
1.0.4 • Public • Published

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Forwards Github Webhooks to overcome the maximum number of webhooks allowed by Github (20)


See configure and launch your service in vigour-config for information on how to configure and launch the github-webhook-forwarding service and where to get more info for all the configuration options.

npm start

This service needs to make authenticated requests to GitHub. You'll need to provide the following configuration options for npm start to work:

  • gitOwner ($GWF_OWNER)
  • gitUsername ($GWF_USER)
  • gitPassword ($GWF_PASS)
  • subUser ($GWF_SUB_USER)
  • subPass ($GWF_SUB_PASS)

Other options are also available, check package.json[vigour] and see usage


This is meant for a production environment where the ip returned by ip.address() is accessible to the outside world. On a local setup, the webhook will not reach. But the service will still create a WebHook on GitHub for the configured organization, taking one of only 20 available webhooks! Don't forget to remove it if you run npm start locally or if you're decommissioning an instance of the service. If you don't want to do this manually, use npm run unhook.

npm run unhook

This gets the same config as npm start, but with { unhook: true } (--unhook true), which means that instead of creating a hook if none exist for this ip and port, it will remove such a hook and exit

npm test

Some of the tests also involve making authenticated requests to GitHub. We want those tests to work but we don't want to put the credentials in the repo. Instead, please set the following environment variables:

  • GWF_TEST_PORT (optional, default: 8000)


export GWF_TEST_OWNER=vigour
export GWF_TEST_USER=vigourbot
export GWF_TEST_PASS=OMGthisissoooooosecret

Subscribing to GWF

To subscribe to GWF, make a POST request to /subscribe?url=<YOUR_URL> with Basic authentication (see the server tests for a complete example)

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    • vigour-io