
1.0.6 • Public • Published

Gadgetzan: API SDK

Table of Contents


  • Full API coverage for Diablo III, Hearthstone, StarCraft II, and World of Warcraft.
  • Automatic access token handling and renewal.
  • Built-in throttling to match Blizzard's rate limits (36,000 requests per hour, 100 requests per second).
  • File-based request caching to save API responses that do not change frequently.
  • Automatic request-retries for intermittent failures.
  • Lightning-fast promise-based resolution for getting index entry details.
  • High-level convenience objects and methods for common practical tasks.

Getting Started


npm install --save gadgetzan

Creating a Client

To create a client, you need to register an application with Blizzard: Use the client ID and client secret found on your application details page to create the client:

const { Client } = require ('gadgetzan');

const client = new Client (

You can optionally pass a third argument with the following configurable options (defaults provided):

  region: 'us',
  locale: 'en_US',
  retries: 3,
  timeout: 5000,
  concurrency: 5,
  throttle: 100,

  cache: {
    enabled: true,
    ttl: 60 * 60 * 24,
    file: '.cache'

High-level API functions are available through each game's short-name (Note: at the moment there are no high-level functions defined for Diablo III, Hearthstone, or Starcraft II):

  • Diablo III: client.d3
  • Hearthstone: client.hs
  • Starcraft II: client.sc2
  • World of Warcraft (Retail):
  • World of Warcraft (Classic):

Low-level direct API calls are available through each game's short-name's API property:

  • Diablo III: client.d3.api
  • Hearthstone: client.hs.api
  • Starcraft II: client.sc2.api
  • Starcraft II (Legacy): client.sc2.api.legacy
  • Starcraft II (Account): client.sc2.api.account
  • World of Warcraft (Retail):
  • World of Warcraft (Retail Profile):
  • World of Warcraft (Classic):

Note: Some of the WoW retail and SC2 APIs requires an access token generated with the authorization code flow. This library does not currently handle this flow. To generate this access token, you can use passport-bnet or equivalent. Once the access token is generated, you can import it using the client.setAccessToken (accessToken) method. Note that automatic token renewal is not supported for access tokens granted using this flow, but it will allow you authorized access to the and client.sc2.api.account methods.

The last parameter in every method is an optional options object which allows customizing the following parameters on a per-request basis:

  params: { key: value, ... },
  retries: number
  timeout: number,
  cache: false | true | { enabled: boolean, ttl: number, file: string }

For example, if the client's default region is us but you need to request details for a region in eu, you can: ({ params: { region: 'eu' }});`

Some methods such as override user-defined parameters if specified such as id, orderBy, and pageSize to ensure working and efficient pagination requests to Blizzard. Overrides are used sparingly and only when necessary to decrease the chance of user-defined inputs causing an error.


World of Warcraft (Classic) - Get all horde auctions on Grobbulus:

let realm = await ('Grobbulus');
let auctions = await realm.getAuctions ();

console.log (auctions.horde);

World of Warcraft - Loop through every available item:

let items = await ();

for await (let item of items) {
  console.log (item);

World of Warcraft - Get the item icon for Jeeves:

let item = await ('Jeeves');
let icon = await item.getIcon ();

console.log (icon);

World of Warcraft (Classic) - Loop through all available regions in Europe:

let regions = await ('eu');

console.log (regions);

World of Warcraft (Classic) - Using the low-level API to get a region by ID directly:

let region = await (43, { params: { region: 'eu' }});

console.log (region);

API Reference


World of Warcraft and

async getConnectedRealms (options): ConnectedRealm []

async getConnectedRealm (name, options): ConnectedRealm

async getItem (name, options): Item

async getItemById (itemId, options): Item

async* getItems (name, options): AsyncGenerator<Item>

async getRegions (region, options): Region []

World of Warcraft (Classic)

async getAuctionHouses (connectedRealmId, options)

World of Warcraft (Models)


async getAuctions (options)


is (name)

async getAuctions (options)


async getIcon (options)





Diablo III


async getActIndex (options)

async getAct (actId, options)

async getArtisan (artisanSlug, options)

async getRecipe (artisanSlug, recipeSlug, options)

async getFollower (followerSlug, options)

async getCharacterClass (classSlug, options)

async getApiSkill (classSlug, skillSlug, options)

async getItemTypesIndex (options)

async getItemType (itemTypeSlug, options)

async getItem (itemSlugAndId, options)

async getApiAccount (battleTag, options)

async getApiHero (battleTag, heroId, options)

async getApiDetailedHeroItems (battleTag, heroId, options)

async getApiDetailedFollowerItems (battleTag, heroId, options)

async getSeasonIndex (options)

async getSeason (seasonId, options)

async getSeasonLeaderboard (seasonId, leaderboardId, options)

async getEraIndex (options)

async getEra (eraId, options)

async getEraLeaderboard (eraId, leaderboardId, options)



async searchCards ({ attack, classSlug, collectible, gameMode, health, keyword, manaCost, minionType, order, page, pageSize, rarity, set, sort, spellSchool, textFilter, type }, options)

async searchBattlegroundCards ({ attack, gameMode, health, keyword, minionType, order, page, pageSize, sort, textFilter, tier }, options)

async searchMercenaryCards ({ attack, defaultMercenary, gameMode, health, minionType, mercenaryId, mercenaryRole, order, page, pageSize, sort, textFilter }, options) async getCard (idOrSlug, options)

async searchCardbacks ({ cardBackCategory, order, page, pageSize, sort, textFilter }, options)

async getCardback (idOrSlug, options)

async getDeck ({ code, ids, hero }, options)

async getAllMetadata (options)

async getMetadata (type, options)

Starcraft II


async getStaticProfile (regionId, options)

async getProfileMetaData (regionId, realmId, profileId, options)

async getProfile (regionId, realmId, profileId, options)

async getProfileLadderSummary (regionId, realmId, profileId, options)

async getProfileLadder (regionId, realmId, profileId, ladderId, options)

async getGrandmasterLeaderboard (regionId, options)

async getSeason (regionId, options)

async getPlayer (accountId, options)

async getLeagueData (seasonId, queueId, teamType, leagueId, options)

Starcraft II (Legacy)


async getProfile (regionId, realmId, profileId, options)

async getLadders (regionId, realmId, profileId, options)

async getMatchHistory (regionId, realmId, profileId, options)

async getLadder (regionId, ladderId, options)

async getAchievements (regionId, options)

async getRewards (regionId, options)

World of Warcraft and

async getConnectedRealmsIndex (options)

async getConnectedRealm (connectedRealmId, options)

async searchConnectedRealms ({ status, timezone, orderBy, page }, options)

async getCreatureFamiliesIndex (options)

async getCreatureFamily (creatureFamilyId, options)

async getCreatureTypesIndex (options)

async getCreatureType (creatureTypeId, options)

async getCreature (creatureId, options)

async searchCreatures ({ name, orderBy, page }, options)

async getCreatureDisplayMedia (creatureDisplayId, options)

async getCreatureFamilyMedia (creatureFamilyId, options)

async getGuildCrestComponentsIndex (options)

async getGuildCrestBorderMedia (borderId, options)

async getGuildCrestEmblemMedia (emblemId, options)

async getItemClassesIndex (options)

async getItemClass (itemClassId, options)

async getItemSubclass (itemClassId, itemSubclassId, options)

async getItem (itemId, options)

async getItemMedia (itemId, options)

async searchItems ({ id, name, orderBy, page }, options)

async searchMedia ({ tags, orderBy, page }, options)

async getPlayableClassesIndex (options)

async getPlayableClass (classId, options)

async getPlayableClassMedia (playableClassId, options)

async getPlayableRacesIndex (options)

async getPlayableRace (playableRaceId, options)

async getPowerTypesIndex (options)

async getPowerType (powerTypeId, options)

async getPvPSeasonsIndex (options)

async getPvPSeason (pvpSeasonId, options)

async getRealmsIndex (options)

async getRealm (realmSlug, options)

async searchRealms ({ timezone, orderBy, page }, options)

async getRegion (regionId, options)

async getRegionsIndex (options)

async getRegion (regionId, options)

World of Warcraft (Retail)

async getAchievementCategoriesIndex (options)

async getAchievementCategory (achievementCategoryId, options)

async getAchievementsIndex (options)

async getAchievement (achievementId, options)

async getAchievementMedia (achievementId, options)

async getAuctions (connectedRealmId, options)

async getAzeriteEssencesIndex (options)

async getAzeriteEssence (azeriteEssenceId, options)

async searchAzeriteEssences ({ allowedSpecializations, orderBy, page }, options)

async getAzeriteEssenceMedia (azeriteEssenceId, options)

async getCovenantsIndex (options)

async getCovenant (covenantId, options)

async getCovenantMedia (covenantId, options)

async getSoulbindsIndex (options)

async getSoulbind (soulbindId, options)

async getConduitsIndex (options)

async getConduit (conduitId, options)

async getGuild (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getGuildActivity (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getGuildAchievements (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getGuildRoster (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getItemSetsIndex (options)

async getItemSet (itemSetId, options)

async getJournalExpansionsIndex (options)

async getJournalExpansion (journalExpansionId, options)

async getJournalEncountersIndex (options)

async getJournalEncounter (journalEncounterId, options)

async searchJournalEncounters ({ instanceName, orderBy, page }, options)

async getJournalInstancesIndex (options)

async getJournalInstance (journalInstanceId, options)

async getJournalInstanceMedia (journalInstanceId, options)

async getModifiedCraftingsIndex (options)

async getModifiedCraftingCategoriesIndex (options)

async getModifiedCraftingCategory (categoryId, options)

async getModifiedCraftingReagentSlotTypeIndex (categoryId, options)

async getModifiedCraftingReagentSlotType (slotTypeId, options)

async getMountsIndex (options)

async getMount (mountId, options)

async searchMounts ({ name, orderBy, page }, options)

async getMythicKeystoneAffixesIndex (options)

async getMythicKeystoneAffix (keystoneAffixId, options)

async getMythicKeystoneAffixMedia (keystoneAffixId, options)

async getMythicKeystoneDungeonsIndex (options)

async getMythicKeystoneDungeon (dungeonId, options)

async getMythicKeystoneIndex (options)

async getMythicKeystonePeriodsIndex (options)

async getMythicKeystonePeriod (periodId, options)

async getMythicKeystoneSeasonsIndex (options)

async getMythicKeystoneSeason (seasonId, options)

async getMythicKeystoneLeaderboardsIndex (connectedRealmId, options)

async getMythicKeystoneLeaderboard (connectedRealmId, dungeonId, period, options)

async getMythicRaidLeaderboard (raid, faction, options)

async getPetsIndex (options)

async getPet (petId, options)

async getPetMedia (petId, options)

async getPetAbilitiesIndex (options)

async getPetAbility (petAbilityId, options)

async getPetAbilityMedia (petAbilityId, options)

async getPvPTalentSlots (classId, options)

async getPlayableSpecializationsIndex (options)

async getPlayableSpecialization (specId, options)

async getPlayableSpecializationMedia (specId, options)

async getProfessionsIndex (options)

async getProfession (professionId, options)

async getProfessionMedia (professionId, options)

async getProfessionSkillTier (professionId, skillTierId, options)

async getRecipe (recipeId, options)

async getRecipeMedia (recipeId, options)

async getPvPLeaderboardsIndex (pvpSeasonId, options)

async getPvPLeaderboard (pvpSeasonId, pvpBracket, options)

async getPvPRewardsIndex (pvpSeasonId, options)

async getQuestsIndex (options)

async getQuest (questId, options)

async getQuestCategoriesIndex (options)

async getQuestCategory (questCategoryId, options)

async getQuestAreasIndex (options)

async getQuestArea (questAreaId, options)

async getQuestTypesIndex (options)

async getQuestType (questTypeId, options)

async getReputationFactionsIndex (options)

async getReputationFaction (reputationFactionId, options)

async getReputationTiersIndex (options)

async getReputationTiers (reputationTiersId, options)

async getSpell (spellId, options)

async getSpellMedia (spellId, options)

async searchSpells ({ name, orderBy, page }, options)

async getSpellMedia (spellId, options)

async getTalentsIndex (options)

async getTalent (talentId, options)

async getPvPTalentsIndex (options)

async getPvPTalent (pvpTalentId, options)

async getTechTalentTreeIndex (options)

async getTalentTree (techTalentTreeId, options)

async getTechTalentIndex (options)

async getTechTalent (techTalentId, options)

async getTechTalentMedia (techTalentId, options)

async getTitlesIndex (options)

async getTitle (titleId, options)

async getWoWTokenIndex (options)

async getCharacterAchievementsSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterAchievementStatistics (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterAppearanceSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterCollectionsIndex (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterMountsCollectionSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterPetsCollectionSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterEncountersSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterDungeons (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterRaids (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterEquipmentSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterHunterPetsSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterMediaSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterMythicKeystoneProfileIndex (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getMythicKeystoneSeasonDetails (realmSlug, characterName, seasonId, options)

async getCharacterProfessionsSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterProfileSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterProfileStatus (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterPvPBracketStatistics (realmSlug, characterName, pvpBracket, options)

async getCharacterPvPSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterQuests (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterCompletedQuests (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterReputationsSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterSoulbinds (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterSpecializationsSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterStatisticsSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

async getCharacterTitlesSummary (realmSlug, characterName, options)

World of Warcraft (Retail Profile)

async getProfileSummary (options)

async getProtectedCharacterProfileSummary (realmId, characterId, options)

async getCollectionsIndex (options)

async getMountsCollectionSummary (options)

async getPetsCollectionSummary (options)

World of Warcraft (Classic)

async getAuctionHousesIndex (connectedRealmId, options)

async getAuctions (connectedRealmId, auctionHouseId, options)

async getPvPRegionsIndex (options)

async getPvPRegionalSeasonsIndex (pvpRegionId, options)

async getPvPRegionalSeason (pvpRegionId, pvpSeasonId, options)

async getPvPLeaderboardsIndex (pvpRegionId, pvpSeasonId, options)

async getPvPLeaderboard (pvpRegionId, pvpSeasonId, pvpBracket, options)

async getPvPRewardsIndex (pvpRegionId, pvpSeasonId, options)


©1996 - 2022 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved., Diablo III, Hearthstone, StarCraft II, World of Warcraft, and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


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