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CoffeeNode Fillin

CoffeeNode Fillin is a String Interpolation library; it also contains methods to fill in key/value pairs of objects and to iterate over nested facets. It may be used e.g. to produce texts with variable contents or to compile configuration objects.

Using Fillin with Strings

Basic Usage

At its simplest level, CoffeeNode Fillin allows to interpolate keyed (i.e. named or indexed) values into templates. The default syntax for quoted keys uses $ (dollar sign) as the 'activator', {} (curly braces) as the (optional) 'opener' and 'closer', and \ (backslash) as 'escaper'; all of these can be configured.

An simple example (in CoffeeScript):

FI        = require 'coffeenode-fillin'
template  = 'helo $name!'
data      = 'name': 'Jim'
text = FI.fill_in templatedata

Now text has the value helo Jim!. Here are some variations that demonstrate the results for a number of variations on the above; you can see how backslashes de-activate the activator and then get removed from the output; also notice that expressions with doubled braces pass through untouched:

'helo ${name}'     # gives 'helo Jim' 
'helo \\$name'     # gives 'helo $name' 
'helo \\${name}'   # gives 'helo ${name}' 
'helo ${{name}}'   # gives 'helo ${{name}}' 

Dollar signs as activators and backslashes as escapers are a widespread choice, but, depending on habits and usecases, not always an optimal choice. Especially backslashes have a nasty habit of piling up in source code: whenever you want a backslash to appear in your CoffeeScript, JavaScript or JSON source, you have to remember to use two backslashes to obtain one.

For these reasons, it's possible to define your own templating syntax by calling

matcher = FI.new_matcher activator: '+'opener: '('closer: ')'escaper: '!'

(all unmentioned values are replaced with their standard values, $, {, }, and \; there's an additional parameter forbidden that defaults to {}<>()|*+.,;:!"'$%&/=?`´# and which specifies characters that can not occur in names; it will always be made to include the 'active' characters of the pattern).

This matcher can now be used as an additional argument when calling FI.fill_in:

template  = 'helo +name!'
data      = name: 'Jim'
FI.fill_in templatedatamatcher # gives 'helo Jim!' 

Escaping has just become a tad simpler, as ! is not a special character in JavaScript strings, so you can now write !+name instead of \\$name. Of course, whether using these particular characters is a good idea will depend a lot on your data.

Finally, to make working with custom syntaxes even simpler, you can use

fill_in = FI.new_method matcher

or, say,

fill_in = FI.new_method escaper: '^'

to define a fill_in method using your custom syntax; RegExes are used as-is, and options are passed through to FI.new_matcher.

Be warned that writing your own RegExes (rather than having FI compile them for you) is probably not such a good idea (although chances are you're better in Regexology than me). RegExes that work for FI must satisfy quite a number of requirements: they must have exactly five groups that match (1) what comes before the activator, (2) the portion of the string to be replaced, (3) an unparenthized name, if any, (4) a parenthized name, if any, and (5) the rest of the string; furthermore, they are required to match only the last occurrence of candidates for expansion, plus they must have an attribute matcher.remover which is used to purge the template of escaped active characters. See below for a railroad diagram of that beast.

Routes as Keys

The previous examples all used 'simple' keys, but in fact, you can use routes (a.k.a. locators or paths) as keys:

template  = "i have a ${/deep/down/in/a/drawer}."
data      =
          drawer:   'pen'
          cupboard: 'pot'
          box:      'pill'
FI.fill_in templatedata # gives 'I have a pen.' 

Indexes as Keys and Multiple Interpolations

Let's show off two more (unrelated) features of CND Fillin: (1) A template can have more than a single interpolation, and (2) it's possible to use a list as datasource and refer to items numerically (and, given JavaScript's dynamic and object-oriented nature, it's also possible to mix indexed and named references):

template        = '$name was captain on $0, $1, and $2'
data            = [ 'NCC-1701''NCC-1701-A''NCC-1701-B']
data[ 'name' ]  = 'James T. Kirk'
FI.fill_in templatedata` # gives 'James T. Kirk was captain on NCC-1701, NCC-1701-A, and NCC-1701-B'

Under the hood, Fillin will replace keys in the template by their values starting from the right-hand side of the template; in other words, the order of replaced keys in the above example is $2, $1, $0, and $name. This is important to keep in mind when it comes to the next feature up here, Nested Interpolations.

Nested Interpolations

Nested interpolations occur when there is an interpolation inside of another interpolation. For example:

template  = 'i have ${/amounts/$count} apples'
data      =
  'count':      'some'
    'some':     '2'
    'more':     '3'
FI.fill_in templatedata # gives 'i have 2 apples' 

Above, we said that interpolations are performed from the right-end of the template; therefore, the first replacement that happens here will replace the $count in i have ${/amounts/$count} apples with the value of data[ 'count' ], which is some. This replacement yields i have ${/amounts/some} apples, with one replacement left; accordingly, the next step replaces ${/amounts/some} with data[ 'amounts' ][ 'some' ], which is 2.

The reason we proceed from right to left now becomes obvious: due to the way the overall syntax has been conceived, a given interpolation may affect other interpolations to the left of it, but not to the right of it.

Chained (Recursive) Interpolations

Related to nested interpolations—which are interpolations that involve more than one replacement steps—are chained (or recursive) interpolations. Consider the following setup:

template  = 'i have $count apples'
data      =
  'count':    '${/amounts/some}'
    'some':     '2'
    'more':     '3'
FI.fill_in templatedata # gives 'i have 2 apples' 

As can be seen, the template sports an unpretending $count expression. A closer look, however, reveals that data[ 'count' ] resolves to ${/amounts/some}, which in itself is an interpolation expression.

After CND Fillin has performed the first step, it will test another time whether the result is final or expandable (if that reminds you of the way TeX works, it's not a coincidence), and if so, try and perform the required substitution. This process is repeated over and over, until all expressions have been resolved.

Circular Interpolations

Programmers know about both the power and the pitfalls of recursive programs, and chained interpolations are no exception: while they allow you to do significantly more abstract stuff, they also can easily go wrong. Luckily, CND Fillin will check for symptoms of circularity and refuse to get stuck in an infinite loop. You can test that behavior with a simple setup:

template  = 'i have $count apples'
data      =
  'count':    '${/amounts/some}'
    'some':     '${/amounts/more}'
    'more':     '${/amounts/three}'
    'three':    '${/amounts/some}'
FI.fill_in templatedata

This will fail with a carefully crafted exception:

Error: detected circular references in 'i have $count apples':
'i have $count apples'
'i have ${/amounts/some} apples'
'i have ${/amounts/more} apples'
'i have ${/amounts/three} apples'
'i have ${/amounts/some} apples'

The reason we go to these lengths in reporting the source of the error is that can be quite easy to commit a recursive blunder but much harder to figure out the exact chain of events.

Using Fillin with containers

The primary use case for CND Fillin is not so much single string interpolation or, beware, HTML templating, but, rather, options compilation.

HTML templating (which has a long pedigree that includes stuff like PHP and JSP) has recently (again) come under fire. I have no intents to make CND Fillin do more than simple, purely declarative stuff—there will never be conditions (well, maybe except for an existential operator), branching, or looping. It feels wrong to me to write yet another language just for templating when we have much more powerful idioms with well-documented properties (personally, i prefer to build my HTML pages in Teacup, which is just CoffeeScript).

Simple Example

We've already seen how data objects are used to act as a data source for a template string. But TND Fillin does more if you let it—you can have it fill out values inside a collection (lists or Plain Old Dictionaries):

template  = [ '$protocol''://''$host'':''$port']
# or, equivalently: 
template  = [ '${/protocol}''://''${/host}'':''${/port}']
data      =
  'protocol':   'http'
  'host':       ''
  'port':       '8080'
  FI.fill_in templatedata             # gives [ 'http', '://', '', ':', '8080' ] 
  ( FI.fill_in templatedata ).join '' # gives '' 

In this example, we use one 'target' or 'template' object (which happens to be a list) and another object used as data source to supply a number of (configurable) named values to build a URL string. Imagine you did data = require '../options' and you see where this goes (of course, using a string as template would've worked just as well in this case—this is only a stupid example).

You can also use the same object as both the target and the source:

data =
      'full':         [ 'maandag''dinsdag''woensdag''donderdag''vrijdag''zaterdag''zondag']
      'abbreviated':  [ 'ma''di''wo''do''vr''za''zo']
      'full':         [ 'Monday''Tuesday''Wednesday''Thursday''Friday''Saturday''Sunday']
      'abbreviated':  [ 'Mo''Tu''We''Th''Fr''Sa''Su']
  language:   'dutch'
  days:       '${/translations/$language/abbreviated}'
  day:        '${/translations/$language/full/3}'

With this setup, FI.fill_in data will give you

data =
      'full':         [ 'maandag''dinsdag''woensdag''donderdag''vrijdag''zaterdag''zondag']
      'abbreviated':  [ 'ma''di''wo''do''vr''za''zo']
      'full':         [ 'Monday''Tuesday''Wednesday''Thursday''Friday''Saturday''Sunday']
      'abbreviated':  [ 'Mo''Tu''We''Th''Fr''Sa''Su']
  language:   'dutch'
  days:       [ 'ma''di''wo''do''vr''za''zo']
  day:        'donderdag'

Notice that the result of ${/translations/$language/abbreviated} is probably not what you wanted—it's the serialization of that value, not the value itself. I consider this a feature as far as some use cases are considered (putting the representation of a complex value inside a string) and as a bug as far as other use cases go (where you want to copy entire subtrees to a new location). I've yet to decide how to resolve this issue; one way would be to check whether the template string that is responsible for the replacement has any material around it—in other words, '$foo' will have to be replaced by the value of data[ 'foo' ], but 'xx $foo xx' will have to be replaced by the representation of that same value.

The preliminary solution to the above conundrum is to keep values when (1) a container (not a string) is being interpolated, and (2) a value consists of nothing but a name (which may result from nested interpolations). This makes the entry days in the above example end up as a list (instead of a serialized list). Note that this solution makes it impossible to get a serialized value without padding a template with additional characters (like, say, '+${my-list}+').

Advanced Example

Just as with string expansion, you can also apply multiple expansion to object values. For example:

data =
          drawer:   '${/my-things/pen}'
          cupboard: '${/my-things/pot}'
          box:      '${${locations/for-things}/variable}'
    pen:      'a pen'
    pot:      'a pot'
    pill:     'a pill'
    variable: '${/my-things/pill}'
    'for-things':   '/my-things'
FI.fill_in data

will make data[ 'deep' ][ 'down' ][ 'in' ][ 'a' ][ 'box' ] == 'a pill'. Again, circular substitutions and substitutions where a named target can not be found will result in errors.

Implementation Details

The RegEx

It took me quite a while to figure out the details of the RegEx that drives the interpolation step of CND Fillin. Here it is in CoffeeScript HeRegEx syntax (with variable names to be interpolated, which is so... meta):

    ( ^ | #{escaper}#{escaper} | [^#{escaper}] )
        ( [^ #{forbidden} ]+ )
        ( (?:
                  [^ #{activator}#{opener}#{closer} ] )+ ) #{closer}
      ( (?: \\\$ | [^ #{activator} ] )* ) $

In its more common (and less readable) form, that expression becomes:


As i remarked above, there are a few backslashes that could be elided from the source, notably things like escapes in character classes à la [\+], which are really equivalent to [+] and so on. Notwithstanding, it's still quite complex and hard to read. During debugging, i was surprised and glad to find two websites that offer free RegEx-to-Diagram conversion, debuggex and regexper. This screenshot is taken from the latter website:

Note Group 3 has been abbreviated to make the diagram more readable.

The diagrams helped me to reason about the working of the RegEx and to weed out some bugs, so i can say they're valuable tools.

CND Fillin in the Real World

The first project where i make use of CND Fillin is CND Tides, a fun project to produce visually appealing tides tables with LaTeX and CoffeeScript on NodeJS.


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