
0.3.0 • Public • Published


Componer is a workflow tool to help frontend developers to coding more easily. Support ES6. On the shoulders of gulp, bower, webpack, karma, jasmine and so on.

Install and initialize

We have two commander componer and componout, componer is for projects which have .componerrc and componout is for componouts which have componer.json, However a componout could be from a project.

# install componer globally
npm install -g componer

However, you have a way to use it without install it globally.

git clone && cd componer
npm install && npm run build && npm link

With runing link, you can use componer commanders in local without installing.

# initialize a project
mkdir test-project && cd test-project && componer init

After this, you will get a project which contains special directory structure.

# initialize a componout which is not in a componer project
mkdir test-componout && cd test-componout && componout init

Answer the questions, and get a componout by special template.

If you only want to create a componout, run:

mkdir my-componout && cd my-componout
cpon init

cpon commander is a simple commander to run in a componout directory with a componer.json file in it.

Usage of componer commander

componer -v
componer -h

componer init
componer update
componer add componoutname [-t templatename|typename -a yourgitname]
componer build [componoutname]
componer watch [componoutname]
componer preview componoutname
componer test [componoutname] [-D] [-b Chrome|Firefox|PhantomJS]
componer remove/rm componoutname
componer list/ls

componer clone componoutname

componer install [for componoutname]
componer install packagename for componoutname
componer link [componoutname]

componer init

After your npm install -g componer, you should create a empty directory, and enter it to run componer init. Then you will see different files be initialized into this directory.

This directory is called a componer project directory.

When you run componer init, it will ask you two questions: your github name and the package name. The value you typed in will be found in package.json and .componerrc. So you can modify the file later. Your github name is important, because it will be used when you run componer add. If you do not give a --author parameter when you run componer add task, componer will use your github name to create the package github registry address.

init commander will run 'npm install' at the last automaticly.

componer reset

When you use a new version of componer, your local project files a older one. If you want to use componer default program files, you can run update commander. However, files in gulp directory and gupfile.babel.js will be covered, so if you have ever changed these files, do not run update directly.

'npm install' will be run automaticly after files updated.

componer add [-t|--template default] [-a|--author your-name]

Add a componout. A componout is a production created by componer.

Componout name should must be given.

When you run componer add task, you can pass -t and -a parameters. -t is short for --template, if you run componer add my-test -t npm, my-test componout will be a npm package. Default templates are directory names in gulp/templates. In fact, a template is a type of componout, so you will see I use type instead of template in the following content.

If it runs successfully, you will find a new dirctory in componouts directory.

If you want to add a new type of componout, just create a new dirctory in your gulp/templates directory. Template name is the directory name. In template file, you can use {{component-name}} and {{author-name}} as string template.

defaults.template and options in .componerrc in your project root path will be used as default values if you not give a -t or -a option.

componer build [name]

When you run build task, componer will compile your ES6 code to ES5 code and combine your code into one file by webpack.

At the same time, scss files will be compiled to css files, minified by cssmin, and be put in dist directory too.

However, componer.json is a special file which has information used for compiling for a componout.

Use an array to arrange compile files:

"build": [
    /* compile and bundle javascript, judged by from file */
        /* entry file to build with */
        "from": "src/script/bar-chart.js",

        /* output file after be built */
        "to": "dist/js/bar-chart.js",

        "options": {
            /* create another .min.js file */
            "minify": true,

            /* create sourcemap file */
            "sourcemap": true,

            vendors to be separated into a .vendors.js file, have three options: array, true, false.
            true: all dependencies (in bower.json or pacakge.json) will be put in a .vendors.js.
            array: only dependencies in this array will be put into the .vendors.js file, others will be bundled in the dist file.
            false: no .vendors.js will be generated and all externals will be ignored in the final bundled file. However, you can use webpack settings `externals` to arrange your externals.
            "vendors": []

        /* settings for webpack-stream */
        "settings": {}

    /* compile scss to css */
        "from": "src/style/bar-chart.scss",
        "to": "dist/css/bar-chart.css",
        "options": {
            "minify": true,
            "sourcemap": true
        "settings": {
            "sass": {}, // settings for node-sass
            "postcss": {}, // settings for postcss
            "nextcss": {}, // settings for nextcss
            "assets": {} // settings for gulp-css-copy-assets

You can use only one object, if you have only one file to build:

"build": {
    "from": "src/script/bar-chart.js",
    "to": "dist/js/bar-chart.js",
    "options": {
        "minify": true,
        "sourcemap": true,
        "vendors": false

If name is not given, all componouts will be built one by one.

componer watch [name]

When you are coding, you can run a componer watch task to build your code automaticly after you change your code and save the changes.

Only src directory is being watched.

If name is not given, all componouts's src will be being watched.

componer preview

Open browser to preview your code. browser-sync is used. preview options in componer.json make sense.

"preview": {
    /* html to use as home page */
    "index": "preview/index.html", // required

    /* script to inject to home page, will be compiled by webpack */
    "script": "preview/bar-chart.js",

    /* will be compiled by sass */
    "style": "preview/bar-chart.scss",

    /* middlewares to be used, look into browser-sync config `middleware` */
    "server": "preview/server.js",

    /* tmp dir to put preview tmp files */
    "tmpdir": ".preview_tmp", // default: '.preview_tmp'

    vendors to be separated into a .vendors.js file, have three options: array, true, false.
    true: all dependencies (in bower.json or pacakge.json) will be put in a .vendors.js.
    array: only dependencies in this array will be put into the .vendors.js file, others will be bundled in the dist file.
    false: no .vendors.js will be generated and all externals will be ignored in the final bundled file. However, you can use webpack settings `externals` to arrange your externals.
    Why we need this? Because when you preview, browser will refresh automaticly after you change your watch files (in the following), bundle js being built, separate vendors avoid to build this vendors into re-build bundle file, which save your time.
    "vendors": true,

    /* look into browser-sync config `files` */
    "watch": [
    /* look into browser-sync config `watchOptions` */
    "watchOptions": {}
  1. index file

A html file, use <!--styles--> and <!--vendors--> <!--scripts--> for scripts files to be injected.

  1. server file

Export an object or an array or a function. Look into browser-sync middleware config.

  1. scripts files

script and style files will be compiled and be kept in memory, not true local files (though files compiled will be created after page shown).

componer test [name] [-D|--debug] [-b|--browser PhantomJS|Chrome|Firefox|IE|Safari]

Componer use karma and jasmine as framework.

You can pass -D (short for --debug) and -b (short for --browser).

When use --debug mode, browser will be open, you can debug testing code in browser.

You can use --browser to change to test in different browser. For example, you can use Firefox. Only "Chrome" or "Firefox" or "PhantomJS" can be used. "PhantomJS" is default.

When you test a node module componout, it is different. You should modify componer.json test.browsers to be Terminal. If test.browsers = Terminal, jasmine-node will be used to test node scripts which can be run only in command line not in browsers. Do as so, -b will not work.

If name is not given, all componouts will be tested. -D will not work, and debug mode will be ignored.

Notice: if you want to use PhantomJS, you should install PhantomJS browser first on you compouter, it is a browser.

componer remove

Remove the named componout, run unlink command if possible.

componer list

List all componouts information.

componer install [for name] [-F|--force]

Install all dependencies for a componout based on its bower.json and pacakge.json.

componer install for my-componout

If you do not pass componout name, all componouts' dependencies will be installed. This is always run at the first time after you clone your project.

componer install

Packages will be put into node_modules/bower_components directory in your project root path. So all packages are shared amoung different componouts.

bower always come first

In componer, bower components always come before npm packages. For example, if you install a package which has both bower and npm packages, bower package will be recommanded to install firstly. If you require a package, and this package has both bower and npm packages in local directory, bower component will be used firstly.

virtual cache

If a package exists in local, no matter in bower_components or node_modules, it will not be installed again.

If you want to force install a new version, you can pass -F|--force to install, e.g. componer prepare xxx -F. Then no matter what packages there are in local, all xxx dependencies will be install (may cover local pacakges version).


When you run prepare task, you should know that compner will not help you to resolve your dependencies version problems. Bebind versions will cover the previous ones and conflicts will be show and the end.

For example, you run componer prepare to install all dependencies of your componouts. Different dependence packages may have different versions. Only the last same named package's version componer meets will be installed.

However, virtual cache works, if you install all dependencies packages, if a dependence package exists in local, it will not be installed again. Use --force to install all dependencies if you want to reinstall all dependencies.

download directory

Componer keep only one same name package in local, for example, if there is a jquery installed in bower_components, no matter which version it has, jquery will never be installed again (until you use -F).

Bower and npm packages are put in different directories. But, only one package will be installed, even if there are two pacakges have the same name and from bower.json and package.json. Remember bower always come first.

componer install [@version] for|to [-D|--dev] [-F|--force]

Install a package for a componout.

componer install jquery for my-componout

New package will be put into node_modules/bower_components directory in your project root path. A new dependence will be added into your componout's package.json or bower.json.

Bower components always come first. So if your componout has a bower.json, new packages will always be installed by bower. But if a package has only npm package, bower install will fail, when this happens, npm install will be run to install this package.

-D is to save to devDependencies. If you do not pass -D, new pacakge will be save to dependencies.

-F is to install new package ignore local virtual cache.

version conflicts

But force install may cause version conflicts. For example, one of your componouts dependents on jquery@1.12.0, but you try jquery --force, the latest version of jquery will be download, and old verison will be covered. So you should have to update your componouts to support higher version jquery manually.

componer link [-F|--force]

Link (Symbolic link) componout as package/component into node_modules/bower_components.

In componer, components follow rules with bower components. So if you want to link your component as a bower component, you should create your componout as a bower component with bower.json.

Firstly, type option in your componout's componer.json should be set to 'bower' or 'npm'. If type is bower, and there is a bower.json in your componout dirctory, it will be linked as bower component. The same logic, npm package needs type to be 'npm' and there is a package.json in your componout.

After you run componer link a-name, you can use require('a-name') in other componouts to use this componout.

There is not a unlink task. It means you should have to unlink your packages by manual. However, when you remove componouts, unlink will be automaticly run by componer.

Notice: on windows, it is different. If you have no permission to do ln, and you pass -F, componer will use bower/npm link instead. For this, you have to know about bower link and npm link. Or componer will copy componout to packages directory, so you have to run link again after you update your code.

componer clone [name] [-u|--url your-git-registry-address] [-I|--install] [-L|--link]

Clone a componout from, by git. You can change registries in .componerrc with defaults options. If -u options is set, registry will be insteaded by this url.

You can try:

componer clone class-base

After that, a componout named class-base will lay in your componouts directory. You will find this componout to be a git registry.

-I is to run componer install task after this componout cloned to install its dependencies. -L is to run componer link task after it cloned to link it to package directories.

If you do not pass a name to the cli, all of dependencies in .componerrc will be download into componouts directories. Notice, dependencies in .componerrc are different from ones in bower.json or pacakge.json, they are only use for clone, not for package dependencies. So after you clone from git, you should run componer install to install their dependencies.

cpon commander

Componer provide a cpon commander to run in a local componout directory. For example, you git clone a registry which has a componer.json from github, and do not want to create a componer project, want to re-build the componout, you can do like this:

git clone && cd xxx
# install dependencies
cpon install
# build
cpon build

cpon init

create a new componout with componer templates, which has three type, npm, bower and app. Componer will ask you some questions, you could just follow the questions and give the answers.

cpon install [-F|--force]

Install dependencies for current componout. All npm and bower dependencies will be installed in current directory.

cpon build

Build current componout following the default rule of componer.

If you use componer to create a componer project, you can change the files in gulp directory to build up your own workflow, but if you use cpon, it will use componer default workflow rules.

cpon preview

Preview current componout by browsersync.

cpon test

Test current componout by karma and jasmine.


All componer command should be run in a componer directory. How about the directory of componer directory?

--- your-project-directory
 `- componouts 			# all componouts will be put here
 |- gulp
 | `- tasks 			# all gulp tasks files, you can even modify by yourself
 | |- templates 		# componouts type templates
 | |- drivers			# webpack, sass and their config files
 | |- utils 			# gulp helper files
 | `- loader.js 		# basic functions and config loader
 |- bower_components
 |- node_modules
 |- gulpfile.babel.js
 |- package.json
 |- .componerrc 		# componer cli config of this project
 |- .bowerrc
 `- .babelrc

All files can be modified, but you should follow the rules.


A componout should must contains a componer.json file, which provides build, preview, test information.

We have three default type of componout:

  1. npm: use this type to create a npm package, which is created for node runtime modules, not for browser-end.

  2. bower: use this type to create a bower component, which is created for browser-end used, not for node runtime.

  3. app: use this type to create a website application, which is NOT used as a node runtime module or browser-end package. So in app template directory, bower.json and package.json only contains (dev)dependencies options.

Normal directory structure:

-- componout
 `- src
 | `- script
 | |- style
 | `- ...
 |- assets
 |- preview
 |- test
 | `- specs
 | |- data
 | |- reporters
 | `- ...
 |- dist
 |- componer.json
 `- ...

You can use componer to create node runtime packages, browser-end components and applications. The difference amoung this types is componer.json, packages of npm always run in node environment, so the test options in componer.json is different, and there is no preview options. Applications will contains all dependencies, so there is not externals options in componer.json.

In the core idea of componer "组件是素材,不是作品。", I suggest developers to hold up component ideas. You build components, and provide to others to use directly, but in fact, you do NOT need to build, because others developers who use your component will use your components source code to build all by themselves. So you can see in default component template, main option in bower.json and package.json are point to src files, not built files. Keep in mind that components are used as resources of other productions, not as productions. A component should follow the idea of independence.

When run build task, components' or packages' dependencies will not be packed by webpack. However, "bower_components" is automaticly considered as modules which can be require in source code, so just use bower component name to import the component.

However, bower components provide style files, such as bootstrap providing source less/sass files in main option in bower.json. If you use bower component instead of npm package, webpack will include this styles in javascript code.

dependencies options in bower.json or package.json will be external modules in built module componout. devDependencies in bower.json and package.json are no useful when building, but will be installed when you run componer install task.

All dependencies should be install in "bower_components" and "node_modules" directories in your componer root directory, which in your componout directories will be ignore when building. So run componer install [name] after you change the dependencies in .json files of componout manually.

The order of packages loaded by webpack

In componer, if you use require('some-module') or import 'some-module' to include a external module, componer will use webpack to build all codes together. However, not all modules lay in node_modules directory, you can use bower_components packages and componouts as modules. The order to find module is bower_components > node_modules > componouts, so after you create a component in your componouts directory, you do NOT need to link it to modules dirctory. But if there are three same package in bower_components, node_modules and componouts, which in bower_components will be used as default. However, you can use componer link to link a componout to bower_components to improve its priority. (We use a plugin which makes bower components higher then node modules.)

But if you want to use @import 'some-module'; in sass, you MUST link it to modules dirctory. Style files always can be used as bower packages. Just remember this.

Share project

  1. setup your project

You could install bower to support bower components in your poject. And create a .bowerrc to set default config of bower.

Babel config is default put in package.json. You could mv it to .babelrc. However, if you want to publish your project minimality, you could just change package.json.

.jshintrc is used to check your code, if you want to ignore some warning, add this file and add your own rules.

  1. minimality share project

If you want to share your project minimality, you can only pack components, .componerrc and package.json, push them to git registry.

- componouts
  |- componout1
  |- componout2
  `- ...
- .componerrc
- package.json

Notice: do NOT push your test reporters, preview tmp dirs and dist dirs to your registry.

After another developer cloned your code, he/she could only run:

componer reset -I

All componer relative files will be recover.

gulp tasks

Componer is a shell of node command, tasks are using gulp task framework, you can even modify the previous tasks for you special project. All tasks are in gulp/tasks directory.

You can even add a new gulp tasks in this directory, and run the new task by run gulp new-task in your componer directory.

Notice: you should follow process.args to use cli parameters.

MIT License

Copyright 2016 tangshuang

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • tangshuang