
0.3.2 • Public • Published


Repository interface for noSQL database


var EventedRepository = require("evented-repository/mongo")
var mongo = require("continuable-mongo")
var db = mongo("mongodb://localhost:27017/my_db")
var repo = EventedRepository(db, {
  namespace: "my-repo"
// do stuff

Example: updating a value

var repo = ...
  name: "steve",
  email: "steve@evented-repository.com",
  relatives: [{
    relation: "father",
    name: "bob",
    email: "bob@evented-repository.com"
}], function (err, docs) {
  if (err) throw err
  repo.update(docs[0].id, {
    email: "new-steve@email.com"
  }, function (err, doc) {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log("new document", doc)

Example: updating a nested value

var repo = ...
  name: "steve",
  email: "steve@evented-repository.com",
  relatives: [{
    relation: "father",
    name: "bob",
    email: "bob@evented-repository.com"
}], function (err, docs) {
  if (err) throw err
  repo.update(docs[0].id, "relatives.0", {
    email: "new-bob@email.com"
  }, function (err, doc) {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log("new document", doc)


A Repository is a data access interface with a shape like

type Repository<T> := {
    store: (Array<T>, Callback<Array<T>>),
    update: (id: String, keypath?: String, delta: Object, Callback<T>),
    remove: (id: String, Callback<void>),
    drop: (Callback<void>),
    sub: (namespace: String, opts: Object) => Repository<X>,
    getById: (id: String, Callback<T>),
    getAll: (Callback<Array<T>>),
    getFor: (key: String, value: Any, Callback<Array<T>>),
    getBy: (key: String, value: Any, Callback<Array<T>>)

This module is an implementation of an EventedRepository which is the same as Repository with the addition that all mutative data operations are stored in an immutable event section. This is for purposes of history tracking.


A Repository is created using a db instance and namespace. The repository will persists records in the db under the given namespace

primary key

A Repository has a configurable primary key. This is referred to as id in the type definition above and defaults to the id property of the record being persisted in the database.


A Repository has an array of secondary index keys (indexes). These are the keys of properties of the record for which a secondary index exists in the repository. Each key in the indexes array is a valid argument to getBy.

Every Repository has a main index on the primary key

encoder() and decoder

A Repository can have an encoder and decoder assigned to it.

The encoder will be called on every record that get's stored and on every record that gets updated before it's persisted into the database

The decoder will be called on every record that comes out of the database. Including the callbacks to store(), remove() and update()

The encoder and decoder are meant to be used as a way to add database specific formatting to the values you are persisting on the way into the database and to decode all values coming out of the database to ensure they have the correct shape as defined by your application.

Repository.store([record, ...], callback)

store() should take an array of records to store into the repository. Each record get's passed through the optional encoder and each record will have it's primary key set to a uuid() if it's not set.

store() will call your callback with the array of records you have inserted, it passes these records through the optional decoder.

store() will create and persist an event that looks like

  name: "record created",
  record: {{record}},
  id: {{recordPrimaryKey}},
  time: Number

Repository.update(id, [keypath,] delta, callback)

update() takes an id for a record (the value of it's primary key) and a delta object. It will fetch the current value for the id and then extends that value by shallow copying properties from the delta object onto the current value. The new value extended with the properties of the delta object is then passed through the optional encoder function and persisted back into the database.

You can pass an optional keypath to update to allow you to shallowly extend a nested property instead of shallowly extending the entire object

update() will fail with a "not.found" error if there is no record for the id

The callback will be called with the new extended value once the update() operation succeeds. This value is passed through the decoder function before the callback is called

update() will create and persist an event that looks like

  name: "record updated",
  id: {{recordPrimaryKey}},
  delta: {{deltaToApply}},
  keypath: {{keypath}},
  time: Number

Repository.remove(id, callback)

remove() takes an id for a record (the value of it's primary key) and will remove the record with that id if it exists. If it doesn't exists then it does nothing.

remove() will create and persist an event that looks like

  name: "record removed",
  id: {{recordPrimaryKey}},
  time: Number


drop() will remove all records in the namespace.


sub() will create a sub repository. The namespace passed in through options.namespace will be prefixed with the current namespace of the repository.

Basically this allows you to do something like

var repo = Repository(db, { namespace: "my-app" })
var users = repo.sub({ namespace: "users" })
var repo2 = Repository(db, { namespace: "other-app" })
var users2 = repo.sub({ namespace: "users" })

Repository.getById(id, callback)

getById() allows you to query the repository for a record by it's primary key. The callback will get called with the record after it's passed through the optional decoder.

getById() only returns a single record (or null if no record exists for this id) and assumes that the records you are storing in the repository have a unique primary key per record.

getById() should be optimized by the main index.


getAll() will return all the records in the repository. The callback will be called with all the records after they are passed through the optional decoder

Repository.getFor(key, value, callback)

getFor() queries all the records in the repository and then filters them by records where the property key has a value that matches value.

The callback will get called with all the records that match the criteria after they are passed through the optional decoder.

getFor() is not optimized by an index.

Repository.getBy(key, value, callback)

getBy() queries the database for records where the property with key key has the value value. getBy() will use the secondary indexes configured on the Repository.

If the key is not in the indexes array then getBy() fails with a "not.indexed" error.

The callback will get called with the records taht match the criteria after they are passed through the optional decoder

getBy() is optimized by a secondary index.


  • Add batch() primitive
  • Add range() primitive
  • Update getFor() and getBy() to work with nested paths


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  • Raynos

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  • raynos