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It's a small wrapper-module around the built in http module. It provides additional utitity getters, setters and methods on request and response objects (they are actually added to IncomingMessage and ServerResponse prototypes of course). It is great with passing strings or JSON-objects, handling cookies, querystrings and MIME types.


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and then instead of

const http = require('http')
// or
import http from 'http'

you would use

const http = require('httpity')
// or
import http from 'httpity'


So just like with normal http module you would create and run a server and see the advantages of httpity inside the handle(request, response) function.

function handle(request, response) {
  // use any of the following methods, getters and setters here

New getters on request object (IncomingMessage.prototype) are:

New method on request object (IncomingMessage.prototype) is:

New methods on response object (ServerResponse.prototype) are:

New setters (and some getters) on response object (ServerResponse.prototype) are:

Details below.


It returns the object with cookies that came from the client as {key1: 'value1", key2: 'value2'}. To do that first time it parses the request.headers.cookie and stores the result in request.parsedCookie, and on subsequent getter calls it acts as an alias for that simply returning the same object without unnecessary parsing. All further getters are pretty much do the same thing: they parse the first time, cache result and just return it if asked again.


It returns a promise so in order to get it use

request.rawBody.then(str => console.log(str))
// or
const rawBodyString = await request.rawBody

Again, previously collected data is stored into request.receivedData and is returned if asked for more than once but always as a promise (for consistency).


This one treats received data as JSON-stringified data and parses it for you automatically. It returns a promise so in order to get it use

request.body.then(data => console.log(data))
// or
const body = await request.body

Again, previously collected data is stored into request.parsedBody and is returned if asked for more than once but always as a promise (for consistency).

request.path and request.querystring

These are response.url-parts after splitting it on ?. For example if there is a request for http://localhost:3000/api/users/add?name=Alex&age=23&rank=rookie we can get

// -> '/api/users/add?name=Alex&age=23&rank=rookie'
// -> '/api/users/add'
// -> 'name=Alex&age=23&rank=rookie'

Again, previously separated parts are stored into request.urlPath and request.urlQuery and used if asked again.


is parsed-decoded request.querystring, from example above it would return

// -> {name: 'Alex', age: 23, rank: 'rookie'}

Again, previously decoded query data is stored into request.parsedQuery and is returned if request.query is asked more than once.

Provides composed data from both request.body and request.query (data from body overrides the data from query). Returns a promise. Under the hood it uses request.compose() with no arguments to compose it.


Provides composed data from both request.body and request.query (data from body overrides the data from query). Returns a promise. If props provided returns only the required fields of data. And props can be an object or an array. If it's an object it will keep the values for properties that are missing in the response loadout. If it's an array with property names than for fields missing in response loadout values will be empty strings ''. Promise for once composed data object of all values in body and query will be saved at response.composedData and used under the hood if or request.compose() (without arguments) is used again.

response.setCookie(name, value, ?options={})

Adds a set-cookie header to the response. Accepts following options

  • expire : number of seconds until cookie expires (also known as Max-Age), defaults to http.cookieDefaultExpire (or httpity.cookieDefaultExpire if you imported it like that), equals to 86400*3 (3 days) if you did not change it.
  • path : a scope-path on site for cookie to work in, defaults to '/'.
  • secure : boolean, if true adds a __Secure- prefix before cookie name and Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict at the end of the cookie-header, supposed to be used only via https. This is supposed to be used in production (I had Heroku in mind, as it does provide an https-connection for http-servers), to change the default set = true. Returns the cookie-string that would be sent to the client as the set-cookie header.

response.delCookie(name, ?path='/', ?secure=!

Adds a set-cookie header to the response with intent to delete said cookie on the client by setting its value to empty string and max age less than zero. Parameters path and secure here work exactly the same way as do the correspondingly named options in the previous response.setCookie method and actually it is used here under the hood.

response.send(body, ?code, ?type)

It's a helper method that does the same as you could do before via (simplified pseudocode).

response.writeHead(statusCode, {'content-type': correspondingMIMEtype})
  .end(bodyString) // automatically JSON.stringified if needed

code and type could be independently omitted, in place of type you can pass an extension like css or even the full filename or filepath - its extension will be used to set the correct content-type header.


An alias for response.statusCode, works both like a setter and a getter.


This setter takes an extension string like svg and adds a corresponding MIME type to the content-type header, like image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8 for example. If a whole path string provided instead it will try to extract an extension and use it. As a getter it will show the current content-type header.


This setter takes a filename or filepath string, extracts the extension part from it and uses it to set the content-type header via the response.type setter. And then it'll try to read the file if one found by that path and pipe it to the client. If not response will emit 'error', so you can handle it.


This setter takes the string/buffer and sends it to the client, otherwise it treats the argument as data object and tries to JSON.stringify() it and then send. If httpity.autoEnd set to true (and it is by default) it uses response.end(). As a getter it will show the data previously sent via this same response if there was one.

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