
0.1.2 • Public • Published


CozyScript is a CoffeeScript fork and dialect.

This is an experimental project for implementing programming language. The popularity of CoffeeScript and its clear implementation make it a good start.

CozyScript keeps all syntaxs of CoffeeScript but integrates and implements some useful language features from other CoffeeScript dialects such as LiveScript.


npm install -g cozy-script

In order to prevent from the conflict with original cake installed by CoffeeScript, the installation does not install cake.

Compile script

cozy -c /path/to/script.cozy

Run script

cozy /path/to/script.cozy

Differences to CoffeeScript

  • Backcall function

  • Implicit function call

  • Currying

  • Partially applied function

  • Access/Call shorthand

    Introducing access/call shorthand syntax causes two CoffeeScript tests to fail (in test/ Failed tests are:

      test "multiple operators should space themselves", ->
        eq (+ +1), (- -1)
      test "#1703, ---x is invalid JS", ->
        x = 2
        eq (- --x), -1

    That is because CoffeeScript allows unary '+' and '-' to precede expression with space (e.g., + 1). Allowing spaces following those operators confuses an access/call shorthand with an unary operator usage for the case such as (+ +1). In CoffeeScript, the first '+' would be recognized as unary '+' for next expression +1. But for the syntax of access/call shorthand, it would be a binary operator '+' without left operand. To solve this confusion, by introducing access/call shorthand syntax, it is not allowd that unary '+' and '-' to precede expression with space.

Backcall function

-- CozyScript --

<- $ 1, 2, _

(x) <- $ 1, _, 2

<- $()

x <- func 1, _, 2

<- func_one()

  x <- func 1, _, 2

phantom = require "phantom"
  (ph) <- phantom.create()
    (page) <- ph.createpage()
      (status) <- google
        console.log "opened google? #{status}"
        page.evaluate (-> document.title), (it) ->
          console.log "page title is #{it}"

-- Compile to JavaScript --

$(1, 2, function() {
  return console.log('test');

$(1, function(x) {
  return console.log('test');
}, 2);

$(function() {
  return console.log('test');

func(1, function(x) {
  return console.log('test');
}, 2);

func_one(function() {
  return func(1, function(x) {
    return console.log('test');
  }, 2);

var phantom;
phantom = require("phantom");

phantom.create(function(ph) {
  return ph.createpage(function(page) {
    return, function(status) {
      console.log("opened google? " + status);
      return page.evaluate((function() {
        return document.title;
      }), function(it) {
        console.log("page title is " + it);
        return ph.exit;

Implicit function call

-- CozyScript --

func = (one, two, three) -> one: '1', two: '2'


eq func().two, '2'
eq func!.two, '2'

func_array = -> [1, 2, 3]

eq func_array()[0], 1
eq func_array![0], 1

-- Compile to JavaScript --

func = function(one, two, three) {
    return {
        one: '1',
        two: '2'



eq(func().two, '2');

eq(func().two, '2');

func_array = function() {
    return [1, 2, 3];

eq(func_array()[0], 1);

eq(func_array()[0], 1);

Currying function

-- CozyScript --

times = (x, y) --> x * y

-- Compile to JavaScript --

times = curry$(function(x, y) {
  return x * y;

function curry$(f, args){     # Currying javascript codes from LiveScript
  return f.length > 1 ? function(){
    var params = args ? args.concat() : [];
    return params.push.apply(params, arguments) < f.length && arguments.length ?
    curry$.call(this, f, params) : f.apply(this, params);
  } : f;

Partially applied function

-- CozyScript --

filterNum = filter _, [1..5]

filterNum (it) ->  # [4, 5]
  it > 3

-- Compile to JavaScript --

filterNum = __partialize.apply(this, [filter, [void 0, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], [0]]);

filterNum(function(it) {
    return it > 3;

__partialize = function partialize$(f, args, where){  # particalize$() javascript codes from LiveScript
  var context = this;
  return function(){
    var params =, i,
        len = params.length, wlen = where.length,
        ta = args ? args.concat() : [], tw = where ? where.concat() : [];
    for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ta[tw[0]] = params[i]; tw.shift(); }
    return len < wlen && len ?
      partialize$.apply(context, [f, ta, tw]) : f.apply(context, ta);

Access/Call shorthand

-- CozyScript --

( +1)

(+ 1)

(1 -)




(> 1 > 2)



(+ +1)
(- -1)

(- --x)

obj =
  x: 1
  y: 2

f = (input, cb) ->

f obj, (.x)

filter (> 3), [1..5]  # [4, 5]

-- Compile to JavaScript --


(function(it) {
  return it + 1;

(function(it) {
  return 1 - it;

(function(it) {
  return 1 - it;

(function(it) {
  return it > 1;

(function(it) {
  return it < 1;

(function(it) {
  return (it > 1 && 1 > 2);

(function(it) {
  return it.x;


(function(it) {
  return it + +1;

(function(it) {
  return it - -1;

(function(it) {
  return it - --x;

obj = {
  x: 1,
  y: 2

f = function(input, cb) {
  return console.log(cb(input));

f(obj, (function(it) {
  return it.x;

filter((function(it) {
  return it > 3;
}), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);


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    • viirya