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  • React library to alows users to navigate through pages of data.
  • Best for creating tabs, image slider, fullPage scrolling and more.


npm install react-js-pager


  • Note: If you have pages with different heights, give them a style with height: 100% and overflow: auto to make sure that the scrollbar will show on the pages not on the pager wrapper element.
import Pager from 'react-js-pager';

export default function App() {
  let pagerMethods = null;

  const next_page_handle = () => {
    if (pagerMethods !== null);

  const previous_page_handle = () => {
    if (pagerMethods !== null) pagerMethods.previous();

  const set_page_handle = pageIndex => {
    if (pagerMethods !== null) pagerMethods.setPage(pageIndex);

  return (
      <div id='pager'>
          ref={node => (pagerMethods = node)}
          wrapperStyle={{ width: '300px' }}
          {/* Page with index (0) */}
          <div className='pageContainer'>...Page0 Content</div>

          {/* Page with index (1) */}
          <div className='pageContainer'>...Page1 Content</div>

          {/* Page with index (2) */}
          <div className='pageContainer'>...Page2 Content</div>


orientation : [ 'horizontal' | 'vertical' ] [optional]

  • Set horizontal or vertical pages arrangement orientation.
  • If you set it to vertical make sure to provide a height value in wrapperStyle prop otherwise it will be set to 50vh by default.
  • Default Value horizontal

initialPage : [Number] [optional]

  • Index of initial page that should be selected on the first render.
  • Default Value 0

loop : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Loop scrolling between pages.
  • Note: Loop scrolling does not work for touch swipe/drag gestures.
  • Default Value false

touchGestures : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Whether to enable or disable swipe/drag gestures for touch screens.
  • Default Value true

wrapperStyle : [Object] [optional]

  • Pager wrapper element inline style.
  • You can also use id or className attributes to add style from CSS StyleSheet.
  • Note: Pager wrapper element has a flex box style by default.

wheelScroll : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Change pages by rotating mouse scroll wheel.
  • Default Value true

wheelScrollWithAnimation : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Whether to use animation when changing pages with mouse scroll wheel or not.
  • Default Value true

showScrollbar : [Boolean] [optional]

  • Whether to show or hide Pager scrollbar.
  • Will show scrollbar on the bottom for horizontal orientation and on the left for vertical orientation.
  • Default Value false

animationStyle : [ 'blur' | 'opacity' | 'scroll' | 'scale' | 'scaleX' | 'scaleY' | 'rotateX' | 'rotateY' ] [optional]

  • Animation style when navigating through pages.
  • Note: touch swipe/drag gestures always uses scroll animation style.
  • Default Value scroll

perspective : [Number] [optional]

  • 3d transform perspective value used only for rotateX and rotateY animation style.
  • Default Value 1000

duration : [Number] [optional]

  • Navigation animation duration in ms.
  • Default Value 300

ease : [ String | Function ] [optional]

  • Navigation animation transition timing function.
  • Check to learn more.
  • Default Value easeOutExpo
  • If you want to provide your own timing-function make sure that the function takes one parameter and returns one value.
function easeInQuad(x) {
  return x * x;

onAnimation : [ ( event: Object ) => void ] [optional]

  • This callback will be called every time animation frame changes, including touch swipe/drag gestures.
Event props Description Type
animationPercentage Animation progress percentage, a value between (0 - 1). Number
selectedPageIndex The page index that will be navigated to. Number
previousPageIndex The page index that will be navigated from. Number
touchSwipe Whether the animation is coming from a touch swipe or not. Boolean

onNavigationStart : [ ( selectedPageIndex: Number, previousPageIndex: Number ) => void ] [optional]

  • This callback will be called once the pager starts navigating to the selected page.
  • Note: this callback will be called on the first render too.
Params Description Type
selectedPageIndex The page index that will be navigated to. Number
previousPageIndex The page index that will be navigated from. Number

onPageSelected : [ ( selectedPageIndex: Number, previousPageIndex: Number ) => void ] [optional]

  • This callback will be called once the pager finishes navigating to the selected page.
  • Note: this callback will be called on the first render too.
Params Description Type
selectedPageIndex The page index that navigated to. Number
previousPageIndex The page index that navigated from. Number

onPagerScroll : [ ( event: Object ) => void ] [optional]

  • Executed when transitioning between pages (ether because the animation for the requested page has changed or when the user is swiping/dragging between pages).
  • This is usefull for animating pages/tabs/slides indicators among other things.
Event props Description Type
percentageX Pager scrolled length percentage on the X axis, a value between (0 - 1). Number
percentageY Pager scrolled length percentage on the Y axis, a value between (0 - 1). Number
scrollX Pager current scrolling position on the X axis. Number
scrollY Pager current scrolling position on the Y axis. Number
scrollWidth Pager scroll width in px. Number
scrollHeight Pager scroll height in px. Number
pagerWidth Pager computed width in px. Number
pagerHeight Pager computed height in px. Number
event Pager onscroll native event. Object


next : ( withAnimation?: Boolean = true ) => void

  • Navigate to the next page.
  • Takes a boolean param to enable/disable animation.

previous : ( withAnimation?: Boolean = true ) => void

  • Navigate to the previous page.
  • Takes a boolean param to enable/disable animation.

setPage : ( pageIndex: Number, withAnimation?: Boolean = true ) => void

  • Navigate to a specific page index.
  • Takes a number param (pageIndex) and a boolean param to enable/disable animation.

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  • borodindk