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Information radiator to clearly visualize continuous delivery pipelines

Getting Started

  • Install the module with: npm install information-radiator

  • Provide configuration in a file called ./config.json and add the following code:

var information_radiator = require('information-radiator');;
  • Or provide configuration as a parameter to the run() method as follows:
var information_radiator = require('information-radiator');
  title: "Main Page Title",
  groups: [
      name: "pipeline group name",
      headers: ['stage one header', 'stage two header'],
      pipelines: [
          stages: [
              url: '',
              path: 'number',
              link: '',
              condition: {
                path: 'result',
                value: 'SUCCESS'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              link: ''

For more details on the format of the configuration see below...


This module can be used to create an information radiator to clearly visualize your continuous delivery pipelines. A typical screen might look as follows:

Example Build Pipeline

All aspects of this screen are configurable. The configuration used to build this screen is as follows:

  pollPeriod: 60,
  refresh: true,
  title: "Build Pipeline",
  groups: [
      name: "front-end",
      headers: ['build', 'development', 'qa', 'uat', 'production'],
      pipelines: [
          stages: [
              url: '',
              path: 'number',
              link: '',
              condition: {
                path: 'result',
                value: 'SUCCESS'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              condition: {
                expression: '${Application.Project-Artifact-Id}',
                value: 'evolve'
              link: ''
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              link: ''
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              link: ''
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              link: ''
          stages: [
              url: '',
              path: 'number',
              link: '',
              condition: {
                path: 'result',
                value: 'SUCCESS'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              condition: {
                expression: '${Application.Project-Artifact-Id}',
                value: 'evolve'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'
      name: "back-end",
      headers: ['build', 'development', 'qa', 'uat'],
      pipelines: [
          stages: [
              url: '',
              path: 'number',
              condition: {
                path: 'result',
                value: 'SUCCESS'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              condition: {
                expression: '${Application.Project-Artifact-Id}',
                value: 'evolve'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'
          stages: [
              url: '',
              path: 'number',
              condition: {
                path: 'result',
                value: 'SUCCESS'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}',
              condition: {
                expression: '${Application.Project-Artifact-Id}',
                value: 'evolve'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'
              url: '',
              expression: '${} ${project.version} ${build.number}'


The basic structure of the configuration is as follows:
  // the port to run the server on
  port: 8080,
  // how often in seconds should stages be polled
  pollPeriod: 10,
  // should refresh button be shown
  refresh: true,
  title: "Main Page Title",
  groups: [
      name: "pipeline group name",
      // header for each stage
      headers: ['stage one header', 'stage two header', ...],
      pipelines: [
          stages: [
              // url to fetch json from
              url: '',
              // simple field to read from json
              path: '...',
              // causes browser to navigate to this url when the stage is clicked
              link: ''
              // url to fetch json from
              url: '',
              // complex expression to read from json
              expression: '${...} ${...}',
              // additional condition to trigger success or failure state
              condition: {
                // complex expression (for simple field access use \'path\' instead)
                expression: '${...} ${...}',
                // value to match
                value: '...'
        // another pipeline with the same stages (sharing same set of headers)
    // another new type of pipeline group (different stage headers)


Type: Integer Default value: 8080

This value specifies the port to run the server on.


Type: Integer Default value: 10

This value specifies how often the stages should be polled to retrieve there status.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

This value specifies whether the refresh button should appear in the top left hand corner.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies the main title that appears at the top of the page. If not value is provided no title will appear at the top of the page.


Type: Array Default value: []

This value specifies the list of pipeline groups to display.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies the name of the pipeline group that will appear in the border around the pipeline group.


Type: Array Default value: ``

This value specifies the list of stage names that appear in the header row for a pipeline group.


Type: Array Default value: ``

This value specifies the list of pipelines, each with there own set of stages (that should match the list of headers for the same pipeline group).


Type: Array Default value: ``

This value specifies the list of stages within a given pipeline.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies the url to fetch JSON data from.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a simple field path to retrieve a value from a JSON response. The retrieved value is then displayed in the box representing the stage. When a stage fails then the previous successful value is also displayed in the box. Either path or expression can be used to retrieve a the value that is displayed, however if both are specified path will take precedence and expression will be ignored.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a complex expression to retrieve one or more values from a JSON response. The expression can contain any string, where each ${...} value is replace with the corresponding value read from the json. Nested ${...} are not supported. The retrieved value is then displayed in the box representing the stage. When a stage fails then the previous successful value is also displayed in the box. Either path or expression can be used to retrieve a the value that is displayed, however if both are specified path will take precedence and expression will be ignored.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a condition to determine whether a stage is passing or failing. The condition can be specified using either a path or expression and a value to match against. In addition to the condition specified a section will go orange if an empty body is received from the url or red if an error state is returned such as 404, 500 or an illegally formatted response.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a simple field path to retrieve for this condition. The retrieved value is then matched against the condition value specified in groups[i].pipelines[i].stages[i].condition.value.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a complex expression to retrieve for this condition. The retrieved expression is then matched against the condition value specified in groups[i].pipelines[i].stages[i].condition.value.


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a value to match for this condition. This value is matched against either the path or expression (which ever is specified, or path if both are specified).


Type: String Default value: ``

This value specifies a url that turns the box representing the box into a link to the url. Clicking the stage will cause the same window to navigate to the url.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 2014-06-05   v0.1.0   Released information-radiator module
  • 2014-06-06   v0.1.1   Improving documentation
  • 2014-06-06   v0.1.2   Improving documentation
  • 2017-04-30   v0.1.3   Updated build server

Task submitted by James D Bloom

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  • jamesdbloom