
0.0.6 • Public • Published


Higher order functions for working with functions in JavaScript.

Download and installation

To use in a node.js app, install through npm command:

npm install fn-callable

To use in a browser, just download the src/callable.js script and you're good to go. Callable is also compatible with AMD style loaders that use define for declaring modules.


Simplify calls to setting timeouts:

 * Call someFunction with someScope as the scope in timerDelay milliseconds
Callable.defer(someFunction, someScope, timerDelay);

Cancelling the timeout uses the returned function from Callable.defer:

// defer doing something for one second
this._cancelDoingSomething = Callable.defer(this.doSomething, this, 1000);

// if at some point between now and that one second you decide not to do it

Simplify calls to setting intervals:

 * Call someFunction with someScope as the scope ever intervalDelay milliseconds
 * for iterationCount iterations - zero or smaller as iteration count is infinitely
Callable.repeat(someFunction, someScope, intervalDelay, iterationCount);

Intervals are cancelled in the same way as timeouts, by calling the function that they return.

Grouping execution of functions - a nifty trick to run a function only once it has stopped being called, an example use case would be where functions are attached as event handlers that might fire a few hundred times, but only have to do work once they stop being called (such as window resizing etc).

 * Calls someFunction in the scope of someScope after maxDelay seconds. If the same function/scope
 * combination are used within that time, the original request is discarded and a new delay is set
 * up, so the function only gets called once.
Callable.delay(someFunction, someScope, maxDelay);

An example of Callable.delay in action:

function resizeHandler() {

jQuery(window).on('resize', function() {
   Callable.delay(resizeHandler, this, 10);

Using Callable.delay in the callback for the window resize event means the resizeHandler function will only be called once rather than for each pixel change (particularly a problem in old Internet Explorer).

Add AOP style callbacks to be run immediately after another funciton has run. In order for Callable to be able to add the callback, this will only work on non-anonymous functions, and as it is a name based replacement, any existing references to the function that is being observed will not call the AOP callbacks.

Those caveats aside, it's easy to observe a class instance method:

function SomeClass() {}
SomeClass.prototype.someMethod = function() {};

var someClass = new SomeClass();
Callable.after(someClass, 'someMethod', function() {});

... or even a method on the prototype, to be observed when any instance calls it:

function SomeClass() {}
SomeClass.prototype.someMethod = function() {};

Callable.after(SomeClass.prototype, 'someMethod', function() {});

AOP callbacks can be added multiple times to the same function without significant memory penalties as all AOP is held in one object per scope/function pair.

Callable.dropArgs can be used to remove unwanted arguments from being passed to a callback. Called with the function that is to be wrapped, an optional scope and an optional number of arguments to allow through to the original function:

function callback(a, b) {
  console.log(a, b);

// fn calls callback with both a and b undefined
fn = Callable.dropArgs(callback)

// fn calls callback with one argument argument, b will always be undefined
fn = Callable.dropArgs(callback, 1)

// fn calls callback in the scope provided with one argument
fn = Callable.dropArgs(callback, this, 1)

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    • steveukx