
1.8.0 • Public • Published

CloudServant NodeJS MicroServices Framework

Note: this framework is currently work in progress. The API may change at any time. Current support is mainly focussed on Google Cloud Functions. Full support for AWS is lacking for now.

CloudServant is a framework aimed to allow to easily write functions running on one of the well known Cloud platforms:

  • Google Cloud Functions (including Firebase)
  • Amazon AWS Lamba
  • Microsoft Azure (currently not supported)

Each of these platforms have their own interfaces to which a service must comply and set of backend services which can be interacted with (like databases or messaging platforms). The aim of the CloudServant framework is to bridge these differences and provide developers with a unified framework to develop for each of these platforms as much as possible.

This framework was created based on some early experiments with these platforms and the effort involved to rewrite an application originally created for AWS Lamba to Google Cloud Functions.

The framework is inspired feature-wise by Hapi.js, so you'll see quite some of the internal frameworks of Hapi being used.



  • Logging for firebase via firebase functions
  • CloudServant.logger exposed
  • CloudServant.Boom exposed, so no require is needed.


  • Update of various dependencies
  • Added integration testing using emulators
  • CloudServant now exposes Joi via CloudServant.Joi, so no require is needed


  • Changed order and handling of SPI Plugin middleware (see below for new order)
  • Allow inserting middleware with a priority.
  • Updated dependency versions

General Features

This framework provides the following features:

  • Definition of service modules
  • Definition of message modules
  • Abstraction of default databases provided by the Cloud provider
  • Module configuration based on Confluence
  • Often used features for REST based services.

Service Definition

The general way to define a service is to specify the interface and logic of the service and let the framework generate a module definition based on that definition for the specific runtime platform you're aiming at:

const CloudServant = require('cloud-servant')(configFile, configTreePath);

module.exports = CloudServant.restServiceModule({
  // Specification of the service 

The configFile is a JSON based file which can be read by the Confluence package. It is used to configure CloudServant itself and provide a generic infrastructure to pass values to your service. The format of the config file is detailed below.

Two types of service modules can be created:

  • REST Service modules (as shown in the example above)
  • Backend Service modules

REST service modules provide a REST based API often to be consumed by clients of your API/MicroService. Backend Service modules provide internal logic to be called by REST Service modules, other Backend Service modules or by other triggers (e.g. file uploads, backend processes, etc.). Backend Service modules are triggered in an asynchronous manner by their callers.

General API of the CloudServant API object

The CloudServant object has the following API:

Field Explanation
restServiceModule Method to create a REST service module
messageModule Method to create a Message service module
builder Method to combine multiple types of modules into a single file
pluginOptions Method to retrieve options from the configuration file for a specific path
db Object representing a connection to the DB object of the underlying Cloud platform, if configured. This is either a connection to gstore-node or Dynamoose

Note: cloud-servant comes with a command line tool (cloud-servant) to generate an initial skeleton of an application. the tool to see the various command line arguments.

Configuration file format

The format of the configuration file is as follows:

Field Explanation
platform Either "GCF", "Firebase" or "AWS" to run your module on Google Cloud Functions, Firebase or AWS Lambda
googleDatastore (GCF/Firebase Specific) Specifies the configuration for google data store and gstore-node
googleDatastore.datastore Configure the Google Datastore connection. On GCloud this can be left empty
googleDatastore.gstore Configure the GStore connection.

Logging support

To provide transparent support for logging, a LOGGER object is provided to each call handler methods. This object has a number of functions as fields, which support logging at various levels:

Method Explanation
debug Logs messages with debug level severity, used for debugging the application
info Logs messages with info level severity, used for normal flows
warning Logs messages with warning level severity, used for strange but non-fatal application behavior
error Logs messages with error level severity, used for application errors

The logging interface is also exposed via CloudServant.logger

TODO:There is currently no way to limit the level of log messages which get passed thru.

Google Datastore support

In case the googleDatastore object is specifed in the configuration, a Google DataStore and gstore-node object is defined. The CloudServant object then has a field db as follows:

  db : {
    gstore : 'GStore-node object'

In case of a REST service, any error thrown by GStore can be passed to res.handle(result, err) and will be automatically converted to the appropriate HTTP error code (entity not found -> 404, validation errors to 400). If needed you can of course also handle the errors yourself.

Modules and Builder support

CloudServant allows various types of modules to be created, each of which will be detailed in the following paragraphs.

Apart from the individual modules, CloudServant supports a builder to define multiple modules (of various types) in the same file. This allows for convenient grouping of functionally related functions.

The builder is invoked by calling the builder() method on CloudServant. A fluent API can be used to define the various modules:

module.exports = CloudServant.builder()
  .restServiceModule(/* REST configuration */)
  .messageModule(/* Message configuration */)

Note that each of the modules needs to be configured with a unique name, specified in the name field in the configuration options object. Initialization will fail if duplicate names are detected.

REST Service Modules

REST Service modules are defined by called the restServiceModule() function on the CloudServant API Object. The method takes an options object specifying the definition of the service module:

const CloudServant = require('cloud-servant')(configFile, configTreePath);

module.exports = CloudServant.restServiceModule({
  name: 'REQUIRED: Name of the service module',
  use: "Array of Express/Connect compatbile middleware executed on all paths (see Middleware support below)",
  cors: 'Boolean: enables support for CORS on all paths. See CORS support',
  debug: 'Boolean: enables a specific path /_paths to show the set of configured paths and debugging logging of the framework',
  authStrategies: { // Optional, enables authentication
    default: passport.authenticate(), // The default passport strategy to use
    othername: passport.authenticate() // Alternative strategies
  auth: false,//'Boolean' or 'String': enables or disables global authentication. In case of a boolean, this refers to the default
  // authentication strategy. In case of a string, this refers to the name of the strategy.
  enableFirebaseAuthentication: false, // 'Boolean'. When platform is Firebase, this enables validating the Firebase token as 
  // 'default' authentication strategy. The existing default strategy will be overwritten.
  paths: [
  // Specification of the various paths
    // Required definition
    method: "Either a string of the HTTP Verb name or an array of Verb names",
    path: "",
    handler: function (LOGGER, req, res, responseCallback) {
      // LOGGER is an instance of the generic Logging class
      // req is the base Express.js compatible Request object
      // res is the base Express.js compatible Response object
      // responseCallback is a function(result, err). result is send using HTTP 200, in case err !== undefined,
      //                  and err is a Boom object, this is used to return the results, else a HTTP 500 is used
      //                  and err is JSON.stringified as response payload. The same can be achieved using 
      //                  res.handle().

    // Extended options
    use: ["Array of Connect/ExpressJS compatible middleware functions, see Middleware support"],
    cors: "Whether to enable or disable CORS for this path. See CORS support",
    schema: "Validation of JSON based payloads. See Payload validation",
    auth: false //'Boolean' or 'String': enables or disables global authentication. In case of a boolean, this refers to the default
    // authentication strategy. In case of a string, this refers to the name of the strategy.


Specifying paths and methods

The basic configuration needed for a REST service module is to specify the paths and the methods (HTTP verbs) which should be handled by the REST service. This configuration is done by passing a configuration object to the restServiceModule() function, which has a paths field in the configuration object, as can been seen above.

The paths field should contain an array of Path objects, each specifying a method/path combination which should be handled by the service. There are three required parts of this definition:

  • method: Specifying a single HTTP Verb name (uppercase) or an array of names
  • path: Specifying the path. The path can be specified using
  • handler: a function taking 4 arguments:
    • LOGGER: A logging object to support logging messages. See Logging Support
    • req: the base Express.js compatible Request object.
    • res: the base Express.js compatbile Response object
    • responseCallback: a function (result, err), which can be called to automatically send the result.

Error handling support

Errors occuring within the calls to the handler method are automatically handled. This can be done in a number of ways:

  • Exceptions thrown from the handler method are send back to the client as an HTTP Error 500, with the stringified Error object as payload
  • The responseCallback method can be called with an object as its second paramater:
    • In case this object is a Boom object, this is used to send the correct HTTP response to the client
    • In all other cases, a HTTP 500 is send to the client as an HTTP Error 500, with the stringified Error object as payload

Connect Middleware support

CloudServant has support for Express/Connect based middleware. Middleware can be configured at top level for all paths or overridden on a per-path basis as detailed above.

Given the extended configuration needed and the fact that this type of middleware is often used in various services CloudServant has support for the following standard middleware:

Note: Not all available middleware has been tested, so you may run into bugs. In this case, feel free to file a bug.

If you want to specify the priority of your middleware amongst the standard middleware, add the middleware using the priority approach:

  use: [
      priority: 500,
      middleware: (req, res, next) => {

Middlware without priority is added starting at priority 500.

CORS Support

The framework has support for CORS by default and can be enabled for various paths or globally. To enable CORS support globally, use the cors: true setting at the toplevel path specification. Per path this can be overridden using the cors: boolean setting.

Whenever CORS is enabled, the framework will automatically:

  • Enable Node cors as middleware
  • Take CORS into account for path resolution in case there are multiple paths which differ by HTTP method only based on the HTTP Header "access-control-request-method"

Payload validation

For JSON based requests, the payload can automatically be validated to conform to a specific schema. This can be specified by setting the schema configuration parameter as an object with the expected keys. This object is automatically wrapped in a Joi.object().keys() for validation:

paths : [
    path: '',
    method: '',
    handler: () => {

    schema: {
      userName: Joi.string()
      usertag: Joi.string(),
      //.. More fields specified.


Note: in case schema is not specified, no validation is performed of the request body.

Caching headers

Caching headers supports the declarative definition of the caching headers which need to be send. It is based on the best practices as outlined by Google.

Configuration of the cache for an endpoint can be defined using the decision tree outlined on the google page:

// Service configuration
module.exports = CloudServant.restServiceModule({
  name: 'cache-example',
  debug: true,
  paths: [
      path: '/',
      method: 'GET',
      handler: () => {

      cacheHeaders: {
        cacheable: false / {
          revalidate: true / false,
          maxAge: "",
          stale: false / {
            whileRevalidate: true / false,
            ifError: true / false
          sharedCaches: false / true / {
            maxAge: "",
            revalidate: true / false,
            noTransform: true / false
        raw: {
          // Raw express-cache-controller configuration 

Explanation of each of the configuration options:

Option Explanation
cachable false: The response is not reusable. This is also the default in case no configuration option is specified. The data is cachable in case a configuration is specified
- revalidate Whether the client must revalidate each cache entry before serving it. If true, the stale setting has no effect.
- maxAge The maximum age of the response. This can be specified as either a number (implying seconds) or a string, e.g. "1h" meaning 1 hour
- stale Whether to allow stale data.
- stale/whileRevalidate Serve stale content from cache while revalidating
- stale/ifError Serve stale content from cache on error responses
- sharedCaches Whether the response may be cacheable by intermediates. Defaults to false if not specified.
- sharedCaches/maxAge Same as maxAge but overrides this setting for shared caches/proxies.
- sharedCaches/revalidate Same as revalidate but overrides this setting for shared caches/proxies.
- sharedCaches/noTransform Shared caches/proxies may or may not transform the content. Defaults to false
raw If the above configuration is not sufficient, the raw configuration allows to setup the internally used framework configuration directly

Cache header sending is based on express-cache-controller. The configuration settings above merely act as a conventient way to configure it. Time duration parsing is handled using parse-duration so any string accepted by this framework can be used as maxAge.

E-Tag support

Reservered for a future version.


Authentication is based on Passport. To configure authentication, the following steps are required:

  1. Configure at least one Passport authentication strategy to use. Normally if you have only one strategy, this will be the default strategy.
  2. Enable authentication globally or on a per path basis. A path specific configuration overrides the global configuration.
    • In case authentication is enabled, the required call to passport.initialize() is automatically added as the first middleware configured for this route.
    • Configuring authentication on a path can be done using a simple boolean. In this case the default strategy is used for authentication
    • Configurating authentication on a path can also be done using a string. In this case, it refers to the name of the strategy in the authStrategies object.

Example using JWT:

// Configure the strategy
const passport = require('passport');
const JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy,
  ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt;

let JWT_OPTS = {};
JWT_OPTS.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader();
JWT_OPTS.secretOrKey = 'very very secret';
JWT_OPTS.issuer = '...';

passport.use(new JwtStrategy(JWT_OPTS, (jwt_payload, done) => {
  return done(null, jwt_payload);

// Service configuration
module.exports = CloudServant.restServiceModule({
  name: 'auth-example',
  cors: true,
  debug: true,
  authStrategies: {
    default: passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false })
  paths: []

Message Service Definition

Message Service modules are defined by called the messageModule() function on the CloudServant API Object. The method takes an options object specifying the definition of the service module:

const CloudServant = require('cloud-servant')(configFile, configTreePath);

module.exports = CloudServant.messageModule({
  name: 'REQUIRED: Name of the service module',
  debug: 'Boolean: enables debugging logging of the framework',
  topicName: 'Firebase-only: specify the name of the topic to listen too',
  handler: function (LOGGER, event) {
    // LOGGER is an instance of the generic Logging class
    // event is the event object containing the message. It is guaranteed to have the following properties:
    // - json : A JSON object with the contents of the data
    // - stringData: A string representation of the data
    // - data: The original data of the message
    // Note that the event object of the original message may be passed so additional properties may be present. Usage
    // these properties limits the portability of your code.

    // This method may return a Promise object in case asynchronous operations are involved. If no Promise is returned,
    // the function execution can be stopped immediately after the function returns by the underlying platform.   

Service Provider Interface

Extending CloudServant is based on an SPI approach. This section describe the SPI interface.

SPI For REST Services

An SPI is defined by a module which exports a single function:

module.exports = {
  name: "", // Name of the plugin, only used for logging purposes.
  priority: 0, // Integer value representing the order in which SPI plugins are called upon startup.
  handler: (restpath, pathDefinition, options) => {
    // Uses pathDefinition and options to update restpath.

    // pathDefinition is the a single section in the paths[] array in the main restService definition.
    // options is the full options object, which can be used to find global options.

    // An SPI plugin reads the pathDefiniton and the options and updates the restpath object where needed.

    // restpath is structured as follows:
    restpath = {
      definition: {
        method: [], // Array of HTTP methods the path responds to
        path: "", // Path of the rest call
        requestHandler: (LOGGER, req, res) => {
        }, // Request handler invoked if this path matches 

        use: [], // Array of Connect middleware fired before calling the request handler

      // Internal usage for mathcing the path      
      params: [], // Array with names of the parameters
      pathRegexp: RegExp // Regular expression to match the path.

        restpath has the following methods:
        - prependMiddleware(func): add connect-compatible middleware at the start
        - appendMiddleware(func): add connect-compatible middleware at the end
        - insertMiddleware(func, priority): add connect-compatible middleware at the given priority

The normal operation for a SPI Plugin is to e.g. alter the respath.definition.use array to add middleware which alters the flow of the request processing.

Currently implemented plugins are:

Plugin Priority Description
CORS 100 CORS Plugin
Authorization 200 Authorization plugin based on Passport
Schema validation 500 Validates the input of the body
Caching 400 Provides HTTP headers for client-side caching of responses
Default error 1000 Provides a default error handler in case all other error handlers fail

SPI For Message Services

Not supported yet...


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