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1.0.2 • Public • Published

Jasmine Allure Plugin

A plugin to generate an Allure report out of Jasmine tests.

Using Allure Reporter in Jasmine2

Add the lib into package.json and then configure the plugin:

// conf.js
var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
  resultsDir: 'allure-results'

Using Allure Reporter in Protractor

Put the above code into the onPrepare inside of your conf.js:

// conf.js
exports.config = {
  framework: 'jasmine2',
  onPrepare: function() {
    var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
    jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
      resultsDir: 'allure-results'

Generate HTML report from Allure results

The Reporter will generate xml files inside of a resultsDir, then we need to generate HTML out of them. You can use Maven for that. Copy ready-to-use pom.xml from node_modules/jasmine-allure-reporter and run:

mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results

It will put HTMLs into target/site/allure-maven-plugin folder. To serve them via localhost:1324 use:

mvn jetty:run -Djetty.port=1234

Otherwise choose one of other ways to generate HTML.

Adding Screenshot in the end of each test

  onPrepare: function () {
    var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
    jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter());
      browser.takeScreenshot().then(function (png) {
        allure.createAttachment('Screenshot', function () {
          return new Buffer(png, 'base64')
        }, 'image/png')();

Note done callback!


  • Currently attachments are added to the test case instead of the current step. This needs to be fixed in allure-js-commons.
  • Add support for Features.
  • Add support to Jasmine1. Right now only Jasmine2 is available (do we really need this?).
  • Add ability to use reflection for decoration method of page objects so that we don't need to write Allure-related boilerplate tying ourselves to one specific reporter.

For Developers

See the system tests to quickly check how the reporter works in real life: node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor ./test/system/conf.js

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  • baev
  • eroshenkoam
  • just-boris
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  • stanislav.bashkyrtsev