
0.5.5 • Public • Published

Crawly McCrawlface

A small crawler that downloads html from the web and applies content extraction.

#Install npm install crawly-mccrawlface

//Create crawler and supply seed as string or array of strings
const crawler = new Crawler('');
// or if you want multiple domains:
// const crawler = new Crawler(['', '']);

//start crawling
crawler.on('finished', () => {
  // the crawler has loaded all the sites that could be reached by the seed from the domain of the seed.
  // get content of the site by its url


Data extraction

The crawler uses google's NLP API to extract data from text. To use this feature you have to supply the key as environment variable:

Windows: setx GOOGLE_NLP_API 1234APIKEY or you can find the tool from System by typing 'environment' into the search box in start menu.

Unix: export GOOGLE_NLP_API=1234APIKEY

Or: Create .env file with the content: GOOGLE_NLP_API=1234APIKEY

To accomplish that it uses the google-nlp-api package.


You can cache responses from websites using a simple object that has a set and get method and some persistence.

Some examples:

Redis (with ioredis:

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redis = new Redis({
    port: 6379,          // Redis port
    host: 'localhost',   // Redis host
    family: 4,
    password: 'superSecurePassword',
    db: 0
    get: function (key) {
        return redis.get(key);
    set: function (key, value, expire) {
        redis.set(key, value, 'EX', expire);

Usages in Meteor

=> here


const options = {
			readyIn: 50,
			goHaywire: false,
			userAgent: 'CrawlyMcCrawlface',
			expireDefault: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const crawler = new Crawler([...some urls...], options);

readyIn (Number): Number of sites, that have to be loaded that ready-event is fired.

goHaywire (Boolean): On defautl the crawler will only get content from the domains that where in the seed. On haywire mode the crawler will never stop and go crazy on the web. You should not use this mode for now. Or use it at your own risk, I'm not you boss.

userAgent (String): User Agent

expireDefault (Number): Expire key that is set in cache.


You can decide which sites are crawled by adding filters as string or regex. Filters are concatted with OR.

// if(url.match('details.html')){//url is crawled}

crawler.addFilter(new RegExp('[0-9]{5}'), i);
//if(url.match('details.html') || url.match(/[0-9]{5}/)){//url is crawled}



ready is fired when five sites where loaded, this is the first point where content extraction can be applied. If the content is crawled from different domains, the event will not be helpful anymore. You should use siteAdded or sitesChanged.

siteAdded is fired when a new site was added. It contains the new site as object.

sitesChanged is fired when a new site was added, it contains the count of all sites.

finished is fired when the queue is empty. On default usages, this is the point when everything is ready.

ready is called, when there are enough sites (default: 50 or set with options.readyIn) to do a content extraction or all sites of domain were crawled.




Test with:

npm test

Content extraction

There are multiple algorythm used to do content extraction:

Gold Miner

Gold miner will only work if at least two sites with the same template were crawled. The extraction works by looking on the differences between the sites. The nodes with a difference more than the mean differences of all nodes are extracted as content.

Link Quota Filtering + Text density + some counting

If only one site is crawled and its content extracted, nodes are classified with link quota filtering, text density and count of special tags.

For questions or problems

Feel free to open an issue or send an email:



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npm i crawly-mccrawlface

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  • budickda