This package has been deprecated

Author message:

No longer being maintained. Use xapiwrapper instead


0.2.3 • Public • Published

Attention! This is no longer the active package for the xAPI Wrapper. The new version can be found here.

ADL xAPI Wrapper - Node Build Status

ADL's Experience API wrapper for nodejs. The wrapper simplifies the process of communicating with an xAPI LRS.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install adl-xapiwrapper

Start the node Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL): node or nodejs depending on your installation.
See node's documentation for more information.

var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
var opts = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(opts);
mylrs.getStatements(null, null, function(err, resp, bdy) {
>> 200
>> {statements:[..], more:""}

Documentation and Examples

Module Attributes

xapiversion - the version of the Experience API Spec this conforms to
build - an ISO date representing when this script was built
debugLevel - the minimum logging level to process ['error','warn','info]

// these values will vary based on the version of wrapper you have
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
>> '1.0.1';
>> '2013-11-14T20:14Z'
>> 'warn'

Module Functions

XAPI Request

function xapi_request(options, data, callback)
Encapsulates making requests to an LRS. See the section on this wrapper's instance functions for scripted ways to make common calls to an LRS. This uses the request module. see requests

  • options - options object used by the request module. see options
  • data - the payload for POSTs and PUTs
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
var myopts = {
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
adl.xapi_request(myopts, null, function (error, response, body) {
    adl.log('info', response.statusCode);
    adl.log('info', body);
>> info: 200
>> info: {"statements": <statements>, "more": <more url>}


function hash(string)
Sha1 hash of a string. Used for hashing contents sent to the document endpoints (state, activity profile, agent profile) to use for concurrency checks.

var doc = "This is my activity profile";
var myhash = adl.hash(doc)


function log(level, message)
Writes message to console based on level. Levels are error, warn, info. Level filtering can be changed by setting adl.debugLevel.

var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
>> 'warn'
adl.log('info', 'this is an informational message');
> undefined
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
>> 'info'
adl.log('info', 'this is an informational message');
>> info: this is an informational message


function ruuid()
Generates a UUID that can be used anywhere the Experience API Spec specifies one, such as Statement ID or Registration.

>> '47df99dd-e75f-484d-a85b-78cc988ae7c7'

Date from ISO String

function dateFromISOString(isostring)
Converts and ISO date time string into a JavaScript date object.

var date = adl.dateFromISOString(;
>> Thu Nov 14 2013 15:14:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
>> 'Thu Nov 14 2013'

Instance Functions

Send Statements

function sendStatements(statements, callback)
Sends a single or a list of statements to the LRS. Parameters:

  • statements - the single statement as a JSON object, or list of statements as a JSON array of objects
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
var stmt = {
    "actor" : {"mbox" : ""},
    "verb" : {"id" : "",
              "display" : {"en-US" : "answered"}},
    "object" : {"id" : ""}
mylrs.sendStatements(stmt, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    adl.log('info', resp.statusCode);
    adl.log('info', bdy);
>> info: 200
>> info: [<statement ids>]

Get Statements

function getStatements(searchparams, more, callback)
Sends a single or a list of statements to the LRS.

  • searchparams - JSON object of search parameters. See the xAPI Spec for parameters.
  • more - the url to more results.
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
Get all Statements
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
mylrs.getStatements(null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    adl.log('info', resp.statusCode);
    adl.log('info', bdy);
    adl.log('info', JSON.parse(bdy).statements.length);
>> info: 200
>> info: {"statements":[<statements>], "more":<url to more results>}
>> info: 50 // depends on LRS
Get more Statements
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
mylrs.getStatements(null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    adl.log('info', resp.statusCode);
    adl.log('info', bdy);
    var bdyobj = JSON.parse(bdy)
    if (bdyobj.more) {
        adl.log('info', 'going to get more statements');
        mylrs.getStatements(null, bdyobj.more, function (err, resp, bdy) {
            adl.log('info', resp.statusCode);
            adl.log('info', bdy);
>> info: 200
>> info: {"statements":[<statements>], "more":<url to more results>}
>> info: going to get more statements
>> info: 200
>> info: {"statements":[<statements>], "more":<url to more results>}
Get Statements based on Search Parameters
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
var myopts = {"verb":""};
mylrs.getStatements(myopts, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    adl.log('info', resp.statusCode);
    adl.log('info', bdy);
    adl.log('info', JSON.parse(bdy).statements.length);
>> info: 200
>> info: {"statements":[<statements with verb 'answered'>], "more":<url to more results>}
>> info: 50 // depends on LRS

Get Activities

function getActivities(activityid, callback)
Gets the complete Activity object from the LRS.

  • activityid - the id of the Activity requested
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
mylrs.getActivities("", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    adl.log('info', resp.statusCode);
    adl.log('info', bdy);
>> info: 200
>> info: <complete Activity object>

Send State

function sendState(activityid, agent, stateid, registration, stateval, matchHash, noneMatchHash, callback)
Sends state information about the agents experience of the activity.

  • activityid - the id of the Activity this state is about
  • agent - the agent this Activity state is related to
  • stateid - the id you want associated with this state
  • registration - (optional) the registraton id associated with this state
  • stateval - the state
  • matchHash - the hash of the state to replace or * to replace any
  • noneMatchHash - the hash of the current state or * to indicate no previous state
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one

Get State

function getState(activityid, agent, stateid, registration, since, callback)
Get activity state from the LRS

  • activityid - the id of the Activity this state is about
  • agent - the agent this Activity state is related to
  • stateid - (optional - if not included, the response will be a list of stateids associated with the activity and agent) the id you want associated with this state
  • registration - (optional) the registraton id associated with this state
  • since - date object telling the LRS to return objects newer than the date supplied
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
Send / Retrieve New Activity state
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
var myactid = "";
var agent = {"mbox":""};
var mystateid = "training:appalachian-trail";
var mystate = {"trees":["hemlock","blue spruce"],"scene":"forest"};
mylrs.sendState(myactid, agent, mystateid, null, mystate, null, "*", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "got an error");
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "response status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: response status: 204
mylrs.getState(myactid, agent, mystateid, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "got an error");
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status code: " + resp.statusCode);
        adl.log("info", "the state: " + bdy);
>> info: status code: 200
>> info: the state: {"trees":["hemlock","blue spruce"],"scene":"forest"}
Change Activity State
var statehash = adl.hash(JSON.stringify(mystate));
mystate['checkpoint'] = "pa-w-blaze-6";
mylrs.sendState(myactid, agent, mystateid, null, mystate, statehash, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "got an error");
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status code: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status code: 204
mylrs.getState(myactid, agent, mystateid, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "got an error");
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "state: " + bdy);
>> info: state: {"checkpoint": "pa-w-blaze-6", "scene": "forest", "trees": ["hemlock", "blue spruce"]}
Get all state ids for given Activity and Agent
mylrs.getState(myactid, agent, null, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "got an error");
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "state ids: " + bdy);
>> info: state ids: ["training:appalachian-trail"]
Get state ids for a given Activity and Agent since a specified time
var sincehere = new Date()
var newstateid = "content:settings";
var newstate = {"fps":"30","resolution":"1680x1050"};
mylrs.sendState(myactid, agent, newstateid, null, newstate, null, "*", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "error with request: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
// get all state ids
mylrs.getState(myactid, agent, null, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "error with request: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "state ids: " + bdy);
>> info: state ids: ["content:settings", "training:appalachian-trail"]
// get ids of states saved since ..
mylrs.getState(myactid, agent, null, null, sincehere, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "error with request: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "state ids since " + sincehere + "" + bdy);
>> info: state ids since Mon Nov 18 2013 09:31:15 GMT-0500 (EST): ["content:settings"]

Send Activity Profile

function sendActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, profileval, matchHash, noneMatchHash, callback)
Sends an Activity Profile to the LRS.

  • activityid - the id of the Activity this profile is about
  • profileid - the id you want associated with this profile
  • profileval - the profile
  • matchHash - the hash of the profile to replace or * to replace any
  • noneMatchHash - the hash of the current profile or * to indicate no previous profile
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one

Get Activity Profile

function getActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, since, callback)
Get activity profile from the LRS

  • activityid - the id of the Activity this profile is about
  • profileid - (optional - if not included, the response will be a list of profileids associated with the activity) the id of the profile
  • since - date object telling the LRS to return objects newer than the date supplied
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
Send / Retrieve New Activity Profile
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
var profile = {"type":"question"};
var activityid = "";
var profileid = "question:profile";
mylrs.sendActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, profile, null, "*", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
mylrs.getActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile: " + bdy);
>> info: profile: {"type":"question"}
Update Activity Profile
var profhash = adl.hash(JSON.stringify(profile));
profile["updated"] = true;
mylrs.sendActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, profile, profhash, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
mylrs.getActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile: " + bdy);
>> info: profile: {"updated": true, "type": "question"}
Get all profiles about a specific Activity
mylrs.getActivityProfile(activityid, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile ids: " + bdy);
>> info: profile ids: ["question:profile"]
Get profiles about an Activity since a certain time
var sincehere = new Date();
var newprofile = {"another" : "profile"};
var newprofileid = "another:profile";
mylrs.sendActivityProfile(activityid, newprofileid, newprofile, null, "*", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
// get all ids
mylrs.getActivityProfile(activityid, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile ids: " + bdy);
>> info: profile ids: ["question:profile", "another:profile"]
// get ids of Activity Profiles saved since date...
mylrs.getActivityProfile(activityid, null, sincehere, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile ids: " + bdy);
>> info: profile ids: ["another:profile"]

Get Agents

function getAgents(agent, callback)
Gets a special Person object containing all the values of an Agent the LRS knows about. The Person object's identifying properties are arrays and it may have more than one identifier. See more about Person in the spec

  • agent - JSON object representing an agent ex: {"mbox":""}
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
mylrs.getAgents({"mbox":""}, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "error in request: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "the Person: " + bdy);
>> info: the Person: <Person object>

Send Agent Profile

function sendAgentProfile(agent, profileid, profileval, matchHash, noneMatchHash, callback)
Sends an Agent Profile to the LRS.

  • agent - the agent this profile is related to
  • profileid - the id you want associated with this profile
  • profileval - the profile
  • matchHash - the hash of the profile to replace or * to replace any
  • noneMatchHash - the hash of the current profile or * to indicate no previous profile
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one

Get Agent Profile

function getAgentProfile(agent, profileid, since, callback)
Gets an Agent Profile from the LRS.

  • agent - the agent associated with this profile
  • profileid - (optional - if not included, the response will be a list of profileids associated with the agent) the id of the profile
  • since - date object telling the LRS to return objects newer than the date supplied
  • callback - function to process after request has completed.
    • Parameters passed to callback:
    • error - an error message if something went wrong
    • response - the response object
    • body - the body of the response if there is one
Send / Retrieve New Agent Profile
var adl = require('adl-xapiwrapper');
adl.debugLevel = 'info';
var myconfig = {
var mylrs = new adl.XAPIWrapper(myconfig);
var profile = {"competencies":["", 
               "current path":""};
var agent = {"mbox":""};
var profileid = "competencies";
mylrs.sendAgentProfile(agent, profileid, profile, null, "*", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
mylrs.getAgentProfile(agent, profileid, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile: " + bdy);
>> info: profile: {"competencies":["",
                   "current path":""}
Update Agent Profile
var profhash = adl.hash(JSON.stringify(profile));
profile["competencies"].push(profile['current path']);
profile["current path"] = "";
mylrs.sendAgentProfile(agent, profileid, profile, profhash, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
mylrs.getAgentProfile(agent, profileid, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile: " + bdy);
>> info: profile: {"competencies": ["", 
                   "current path": ""}
Get all profiles about a specific Agent
mylrs.getAgentProfile(agent, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile ids: " + bdy);
>> info: profile ids: ["competencies"]
Get profiles about an Agent since a certain time
var sincehere = new Date();
var newprofile = {"another" : "profile"};
var newprofileid = "another:profile";
mylrs.sendAgentProfile(agent, newprofileid, newprofile, null, "*", function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "status: " + resp.statusCode);
>> info: status: 204
// get all ids
mylrs.getAgentProfile(agent, null, null, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile ids: " + bdy);
>> info: profile ids: ["competencies", "another:profile"]
// get ids of Activity Profiles saved since date...
mylrs.getAgentProfile(agent, null, sincehere, function (err, resp, bdy) {
    if (err) {
        adl.log("error", "request error: " + err);
    } else {
        adl.log("info", "profile ids: " + bdy);
>> info: profile ids: ["another:profile"]


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 0.2.0 - Initial commit and release to npm
  • 0.2.1 - Update of Readme


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Licensed under the Apache, 2.0 licenses.


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