
0.1.10 • Public • Published


Setting up right tools while developing in Javascript can make the process efficient and enjoyable. There are a lot of great tools available in Javascript ecosystem that can help you along the way, making things easy for you. But setting up all those tools for each new project can be time consuming and boring if not difficult.
cosmo helps you get around these tools easily without getting in your way. It works as a proxy between tools and provides a sensible default configuration. So zero configuration Is required at your end. But it does expect you to be familiar with supported tools.

Currently, It only supports building NodeJs Libraries. Browser environment support may be added later. cosmo is built to easily develop libraries. If you are looking to develop apps, it would still work fine. But there may be better options available depending on the type of app you want to create.

Supported Tools

  • Babel - Use modern Javascript features today.
  • Eslint - Follow Javascript best practices. It helps avoid common mistakes and lets you code with confidence.
  • Jest - Easily write tests for your code.
  • Prettier - Stop worrying about formatting your code. Let Prettier handle it.
  • Flow - Add static types to your code. Make your code more readable and maintainable. Helps avoid great amount of bugs.


$ cosmo <command>
  cosmo build                 Build the project
  cosmo create <projectPath>  Create a new project
  cosmo format                Format files using Prettier
  cosmo lint                  Code analysis using Eslint
  cosmo release               Release to npm
  cosmo start                 Start the development environment
  cosmo test                  Run tests using Jest
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]


create ✅

Create a new project. Initialize git, setup package.json, add default config and install dependencies

We also create a .vscode/settings.json so tools work properly with vscode by default.

Directory Structure:


-s, --skipQuestions: Skip questions for user data
--noCode: Skip creating vscode settings

build ✅

Builds your project. Compiles javascript code in src/ using Babel and outputs the compiled files to dist. By default it uses babel-preset-cosmo. See the list of supported ESNext features here.

If you want, you can take control over the build by providing your own config. If there is a .babelrc in project root, it will be used instead of default preset. If you want to keep using the default preset and extend it, you can add cosmo to your list of babel presets.

For example, to extend support for decorators, just install necessary modules and setup .babelrc like this:

  "presets": ["cosmo"],
  "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"]

Remember to install necessary packages.

yarn add --dev babel-preset-cosmo babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy @babel/core

start ✅

Start the development environment. It runs src/index.js.

babel rules for build command apply here as well.

-w --watch: Watch for file changes and re-run automatically

test ✅

Test the project using jest. Jest will look for files that match these conventions inside src/:

  • Files ending with .test.js.
  • Files ending with .spec.js.
  • .js files in __tests__ folders.

If jestConfig.js is found in your project root, it will be used instead of default config

Unless you are in CI, your tests will run in interactive watch mode.

--noWatch: Specify to never start tests in watch mode
--coverage: Get your code coverage
--ci: Run tests in CI environment
--notify: Show notifications on test

format ✅

Format your project using prettier. By default, following prettier options are set: --no-semi, --single-quote, --trailing-comma es5

You can create a .prettierrc to provide your own config.

—-files: Files to run prettier on. By default, all .js files inside src/ and flow-typed/ will be formatted.
--noConfig: Use prettier without any config

lint ✅

Lint using eslint. By default eslint-config-cosmo is used. If you want to extend or override the rules, add .eslintrc.js to your project root.

—-files: Files to run eslint on. By default, all .js files inside src/ will be selected.

flow ✅

Typecheck your code using flow. Flow is installed directly as devDependency. So instead of running cosmo flow, run yarn flow. cosmo also installs flow_typed for you. So you can install libdefs for libraries by running yarn flowtyped.


yarn flow
yarn flowtyped install lodash@4.17.5

precommit ✅

Run precommit hooks. Before every commit, format and lint commands are run on the staged files. This way you never commit bad code. To add/remove more commands, modify lint-satged field in package.json.

release ✅

Release the package to npm using publish-please. This command will first build the project and do necessary checks before publishing to npm. It will also push to github once the release is sucessfull.

Note that It expects you to bump the version before running this script. To bump the version, use yarn version or npm version.


Clone the project and install dependencies. Run npm link to make the cli accesible as you make changes. By default the global cli tries to use the local cli when possible. But while developing we dont want that. So set env variable COSMO_DEVELOPMENT to true.


MIT © Siddharth Doshi

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