display only the stores with the type 'big' or 'small'
locationsMap.setFilters(['big', 'small']);


You can use the following methods on the LocationsMap instance:

  • setFilters(newFilters) - set the current filters for the stores to be displayed
  • updateLocations(callback) - to update the existing of locations (for example, if you want to modify something in their info). This receives a callback as a parameter, and the callback will receive the existing locations and should return an updated list of locations.
  • setLocations(newLocations) - to replace the set of locations (for example, if you want to load them by AJAX)
  • closePopups() - close the active popup
  • focusOnLocation(location) - scroll the map to a specific location
  • setMapPosition(position) - set a new position for the map
  • geolocate() - try to geolocate the current user
  • getSearchResults(searchValue) (promise) - get the results for a specific search string
  • doSearch() (promise) - search for the search string in the search form
  • setZoom(value) - set the zoom level


There are multiple events dispatched by the location map:

  • initializing.locationsMap before initialization. It allows you to change the settings.
  • initialized.locationsMap after the map has been initialized
  • parseLocations.locationsMap triggered after parsing the locations
  • appliedFilters.locationsMap after filters are updated
  • updatedLocations.locationsMap before the locations list is updated, for example after geolocation
  • updatedLocationListContent.locationsMap after the location list has been updated
  • search.locationsMap (cancelable) - when the search form is submitted, before starting the search
  • updatingFromSearch.locationsMap (cancelable) - when search is starting
  • updatedFromSearch.locationsMap after search has been done
  • geolocated.locationsMap (cancelable) - after geolocation has been successful.
  • showPopup.locationsMap (cancelable) - when a location is clicked and a popup should be displayed
  • showPopupOnMap.locationsMap (cancelable) - when a location is clicked and a popup should be displayed on the map
  • showPopupOutsideMap.locationsMap (cancelable) - when a location is clicked and a popup should be displayed outside the map
  • listClick.locationsMap (cancelable) - when a location is clicked in the list, and the map should scroll to it and close existing popups
  • listHover.locationsMap (cancelable) - when a location is hovered in the list, and the map should scroll to it
  • updatedMapPosition.locationsMap when the map position has been changed

More info

The stores/locations lists and its pagination is created using list.js. The autocomplete functionality is based on @tarekraafat/autocomplete.js.

For more info, see the TypeScript definitions and the existing code.

Peer dependencies

Starting with version 1.3, the optional packages have been moved to peerDependencies. This means you will need to install them in your project if you need them.

  • @googlemaps/js-api-loader
  • @googlemaps/markerclustererplus
  • @tarekraafat/autocomplete.js
  • jquery
  • leaflet
  • leaflet.markercluster
  • list.js

Dependents (0)

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  • bogdanbeniaminb
  • smartimpact