TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.6.0-rc0 • Public • Published


TypeScript friendly minimalistic Object Relation Mapping library

Key features:

  • strong object mapping with @ts-awesome/model-reader
  • no relation navigation - intentional
  • heavy use of type checks and lambdas
  • support common subset of SQL

Model declaration

Each model metadata is defined with dbTable and dbField decorators

import {dbField, dbField} from "@ts-awesome/orm";
import {DB_JSON} from "@ts-awesome/orm-pg"; // or other driver

class FirstModel {
  // numeric autoincrement primary key
  @dbField({primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true})
  public id!: number;

  // just another field
  public title!: string;

  // lets map prop to different field
  @dbField({name: 'author_id'})
  public authorId!: number;

  // nullable field requires explicit model and nullable
  // these are direct match to @ts-awesome/model-reader
    model: String,
    nullable: true,
  public description!: string | null;

  // advanced use case
    kind: DB_JSON, // data will be stored as JSON
    model: SubDocumentModel, // and will be converted to instance of SubDocumentModel
    nullable: true,
  public document!: SubDocumentModel | null

  // readonly field with database default
  @dbField({name: 'created_at', readonly: true})
  public createdAt!: Date;

Vanilla select

import {IBuildableQuery, IQueryExecutor, Select} from "@ts-awesome/orm";
import {ISqlQuery, PgCompiler} from "@ts-awesome/orm-pg"; // or other driver

const compiler = new PgCompiler();
const driver: IQueryExecutor<ISqlQuery>;

const query: IBuildableQuery = Select(FirstModel).where({authorId: 5}).limit(10);
const compiled: ISqlQuery = compiler.compile(query);
const results: FirstModel[] = await driver.execute(compiled, FirstModel);

For more streamlined use please check @ts-awesome/entity

Select builder

ORM provides a way to use model declaration to your advantage: TypeScript will check is fields exists. And TypeScript will check operands for compatible types.

const query = Select(FirstModel)
  // authorId = 5;
  .where({authorId: '5'}) // gives error, it can be number only

For more complex logic ORM provides WhereBuilder

const query = Select(FirstModel)
  // authorId = 5;
  .where(({authorId}) => authorId.eq(5))
const query = Select(FirstModel)
  // authorId in (5, 6)
  .where(({authorId, description}) => authorId.in([5, 6])) 
const query = Select(FirstModel)
  // authorId = 5 AND description LIKE 'some%';
  .where(({authorId, description}) => and(authorId.eq(5), description.like('some%'))) 

Overview of operators and functions:

  • Generic comparable:
    • left.eq(right) equivalent to left = right or left IS NULL if right === null
    • left.neq(right) equivalent to left <> right or left IS NOT NULL if right === null
    • left.gt(right) equivalent to left > right
    • left.gte(right) equivalent to left >= right
    • left.lt(right) equivalent to left < right
    • left.lte(right) equivalent to left <= right
    • left.between(a, b) equivalent left BETWEEN (a, b)
  • Strings
    • left.like(right) equivalent to left LIKE right
  • Arrays
    • left.in(right) equivalent to left IN right
    • left.has(right) equivalent to right IN left
  • Math
    • left.add(right) equivalent to left + right
    • left.sub(right) equivalent to left - right
    • left.mul(right) equivalent to left * right
    • left.div(right) equivalent to left / right
    • left.mod(right) equivalent to left % right
  • Binary logic
    • left.and(right) equivalent to left & right
    • left.or(right) equivalent to left | right
    • left.xor(right) equivalent to left ^ right
  • Logic
    • and(op1, op2, op3) equivalent to op1 AND op2 AND op3
    • or(op1, op2, op3) equivalent to op1 OR op2 OR op3
    • not(op) equivalent to NOT op
  • Subqueries
    • all(query) equivalent to ALL (compiled query)
    • any(query) equivalent to ANY (compiled query)
    • exists(query) equivalent to EXISTS (compiled query)
  • Aggregation functions
    • avg(expr) equivalent to AVG (expr)
    • max(expr) equivalent to MAX (expr)
    • min(expr) equivalent to MIN (expr)
    • sum(expr) equivalent to SUM (expr)
    • count(expr) equivalent to count (expr)


Sometimes you may need to perform some joins for filtering

import {dbTable, dbField} from "@ts-awesome/orm";

class SecondModel {
  @dbField({primatyKey: true, autoIncrement: true})
  public id!: number;
  public name!: string;

const query = Select(FirstModel)
  // lets join SecondModel by FK
  .join(SecondModel, (root, other) => root.authorId.eq(other.id))
  // lets filter by author name
  .where(() => of(SecondModel, 'name').like('John%'))

In some cases TableRef might be handy, especially of need to join same table multiple times

import {dbTable, dbField} from "@ts-awesome/orm";

class SecondModel {
  @dbField({primatyKey: true, autoIncrement: true})
  public id!: number;
  public name!: string;

class ThirdModel {
  @dbField({primatyKey: true, autoIncrement: true})
  public id!: number;

  public createdBy!: number;
  public ownedBy!: number;

const ownerRef = new TableRef(SecondModel);
const creatorRef = new TableRef(SecondModel);
const query = Select(ThirdModel)
  // lets join SecondModel by FK
  .join(SecondModel, ownerRef, (root, other) => root.ownedBy.eq(other.id))
  // lets join SecondModel by FK
  .join(SecondModel, creatorRef, (root, other) => root.createdBy.eq(other.id))
  // lets filter by owner or creator name
  .where(() => or(
    of(ownerRef, 'name').like('John%'),
    of(creatorRef, 'name').like('John%'),


import {Select, min, count, alias} from '@ts-awesome/orm'

const ts: Date; // some timestamp in past
const query = Select(FirstModel)
  // we need titles to contain `key`
  .where(({title}) => title.like('%key%'))
  // group by authors
  // filter to have first publication not before ts 
  .having(({createdAt}) => min(createdAt).gte(ts))
  // result should have 2 columns: authorId and count
  .columns(({authorId}) => [authorId, alias(count(), 'count')])


import {Select, desc} from '@ts-awesome/orm'

const query = Select(FirstModel)
    // lets join SecondModel by FK
    .join(SecondModel, (root, other) => root.authorId.eq(other.id))
    // lets sort by author and title reverse
    .orderby(({title}) => [of(SecondModel, 'name'), desc(title)])

Other builders

ORM provides Insert, Update, Upset and Delete builders


import {Insert} from '@ts-awesome/orm';

const query = Insert(FirstModel)
    title: 'New book'


import {Update} from '@ts-awesome/orm';

const query = Update(FirstModel)
    title: 'New book'
  .where(({id}) => id.eq(2))


import {Upsert} from '@ts-awesome/orm';

const query = Upsert(FirstModel)
    title: 'New book'
  .where(({id}) => id.eq(2))
  // conflict resolution index is defined in @dbTable decorator


import {Delete} from '@ts-awesome/orm';

const query = Delete(FirstModel)
  .where(({authorId}) => authorId.eq(2))


May be freely distributed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2022 Volodymyr Iatsyshyn and other contributors


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