
5.1.1 • Public • Published

annotate-cli is a set of command line tools that allows you to work with xyAnnotations in various ways, mainly generating annotations from different sources or converting already-created annotations into more reader-friendly formats.


npm install -g @xyfir/annotate-cli
# or
git clone <repo>
cd annotate/cli
npm install -g

# and then
annotate <command> [options/config]

Global Config

annotate-cli has an optional global configuration, which is stored locally and whose values are automatically passed to all commands, which is useful because it can save you from repeatedly passing the same options that are used for almost every command.

  • accessKey: string
    • Your xyAnnotations access key.
  • subscriptionKey: string
    • Your xyAnnotations subscription key.

The config file (and potentially other data) is stored at /home/<user>/.xyfir/annotate in POSIX environments and %APPDATA%\xyfir\annotate on Windows.

See the config command for information on how to interact with the global config.


Before you get started with using annotate-cli, it's important to know how to properly use it. Due to many of its commands being configuration-heavy, you can either pass in arguments directly via --[option] just like you would with any other CLI tool, or through --config <path> that points to a JSON file containing an object with all of your configuration properties.

Additionally, for programmatic use, you can pass in the same JSON object stringified via --jsonconfig <json>, just make sure to wrap it in "..." and then escape the contained double quotes. You can even mix all four methods of passing data to annotate-cli if you wish, and they'll all be merged together, with --[option] overwriting values from --jsonconfig, which in turn overwrites values from --config, which overwrites data from the global config.

You can still pass options for a nested config value. The two syntaxes are identical in terms of the values annotate-cli receives:

annotate example --foo.bar baz
  "foo": {
    "bar": "baz"



annotate config [--key <key> [--value <value>]]

The config command has three different actions based on what options you provide.

  • If you ignore all options, this command will output a table with all of the config keys and a (possibly) shortened version of their values.
  • If you provide only key, the full value for that key will be output to console.
  • If you provide key and value a new value will be set for the key.

Attempting to read or write to a non-existent key will result in an error.

convert dictionary

annotate convert dictionary --id 123
# or
annotate convert dictionary --file /path/to/file

Converts an annotation set into a Kindle dictionary (.mobi) file.

Note: You will need KindleGen installed and its binary available to the command line for this to work.


  • subscriptionKey: string optional
    • xyAnnotations subscription key needed for id.
  • compress: number optional
    • 0 or missing = none
    • 1 = standard DOC compression
    • 2 = Kindle huffdic compression, can take hours for large books / annotation sets.
  • output: string optional
    • An absolute path (including file name) for the output file.
    • If not provided, the output will go to either the current working directory if id, or put in the same directory as file.
    • Should end with .mobi.
  • file: string optional
    • Path to the annotation set's JSON file.
  • id: number optional
    • ID of the annotation set to download.

convert embedded

annotate convert embedded --file /path/to/file.epub --set 1234

Converts an annotation set into embedded annotations directly within a provided ebook file. This should allow you to view most annotations from within most ebook readers, regardless of whether that reader natively supports xyAnnotations.


  • set: number
    • The id of the annotation set to embed in the ebook.
  • file: string
    • Path to an ebook file. A modified copy will be created next to this file.
  • mode: string - optional
    • Determines how the annotations are embedded in the file.
    • reference (default) adds link at the end of match as [xy].
    • wrap puts link around entire match.
  • output: string - optional
    • Absolute or relative (to the CWD) path (including file name) for the output.
    • If ignored, the output will be next to the original file.
    • Should usually end with .epub or .mobi.
  • subscriptionKey: string
    • xyAnnotations subscription key


  • You will need KindleGen installed and its binary available to the command line if you're working with .mobi files.
  • You will need Calibre installed and its binaries available to the command line if you're working with non-.epub files.

generate calibre

annotate generate calibre

This command loads your Calibre library, loops through the books, and creates annotation sets and annotation set items for each book that shouldn't be ignored.

Note: You will need Calibre installed for this to work.


  • bin: string optional
    • The path to Calibre's binaries.
    • Can be left empty if its already globally available.
  • ids: number|string optional
    • Ignore all books other than those with the ids provided. Can be a single id or a list of ids (1,55,100).
  • limit: number optional
    • Stop after the specified number of annotation sets are created. Ignored or skipped books do not count.
  • stopAt: number optional
    • Stop generating after the book with the provided id. You should provide this value if possible to prevent annotate-cli from quitting if it assumes that it has reached the end of the library.
    • Defaults to 99999999, and may quit before.
  • startAt: number optional
    • Skip all books before the book with the provided id. Defaults to 0.
  • library: string optional
    • The path to the Calibre library you wish to generate annotations for.
    • Should contain a metadata.db file and folders for each author.
  • accessKey: string
    • xyAnnotations access key
  • addGeneratedFormat: boolean optional
    • Default: false
    • If true, the generated text file is added to the book as another format.
    • If true, deleteGeneratedFormat is ignored.
  • deleteGeneratedFormat: boolean optional
    • Default: true
    • xyAnnotations generates annotations from a text file. If a book does not have a text format, one is generated from the first format available. If this is true, that generated file is deleted after it is used.

generate libgen

annotate generate libgen

This command can most likely be ignored. It is used by the AutoAnnotator bot account on xyAnnotations.

This command requires a local copy of the Library Genesis database (libgen_YYYY-MM-DD.rar) taken from LibGen's database dumps). Only the updated_edited table is used. It pulls the needed metadata for books from the LibGen database, downloads a temporary copy of the ebook (directly from LibGen's actual server), generates annotations with that book, and then deletes the book.


  • calibreBinPath: string optional
    • The path to Calibre's binaries.
    • Can be left empty if its already globally available.
  • database.name: string
    • Default: "libgen"
    • The name of the local LibGen database.
  • database.host: string
    • Default "localhost"
    • The host for the local LibGen database.
  • database.user: string
    • Default "root"
    • Username for the local LibGen database.
  • database.pass: string
    • Password for the local LibGen database.
  • accessKey: string
    • xyAnnotations access key
  • lastId: number optional
    • Default 0
    • The id of the last book in the LibGen database that was handled in the generate libgen command.
    • Will be updated on its own should be left alone unless you want the command to start at a specific location.
  • limit: number optional
    • Stop after the specified number of books are pulled from the database. Unlike the generate calibre command, books that were skipped are counted towards the limit.


  • Calibre still needs to be installed because Calibre's ebook-convert is used.
  • This command will not interfere with or use your Calibre library.

generate mediawiki

annotate generate mediawiki

Creates, updates, and deletes items in the specified annotation set using the pages in a MediaWiki dump file.

For Wikia, dumps can be found at http://community.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Statistics where community is replaced with the name of the Wikia site you wish to download data from.

If the wiki does not have public dumps available for download, you can use the wikiteam tools.


  // The id of the annotation set
  // Your account should be the creator or have moderator access
  "set": 123,
  // The base url to the MediaWiki site that the dump matches
  // No trailing slash!
  "url": "http://tolkiengateway.net",
  // The url for the MediaWiki API endpoint
  // Not used for Wikia wikis
  "api": "http://tolkiengateway.net/w/api.php",
  // A path to the XML dump file for the wiki
  // Should *not* be the full dump that contains revisions
  // This can be an absolute path, or relative to the CWD of the terminal
  "dump": "/path/to/dump.xml",
  // Optional. Only handle pages within the index range
  // Remember, these are zero-based indexes!
  // Good for resuming, specific updates, or splitting large wikis into parts
  // Note that using `range` will prevent items that exist in the set,
  // but don't have a match in the dump from being deleted from the set
  "range": {
    // Leave out to start at beginning
    "start": 123,
    // Up to, but not including
    // Leave out to go to the end
    "end": 1234
  // Ignore pages and their sections
  "ignore": {
    // Regular expressions
    "pages": [
      "Main Page"
    // Regular expressions
    "sections": [
      "See (A|a)lso"
    // Normal strings
    // Not used for Wikia wikis
    "htmlElements": [
  // Optional. Find and replace using regular expressions
  "replace": {
    // Find and replace content within a page's HTML before converting to Markdown
    // Not used for Wikia wikis
    "html": [
      ["<a .+>.+</a>", ""]
    // Find and replace content within a Markdown Document annotation
    "markdown": [
      ["\\[(.+)\\]\\(.+\\)", "$1"]
  // The namespaces to pull pages from
  // Optional. Remove if you want to accept all namespaces
  "namespaces": [
  // Optional. Allows you to add searches to created items
  // This is only needed if the wiki does not have a redirect from the alias to
  // the main page title
  // Regex is *not* supported for the page titles or aliases!
  "aliases": {
    // The item created from the page titled `Gandalf` will now have an
    // extra search for `Mithrandir`
    "Gandalf": [
  // xyAnnotations subscription key
  "subscriptionKey": "...",
  // xyAnnotations access key
  "accessKey": "..."

You must provide all of the config keys unless they are marked optional.

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