
0.0.9 • Public • Published


What's better in this life than having a database mocking, for our api-mocking! db-mock, is an engine that is perfect for simulating a database, with a very simple setup, you can have a db-like and an api-mocks in matter of minutes. If you mock you api using Node and Express, db-mock will make your life 10x easier!


  • handy data types (string, number, bool, date, array, object)
  • data type constraints (required, min, max)
  • one-to-one and one-to-many relations ($has, and $hasMany)S
  • injecting related resources optionally
  • handy resource apis (add, get, update, delete, list and query)
  • validations are everywhere to help you spot any conflicts (validating schema, and operations)
  • configurations for almost everything
  • colorful and informative logging
  • It can run in three different modes
    • as a node module, using: require('db-mock')
    • as a standalone module that communicates on sockets (still under development)
    • as a web-console that makes you manage everything visually, edit schema and browse the data (still under development)


npm install db-mock --save-dev


Seed data

./node_modules/.bin/db-mock seed

seeding data

Clean data

./node_modules/.bin/db-mock clean

cleaning data

Schema example

// profile.json
  "address": "string",
  "phone": "string"
// course.json
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "$has": {
    "many": [{
      "relationWith": "student",
      "inject": true
// student.json
  "name": {
    "type": "string",
    "required": true
  "age": {
    "type": "number",
    "min": 0,
    "max": 100
  "dateOfBirth": "date",
  "married": "bool",
  "sons": {
    "type": "array",
    "required": true
  "$has": {
    "one": [{
      "relationWith": "profile",
      "required": true,
      "inject": true
    "many": [

Seed example

// seed.js
var _ = require('lodash');

module.exports = function(db) {
  _.times(10, (i) => {
    let studentProfile = db.profile.add({
      address: 'address ' + i

      name: 'student name ' + i,
      dateOfBirth: new Date(),
      profile_ID: studentProfile.ID

Getting started

If you know NodeJS and Express, then let's do few steps and have our api-mocks running just like real ones. I've created sample application for you to check and follow Here it is!

Data types

  • string
  • date
  • number
  • bool
  • array
  • object


All optional! Create .dbmockrc on the root to configure any option.

Option Default Description
socketsPort 6789 The port of engine when it runs in sockets mode
webConsolePort 6790 The port of the web-console
data 'db-mock/data/' The directory of data (should be git ignored)
schema 'db-mock/schema/' Directory of the schema
seed 'db-mock/seed.js' File location of seed script
IDProperty 'ID' ID property
foreignIDSuffix '_ID' How should foreign IDs be. (classID, classId, class_id, or classID)
enableCreatedAtProperty true Auto insert 'created at' field
createdAtProperty '_createdAt' Name of 'created at' property if enabled
enableUpdatedAtProperty true Auto insert 'updated at' field
updatedAtProperty '_updatedAt' Name of 'updated at' property
injectResourceName true Whether to inject the resource name at retrieval, (student resource will has '$name'='student' property)
resourceNameProperty '_name' resource name property


  "data": "db-mock-data/data/",
  "schema": "db-mock-data/schema/",
  "seed": "db-mock-data/seed.js",
  "foreignIDSuffix": "ID"



Dependencies (7)

Dev Dependencies (4)

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npm i db-mock

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  • abumuslim