
1.2.1 • Public • Published


The spotsize Javascript SDK enables the integration of the spotsize service into a browser based flow.



Import via script tag

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@spotsize/js-sdk/dist/spotsize.min.js"></script>

Using HTML data attributes

You can use special HTML data attributes to integrate spotsize without the need of writing Javascript code.


Attribute Description
data-spotsize-organization-id Your organizationId
data-spotsize-product-id The productId of the shoe for which a size recommendation is to be generated.
data-spotsize-product-name (optional) The product name to be shown in the native app result screen.
data-spotsize-use-mock-data (optional) Directly receive mock data and bypass the actual scan flow.
data-spotsize-button HTML element that triggers the spotsize service.
data-spotsize-qr-container HTML element where the generated QR code shall be added to.
Hidden by default. Use data-spotsize-qr-container="visible" to not hide it.
data-spotsize-result-container HTML element that shows the recommendation result.
Hidden by default. Use data-spotsize-result-container="visible" to not hide it.
data-spotsize-no-result-container HTML element that is shown in case of no recommendation could be created.
data-spotsize-error-container (optional) HTML element that is shown in case of an error


The following placeholder can be used to display the returned recommendation result.
The placeholders will be replaced with the according values, when the result element is shown.

Placeholder Description
{length} Length in millimeters
{width} Width in millimeters
{size} Default size, renders e.g. "42"
{size_label} Default size label, renders e.g. "42 EU"
{size_[category]} Size for the according catergory, e.g. {size_uk} {size_us} ...
{size_label_[category]} Size label for the according catergory, e.g. {size_label_uk} {size_label_us} ...

The data attributes could be added to any tag.

Setup organizationId, productId, the QR code container and the spotsize button, that starts the scan flow.

<div data-spotsize-organization-id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID" data-spotsize-product-id="YOUR_PRODUCT_ID"></div>

<div data-spotsize-qr-container></div> <!-- Will be hidden by default -->

<div data-spotsize-button>Spot Your Size</div>

Define result elements

<!-- Will be hidden by default -->
<div data-spotsize-result-container>
    <div>Length: {length} Width: {width}</div>
    <div>Your recommended size is {size_label}</div>

<!-- Will be hidden by default -->
<div data-spotsize-no-result-container>
    Sorry, but we couldn't find a size.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
  <title>SDK Test</title>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@spotsize/js-sdk/dist/spotsize.min.js"></script>
<h1>spotsize JS-SDK</h1>

<div data-spotsize-organization-id="YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID" data-spotsize-product-id="YOUR_PRODUCT_ID"></div>

<button data-spotsize-button>Spot Your Size</button>

<div data-spotsize-qr-container></div>

<div data-spotsize-result-container>
  <h3>Your recommended size</h3>
  <p>{length} {width}</p>

<div data-spotsize-no-result-container>Sorry, but we couldn't find a size.</div>
<div data-spotsize-error-container>{error}</div>


Using the Javascript API

The JS SDK lets you control

Single product

To request a size for a single product, just pass your according productId:


spotsize.events.onQRShown = function () {
    console.log('QR code shown');

spotsize.start('YOUR_PRODUCT_ID', qrCodeContainer)
    .then((result) => {
        if (result.status == 'SUCCESS') {
            //Get default size
            const sizeInfo = result.getSize();
            const value = sizeInfo.value; // e.g. "42"
            const category = sizeInfo.category; // e.g. "EU"
            const label = sizeInfo.label; // e.g. "EU 42"
        } else {
            //No matching size/product found                    
    .catch((error) => {
        //An error occured
        console.log('error', error);

Multiple products

Pass a list of productIds to request sizes for multiple products in one call:


spotsize.start(['YOUR_PRODUCT_ID1', 'YOUR_PRODUCT_ID2'], qrCodeContainer)
    .then((result) => {
        if (result.status == 'SUCCESS') {
            const product = result.getProduct('YOUR_PRODUCT_ID2');

            const sizeInfo = product.getSize();
            const value = sizeInfo.value; // e.g. "42"
            const category = sizeInfo.category; // e.g. "EU"
            const label = sizeInfo.label; // e.g. "EU 42"
        } else {
            //No matching sizes/products found                    
    .catch((error) => {
        //An error occured
        console.log('error', error);

You can also pass the following options:

const options = {
    productName: 'The product name',
    payload: {},
    useMockData: true

spotsize.start('YOUR_PRODUCT_ID', qrCodeContainer, options)

productName (String) The product name to be shown in the native app result screen.

useMockData (Boolean) Set to 'true' to directly receive mock data and bypass the actual scan flow

payload (Object) Custom payload that is returned along with the recommendation.


To use with a bundler (only Javascript API)


npm i @spotsize/js-sdk -S

import {init, start, events} from '@spotsize/js-sdk';


events.onQRShown = () => {
    console.log('QR code shown');

try {
    const result = await start('YOUR_PRODUCT_ID', qrCodeContainer);
    if (result.status == 'SUCCESS') {
        //Get default size
        const sizeInfo = result.getSize();

        const value = sizeInfo.value; // e.g. "42"
        const category = sizeInfo.category; // e.g. "EU"
        const label = sizeInfo.label; // e.g. "EU 42"
    } else {
        //No matching size/product found                    
} catch (error) {
    console.log('Error', error);

Result Object

The result object has the following properties and methods

spotsize.start('YOUR_PRODUCT_ID', qrCodeContainer)
    .then((result) => {

status (String) The status of the recommendation request

  • SUCCESS: Matching Product/size found
  • NO_PRODUCT_FOUND: No matching product found

length (Number) Length of the scanned foot

width (Number) Width of the scanned foot

getSize(category) (Object) The default size info {value:, category:}

const sizeInfo = result.getSize();

returns default category, e.g.

    value: "42",
    "EU 42"

const sizeInfo = result.getSize('uk');

returns requested category if available, e.g.

    value: "41",

(Only relevant if multiple products are queried):

getProduct(productId) (Object) Returns the according product

const product = result.getProduct('YOUR_PRODUCT_ID');
const sizeInfo = product.getSize();

products (Array) A list of all matched products


The following events are supported:







import {events} from '@spotsize/js-sdk';

events.onError = (error) => {
    console.log('Error', error);



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npm i @spotsize/js-sdk

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  • bma
  • spotsize-dev