
0.1.4 • Public • Published

{{post}} NPM version

{{post}} handlebars helper, for including a post, or a list of posts.


Install the helper with: npm install handlebars-helper-post

Usage with Assemble

If you use Assemble and Grunt, add handlebars-helper-post to the helpers property in the Assemble task or target options in your Gruntfile:

  assemble: {
    options: {
      helpers: ['handlebars-helper-post', 'foo/*.js']
    files: {}

Note that the 'handlebars-helper-post' module must also be listed in devDependencies for Assemble to automatically resolve the helper.

With that completed, you may now use the {{post}} helper in your templates:

{{post 'foo'}}

Please report any bugs or feature requests, thanks!


Helper Options

Several options depend on properties in YAML front matter to exist for the options to be useful or to work at all. If YAML front matter doesn't exist, the helper should still process the files, but don't expect all of the options to work entirely without it.

Please report any errors, thanks!


Type: String|Boolean (optional) Default value: after

Defines when, or if, the helper should convert the included markdown to HTML. Options are:

  • after (default): Content will be processed with marked.js after templates have been compiled with Handlebars.
  • before (default): Content will be processed with marked.js before templates are compiled with Handlebars.
  • false: Content will not be processed with marked.js.


Type: String (optional) Default value: undefined

The current working directory for paths defined in the helper. So instead of writing out {{post 'my/book/chapters/*.hbs'}}, just define cwd: "my/book" and now any paths defined in the helper will use the cwd as a base, like this: {{post 'chapters/*.hbs'}}


Type: String Default value: \n

The separator to append after each inlined file.


Type: Function Default value: compareFn

Compare function for sorting the included files.


Type: String Default value: basename

The property to use for sorting the included files. By default, included files are sorted alphabetically by the basename of the file.


Type: String Default value: asc

Order in which to sort the included files. Options are asc (default) and desc.


Type: Object Default value: undefined

Options to pass to globule, which is the library used to enable minimatch/wildcard patterns to be used for specifying files to include. Please visit the globule project to see all available options.

Setting options

Options can be defined in any of the following ways:

hash options

Set options as hash arguments directly on the helper expressions themselves:

// Append a separator to the content of each included file
{{post 'my/book/chapters/*.hbs' sep="<!-- Chapter -->"}}
// Override the cwd defined in the task options
{{post 'my/book/chapters/*.hbs' cwd="./"}}

Note that Options defined in the hash always win!

"assemble" task options

If you use Grunt and Assemble, you can pass options from the assemble task in the Gruntfile to the helper.

This helper registers a custom post property, in the Assemble options, which enables options for the helper to be defined in the Assemble task or target options, e.g.:

assemble: {
  options: {
    posts: {
      // post helper options here


If you use Grunt and Assemble, you can pass options to assemble from a JSON or YAML data file

This option is really useful if you expect to have lots of options defined, or different "options groups" that you want to reuse as needed.

assemble: {
  options: {
    data: ['path/to/post.json']

Then inside foo.json we might define something like:

  "docs": {
    "sep": "<!-- Document -->\n",
    "cwd": "content/docs",
    "sortBy": "num"
  "chapters": {
    "sep": "<!-- Chapter -->\n",
    "cwd": "content/chapters",
    "sortBy": "title"
  "posts": {
    "sep": "<!-- Post -->\n",
    "cwd": "content/posts",
    "sortBy": "foo"

Then use in templates like this:

{{post foo.docs}}
{{post foo.chapters}}
{{post foo.posts}}

Usage Examples

Example config with Assemble

In your project's Gruntfile, options for the {{post}} helper can be defined in the Assemble task options:

assemble: {
  options: {
    helpers: ['handlebars-helper-post'],
    posts: {
      cwd: 'path/to/files',
      sep: '<!-- separator defined in Gruntfile -->',
      compare: function (a, b) {
        return a.index >= b.index ? 1 : -1;
  files: {}

Usage example

Given you have this config in your project's gruntfile:

// Project configuration.
  // Metadata for our book.
  book: require('./metadata/book.yml'),
  assemble: {
    options: {
      helpers: ['handlebars-helper-post'],
      posts: {
        sep: '<!-- chapter -->'
      book: {
        src: ['chapters.hbs'],
        dest: 'book/'

Our chapters.hbs file contains the following:

{{{post 'chapters/*.hbs'}}}

And the files we want to post include these Lo-Dash and Handlebars templates:

title: <%= book.title %>
chapter: 1
intro: Chapter <%= chapter %>
<h1>Content from {{title}}</h1>
<p class="intro">{{intro}}</p>
<p class="chapter">Chapter: {{chapter}}</p>

The result, book/chapters.html would contain something like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My Amazing Book</title>
    <!-- chapter -->
    <h1>Content from My Amazing Book</h1>
    <p class="intro">Chapter 1</p>
    <p class="chapter">Chapter: 1</p>
    <!-- chapter -->
    <h1>Content from My Amazing Book</h1>
    <p class="intro">Chapter 2</p>
    <p class="chapter">Chapter: 2</p>
    <!-- chapter -->
    <h1>Content from My Amazing Book</h1>
    <p class="intro">Chapter 3</p>
    <p class="chapter">Chapter: 3</p>
cwd example

Instead of writing out full paths, like this:

{{post 'my/book/chapters/*.hbs'}}
{{post 'my/book/extras/*.hbs'}}

Just define a cwd in the post options in your project's Gruntfile:

assemble: {
  options: {
    helpers: ['handlebars-helper-post'],
    posts: {
      cwd: 'my/book' // "base" path to prepend

Now you can define paths in the templates like this:

{{post 'chapters/*.hbs'}}
{{post 'extras/*.hbs'}}


Please see the Contributing to Assemble guide for information on contributing to this project.

Related Projects and Links

A listing of each plugin and the current version included in this package is listed below.

  • grunt-init-helper-mod: Grunt init template for creating a new helper module.
  • handlebars-helper-aggregate: {{aggregate}} handlebars helper. inlines content from multiple files optionally using wildcard (globbing/minimatch) patterns. uses YAML front matter as context for each file. optionally pass in a sorting function.
  • handlebars-helper-compose: {{compose}} handlebars helper. Similar to {{aggregate}}, but this is a block expression helper that inlines content from multiple files differently, extracting YAML front matter to pass to context for each file. Optionally use wildcard (globbing/minimatch) patterns. Accepts compare function as 3rd parameter for sorting inlined files.
  • handlebars-helper-condense: Remove extra newlines from HTML content.
  • handlebars-helper-jade: {{jade}} handlebars helper, for converting basic Jade templates to HTML.
  • handlebars-helper-lorem: {{lorem}} handlebars helper, for generating lorem lorem placeholder text.
  • handlebars-helper-moment: {{moment}} handlebars helper. Combines the powers of Assemble, Handlebars.js and Moment.js into a great helper to master time.
  • handlebars-helper-partials: Handlebars helper for including partials, with improvements over native partial handling, such as file globbing and the ability to override context.
  • handlebars-helper-post: {{post}} handlebars helper, for including a post, or a list of posts.
  • handlebars-helper-prettify: {{prettify}} handlebars helper, for formatting ("beautifying") HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • handlebars-helper-repeat: {{repeat}} handlebars helper, for duplicating a block of content n times.
  • handlebars-helper-slugify: Convert strings into URL slugs.

To update this list, from the root of the project run node docs/repos && grunt.



Copyright (c) 2013 Jon Schlinkert, contributors. Released under the MIT license

This file was generated on Wednesday, November 6, 2013.

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