
1.0.4 • Public • Published


Plugin for async-chainable that adds progress bars, spinners and other widgets.

var asyncChainable = require('async-chainable');
var asyncChainableProgress = require('async-chainable-progress');

// Display a manually updated progress bar
	.then(function(next) { setTimeout(next, 1000) })
	.then(function(next) { setTimeout(next, 1000) })
	.then(function(next) { setTimeout(next, 1000) })
	.progressComplete() // Remove the progress bars

// Display a labeled progress bar and update it within a complex operation
	.progress(null, 'Doing things')
	.then(function(next) {
		// Assume a really time consuming process
		for (var p = 0; p < 100; p++) {

// Display a list of current actions where each action has a progress bar and gets ticked off on completion
	.progress(null, 'Doing things 1')
	.then(function(next) {
		// Assume a really time consuming process
		for (var p = 0; p < 100; p++) {
	.tick('Doing things 1')
	.progress(null, 'Doing things 2')
	.then(function(next) {
		// Assume a really time consuming process
		for (var p = 0; p < 100; p++) {
	.tick('Doing things 2')

See the examples folder for more examples.

Function reference

async-chainable-progress extends async-chainable in with the following functions.


Create or update a progress bar.

progress() // Create an anonymous unlabeled progress bar
progress(String <id>) // Create an ID'd progress bar
progress(String <id>, String <text>) // Create a ID'd and labeled progress bar
progress(Null, String <text>) // Create a labeled progress bar
progress(Number <progress>) // Update the anonymous (non ID'd) progress bar progress
progress(String <id>, Number <progress>) // Update the anonymous (non ID'd) progress bar progress
progress(String <id>, Number <progress>, Number <max_progress>) // As above but also set the max progress (otherwise `100` is assumed)

If no ID parameter is specified 'anonBar' is assumed automatically.


Create or update a spinner - useful for when specific progress is unknown.

spinner() // Create an anonymous unlabled spinner
spinner(String <id>) // Create an ID'd spinner
spinner(String <id>, String <text>) // Create a ID'd and labeled progress bar
spinner(Null, String <text>) // Create a labeled spinner

If no id parameter is specified 'anonSpinner' is assumed automatically.


Add a tick mark to the console output to signify that a task has completed.

tick(String <text>) // Create a tick with the specific text
tick(String <text>, String <status>) // Create a tick with the specific text and a custom status.

Valid tick statuses are: 'ok', 'fail', 'pending' or any others listed in this._progressDefaults.tick.


Override the default options when creating progress bars / spinners or other widgets.

progressDefaults(Object) // Append the specified options into the default object

See the this._progressDefaults object for more details on the structure of this object.


Indicate that either all or a specific progress action has completed and that its widget should be removed from the output.

progressComplete() // Remove all widgets
progressComplete(String <id>) // Remove a specific single widget
progressComplete(Array <ids>) // Remove all specified widgets


Used within the this object to update progress while within a async-chainable task.

this.setProgress() // Redraw all widgets - includes moving spinners on by a frame
this.setProgress(Number <progress>) // Update the 'anonBar' progress item to the specified progress
this.setProgress(Number <progress>, Number <max_progress>) // As above but also set the max progress (otherwise `100` is assumed)

Dependencies (4)

Dev Dependencies (1)

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