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Explore infinite 3d worlds from the comfort of your terminal!

Simple utility takes a signed distance function and lets you explore it with realtime raytracing (marching spheres) or alternatively by using a user-provided raytracing function. No GPU needed!

blob world


For retro fun, to experiment with distance functions / 3d algorithms / ray-tracing / data-stuctures / optimization without dealing with browser, GPU, ect.

Table of Contents


npm i ascii-raytracer


  • A/S/W/D - move camera

  • Arrow Keys - rotate camera

  • Q/E - rise/fall

  • R/F - change field of view

  • C/X - change camera mode

  • H - Toggle fast anti-aliasing (EPX + anti-aliasing simultaneous)

  • V - Toggle naive anti-aliasing (2x render size, runs 4x slower)

  • U - Toggle EPX Upscaling (1/2 render size + 2x upscale)

  • P - Take screenshot (saves PNG with 4x resolution)

  • Hold shift to move/rotate faster

Example - Blob World

Simplest pre-built example, using only a distance function.

//here just a distance function - raytracing is done with marching spheres

//distance function format:
//funtion(x,y,z){return signedDistanceToScene;}

//see src of dfBlobWorld for more details

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

var config = {
    distanceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfBlobWorld


blob world blob world

Example - Custom Raycaster - Maze

It's usually a good idea to use a custom raytracing / raycasting function if you can organize your scene with an efficent data structure.

This pre-built example renders a maze which internally is stored in an R-Tree.

Note - the scene will still render if raytraceFunction is removed, but may be very slow!

You can also build scenes using just a list of boxes (see below).

//here we additionally include a custom raytracing function [much faster than naive marching spheres]

//raytrace function format:
// function(ray) { 
//     var o = ray.point; //{x,y,z} origin of ray
//     var v = ray.vector; //{x,y,z} direction of ray
//     return distance;
// }

//example with a maze build from axis aligned bounding blocks

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

var config = {
    distanceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfMaze,
    raytraceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfMazeTrace, //raytracer uses RTree 
    resolution: 64,
    aspectRatio: 1.0


maze maze

View STL file

By specifying stl in the config, the program will automatically produce a distance function and raycaster for your STL model.

You can also build scenes using just a list of triangles (see below).

//example with polygon mesh, 5000 triangles
//raycaster uses bounding volume hierarchy 

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

var config = {
    stl: "./Bitey_Reconstructed_5k.stl"


skull screenshot

Build a scene from boxes

Instead of dealing with distance functions, you can specify your scene with a list of axis-aligned bounding boxes.

The program will automatically create an appropriate distance function+raycaster.

In this example we create a bunch of random boxes and render them.

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

//format of box: [lower-point-3d, upper-point-3d]

var randomBox3d = function(){
    var range = 32;
    var boxSizeMax = 8;
    var p0 = [Math.random()*range,Math.random()*range,Math.random()*range];
    var p1 = [p0[0]+Math.random()*boxSizeMax,p0[1]+Math.random()*boxSizeMax,p0[2]+Math.random()*boxSizeMax];
    return [p0,p1];

var randomBoxes = [];
for(var i=0; i<100; i++){

var config = {
    boxes: randomBoxes, //or bricks, or blocks
    resolution: 64,
    aspectRatio: 1.0



Build a scene from triangles

Instead of dealing with distance functions, you can specify your scene with a list of triangles.

The program will automatically create an appropriate distance function+raycaster.

In this example we create a bunch of random triangles and render them.

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

var randomPoint3d = function(){
    var S = 32;
    return [Math.random()*S,Math.random()*S,Math.random()*S];

var randomTriangles = [];

for(var i=0; i<100; i++){
    var randomTri = [ randomPoint3d(), randomPoint3d(), randomPoint3d() ];

var config = {
    triangles: randomTriangles,
    resolution: 64,
    aspectRatio: 1.0



UV Texture Mapping

specify config.uvFunction and config.textureFunction to render a 2D texture onto the scene.

  • uvFunction takes (x,y,z) as input and returns [u,v] texture coordinates in range 0...1
  • textureFunction takes (u,v) as inputs and returns [r,g,b] color data in range 0...1

in this example we load a PNG file with the readimage module and then specify textureFunction to pull color values from the image, and uvFunction for tiling the image.

the scene is the same maze from the earlier example.

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');
var image = require('image-sync').read("./cat.png");

var w = image.width;
var h = image.height;
var d =;  // [r,g,b,a,  r,g,b,a ...]

var myTextureFunction = function(u,v){ //pull colors from texture data
    var xc = Math.floor(u*w);
    var yc = Math.floor(v*h);
    var o = (yc*h+xc)*4;
    return [d[o]/255, d[o+1]/255, d[o+2]/255] //return [r,g,b] in range 0...1

var myUvFunction = function(x,y,z){ //tile texture across XZ plane
    return [Math.abs(x/1.0)%1.0, Math.abs(z/1.0)%1.0]; //return u,v coords

var config = {
    distanceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfMaze,
    raytraceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfMazeTrace,
    uvFunction: myUvFunction,
    textureFunction: myTextureFunction,
    resolution: 64,
    aspectRatio: 1.0


texture texture cat

3D Texture Mapping

Specify textureFunction3d instead of textureFunction if you want to define surface colors directly from a 3D function.

In this example we apply 3D perlin noise [from the blob world example] as the surface texture for our maze.

Because the blob world distance function varies over time, the texture is animated!

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

var my3dTextureFunction = function(x,y,z){
    var d = Math.abs(art.distanceFunctions.dfBlobWorld(x*15,y*15,z*15))/2.0; //using 3d perlin noise to define color
    return [d,d,d] //return [r,g,b]

var config = {
    distanceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfMaze,
    raytraceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfMazeTrace,
    textureFunction3d: my3dTextureFunction,
    resolution: 64,
    aspectRatio: 1.0


maze with perlin noise maze with perlin noise

Taking high-res screenshots

Press P to save a screenshot [png file]. By default, screenshots are 4x higher resolution than the ascii render.

To make screenshots bigger or smaller, specify screenShotScaleUp in the config [default 4]

Warning - depending on your scene, taking a screenshot may be very slow!

var art = require('ascii-raytracer');

var config = {
    distanceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfSkull,
    raytraceFunction: art.distanceFunctions.dfSkullTrace,
    resolution: 64,
    aspectRatio: 1.0,
    screenShotScaleUp: 8, //default is 4 
    screenShotDir: '/Users/user/Desktop/' //default is ./



All Config Options

Note that the options distanceFunction,triangles, boxes, lines, points, stl are mutually exclusive - you should only declare one of these at a time.

    triangles: [], //list of tris [pt0,pt1,pt2]
    boxes: [], //list of aabb's [minPt,maxPt]
    lines: [], //list of line segments [startPt,endPt]
    points: [], //list of pts [x,y,z] -- rendered as small cubes 
    stl: "something.stl",
    distanceFunction: myDistFunc,
    raytraceFunction: myTraceFunc,
    uvFunction: myUvFunction,
    textureFunction: myTextureFunction,
    cameraPos: [-17.96,8.02,14.72], //camera position [x,y,z]
    cameraRot: [1.82,-0.40], //camera rotation, radians [phi, theta]
    aspectRatio: 4/3,
    screenShotScaleUp: 8, //default is 4 
    screenShotDir: '/Users/user/Desktop/' //default is ./

See Also


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