
0.0.6 • Public • Published

jsonml2html 0.0.6

Microlibrary that converts jsonml into html strings ci


bower install jsonml2html
npm install jsonml2html

Simple conversion of jsonml to html

> jsonml2html.toString(["div", "hello world", ["img", {src: "smiley.png"}]]);
'<div>hello world<img src="smiley"></div>'

Implicit class and id

> jsonml2html.toString(["div#root.red", "hello world", ["img.cool.im", {src: "smiley.png"}]]);
'<div id="root" class="red">hello world<img class="cool im" src="smiley"></div>'

Inline style

> jsonml2html.toString(["div", {style: {background: "blue", fontSize: 16}}, "hello world"]);
'<div style="background:blue;font-size:16px">hello world</div>'

Automatic escaping

> jsonml2html.toString(["div", "<blåbærgrød>"]);

Raw html passthrough

> jsonml2html.toString(["script", ["rawhtml", "a<b"]]);

Notics empty tags must have empty string content to emit endtag:

> jsonml2html.toString(["i.fa.fa-book"]); // WRONG
<i class="fa fa-book">
> jsonml2html.toString(["i.fa.fa-book",""]); // RIGHT
<i class="fa fa-book"></i>

Literate source code


Define isNodeJs and runTest in such a way that they will be fully removed by uglifyjs -mc -d isNodeJs=false -d runTest=false

if typeof isNodeJs == "undefined" or typeof runTest == "undefined" then do ->
  root = if typeof global == "undefined" then window else global
  root.isNodeJs = (typeof window == "undefined") if typeof isNodeJs == "undefined"
  root.runTest = isNodeJs and process.argv[2] == "test" if typeof runTest == "undefined"

jsonml2html = if isNodeJs then exports else window.jsonml2html = {}


xmlEscape = (str) -> String(str).replace RegExp("[\x00-\x1f\x80-\uffff&<>\"']", "g"), (c) -> "&##{c.charCodeAt 0};"

jsonml2html.xmlEscape = xmlEscape


obj2style = (obj) ->
  (for key, val of obj
    key = key.replace /[A-Z]/g, (c) -> "-" + c.toLowerCase()
    val = "#{val}px" if typeof val == "number"
  ).join ";"

jsonml2html.obj2style = obj2style


toString = (arr) ->
  return "#{xmlEscape arr}" if !Array.isArray(arr)

raw html, useful for stuff which shouldn't be xmlescaped etc.

  return arr[1] if arr[0] == "rawhtml"

normalise jsonml, make sure it contains attributes

  arr = [arr[0], {}].concat arr.slice(1) if arr[1]?.constructor != Object
  attr = {}
  attr[key] = val for key, val of arr[1]

convert style objects to strings

  attr.style = obj2style attr.style if attr.style?.constructor == Object

shorthand for classes and ids

  tag = arr[0].replace /#([^.#]*)/, ((_, id) -> attr.id = id; "")
  tag = tag.replace /\.([^.#]*)/g, (_, cls) ->
    attr["class"] = if attr["class"] == undefined then cls else "#{attr["class"]} #{cls}"

create actual tag string

  result = "<#{tag}#{(" #{key}=\"#{xmlEscape val}\"" for key, val of attr).join ""}>"

add children and endtag, if there are children. <foo></foo> is done with ["foo", ""]

  result += "#{arr.slice(2).map(toString).join ""}</#{tag}>" if arr.length > 2
  return result
jsonml2html.toString = toString

Test / examples

if runTest then process.nextTick ->
  assert = require "assert"
  jsonml = ["div.main",
        background: "red"
        textSize: 12
    ["h1#theHead.foo.bar", "Blåbærgrød"],
      src: "foo"
      alt: 'the "quoted"'],
    ["script", ["rawhtml", "console.log(foo<bar)"]]]
  assert.equal jsonml2html.toString(jsonml),
    """<div style="background:red;text-size:12px" class="main"><h1 id="theHead" class="foo bar">Bl&#229;b&#230;rgr&#248;d</h1><img src="foo" alt="the &#34;quoted&#34;"><script>console.log(foo<bar)</script></div>"""

README.md autogenerated from jsonml2html.coffee solsort


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