
0.1.7 • Public • Published


Sprite packer converts multiple png files into single sprite file using efficient packer algorithm. Metadata (names, dimensions and positions of individual sprites) are written into separate template-based text file.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1 and ImageMagick library.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-sprite-packer --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


ImageMagick library have to be installed in your system. See for installation instructions.

The "spritepacker" task


This task converts multiple images into single image using efficient packing algorithm. It outputs two files: resulting sprite image and a text file with information about positions and dimensions of individual sprites. This text file has no fixed format or structure, instead it is generated using a handlebars template, so that you have full control of its format. It can be plain CSS with classes or some declarations for additional processing (LESS, SASS, Stylus or JSON).

NEW: Since version 0.1.7, Spritepacker can now work with SVG files. See svg option for details. This is an experimental feature, please report any issues you may encounter.

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named spritepacker to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  spritepacker: {
    default_options: {
      options: {
        // Path to the template for generating metafile:
        template: 'css/sprites.css.tpl',
        // Destination metafile:
        destCss: 'css/sprites.css',
        // Base URL for sprite image, used in template
        baseUrl: '../img/'
      files: {
        'img/sprites.png': ['img/sprites/*.png']



Type: String

A path to the template for generating metafile. Template is processed through Handlebars with the following variables:

  • sprites - an array of object with metainfo for each sprite
  • baseUrl - base URL from task options
  • fileName - file name of generated sprite file (i.e. task destination)
  • width - width of generated sprite file
  • height - height of generated sprite file
  • timestamp - timestamp (can be used in template as image url parameter to prevent caching issues) - deprecated, use checksum instead
  • checksum - md5 hash of the generated sprite image file (can be used in template as image url parameter to prevent caching issues)

Each item in sprites array contains the following properties:

  • name - name of the sprite (= original file name without extension)
  • x - x position of the sprite in generated sprite file
  • y - y position of the sprite in generated sprite file
  • width - width of the sprite
  • height - height of the sprite

Example of template file for generating simple CSS:

{{#sprites}}.{{name}} = { background: url('{{../baseUrl}}{{../fileName}}') no-repeat -{{x}}px -{{y}}px; width: {{width}}px; height: {{height}}px; }

Example of template file for generating Stylus declarations to be processed later by some Stylus function:

{{#sprites}}{{name}} = ('{{../baseUrl}}{{../fileName}}' -{{x}}px -{{y}}px {{width}}px {{height}}px {{../name}})


Type: String

A path to the template file.


Type: String

A path to the metafile that will be generated from the template.


Type: String

URL path to the generated sprite file.


Type: Number Default: 0

White space that will be added as a padding around every sprite (in px). It is useful to prevent bleeding pixels from one sprite to another when scaled / interpolated in the browser.


Type: String Default: 'png32'

Output file format. Any image format supported by ImageMagick should work (tested 'png32' and 'jpg').


Type: String Default: 'none'

Background color of output image. 'none' = transparent, '#ffffff' = white, '#ff0000' = red etc.


Type: String Default: '100%'

Compression quality of output file. Has no effect for file formats other than jpg.


Type: Boolean Default: false

When set to true, dimensions of sprites will be aligned to even pixels (useful when scaled down by factor of 2 in CSS for mobile/retina/nonretina optimization). Note that padding must be set to (multiple of) 2 as well.


Type: Boolean Default: false Version: 0.1.7

When set to true, the packer will work in experimental SVG mode. In this mode, all of the input sprites have to be valid SVG files. These SVGs will be merged into a single SVG sprite file by some XML processing. Individual sprites will be included as SVG elements (SVG root element can contain another SVG elements) and positioned using the same packer algorithm as in normal "bitmap" mode. Note that each SVG sprite should have correctly set width and height attributes that define its bounding box. The viewBox attribute is ignored. To prevent problems with duplicate ID attributes from different files, any IDs are prefixed with the name of the sprite. All xlink:href and url(#) references are modified accordingly.


This plugin uses binary tree packer algorithm by Jake Gordon (



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