
1.3.10 • Public • Published

kapusons-ui-map is a Kapusons implementation of interactive maps through GeoJson data. It uses Google Maps API. It allows you to easily render polygons of all the world's states over a google map.



Complete navigation flow

kapusons-ui-map consists in a mini-site with a common navigation flow:

  • A general map, with the states you've choosen, as an index page
  • A second level shows markers associated with the selected country with few informations
  • A third level goes inside the marker info and displays a longer description (enabled for italian regions, for italy and afghanistan as example)

GeoJson data

kapusons-ui-map provides two GeoJson libraries with polygons coordinates for:

  • Italian regions
  • All the world's states until 2015.

Fully configurable jQuery plugin

kapusons-ui-map requires jQuery as it's released as a jQuery plugin.


Setup development environment

git clone git@github.com:KapusonsSRL/kapusons-ui-map.git
npm install
gulp serve

As a npm package

npm install kapusons-ui-map --save


You will need to include:

  • Google maps API with proper API key
  • jQuery library
  • The JavaScript file kapusons-ui-map.js (or its minified version kapusons-ui-map.min.js)
  • The css file kapusons-ui-map.css (or its minified version kapusons-ui-map.min.css)

Once that is done you'll only need a dom element in your html to initialize the jQuery plugin:

<div id="map-wrapper"></div>

and call kapusonsUiMap plugin inside a $(document).ready function:



A more complex initialization with all options set could look like this:

  dataSource: "json/world.subset.json", 
  l10n: 'en',
  mapTitle: 'Regions',
  showLeftColumn: true,
  showRegionTooltip: true,
  showRegionDetail: true,
  map: {
    center: {
      lat: 38.513456, 
      lng: 44.523900
    zoom: 5,
    scrollwheel: false,
    gestureHandling: 'cooperative',
      mapTypeControlOptions: {
        style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT  
    styles: [
          featureType: "all",
          elementType: "labels",
          stylers: [
              visibility: "off" 
    fillColor: "#3367D6",
    fillColorSelected: "#4285F4",
    strokeWeight: 1.5,
    strokeColor: '#96C7FC',
    fillOpacity: 1
  regionOnClick: null,
  onMapLoaded: null


  • dataSource: defines which json will populate your map; kapusons-ui-map provides two GeoJson libraries (Italian regions and all the world's states until 2015). See how to generate a custom GeoJson library starting from this two.
  • l10n: defines the localization for your map
  • mapTitle: a string title for your map
  • showLeftColumn: displaying or not the left column navigation menu
  • showRegionTooltip: displaying or not the tooltip on state/polygon hover. The tooltip has a class that corresponds to the hovered region name (e.g. .Egypt, .Italy etc...)
  • showRegionDescription: displaying or not the third level info of a selected state/region
  • map: MapOptions object specification: Google Maps JavaScript API V3 Reference
    • center
      • lat
      • lng
    • zoom
    • scrollwheel
    • gestureHandling
    • mapTypeControlOptions
    • styles
      • featureType
      • elementType
      • stylers
        • visibility
  • features: defines the polygon styles
    • fillColor
    • fillColorSelected
    • strokeWeight
    • strokeColor
    • fillOpacity
  • regionOnClick: defines a custom handler for click event on a state/polygon; this function ovverrides the default behavior
  • onMapLoaded: the callback fired when the map is idle

How to generate a custom GeoJson library as data source

You can easily create your GeoJson data source starting from the two GeoJson libraries provided by kapousns-ui-map. As you probably want to display a custom set of polygons/states, you'll find a usefull gulp task for this purpose. As example:

gulp json:extract --regions "it,fr,gb" --featureProperty ISO_A2 --searchIn world
  • In the --regions parameter you can define a list of states/polygon you want to include in your map in the form of a comma separated string. Each value must match one of those supported standard code (ISO 3166 and others): SOV_A3, ADMIN, ADM0_A3, GEOUNIT, GU_A3, SUBUNIT, SU_A3, name, NAME_LONG, BRK_A3, BRK_NAME, BRK_GROUP, ABBREV, POSTAL, FIPS_10_, ISO_A2, ISO_A3, ISO_N3, UN_A3, WB_A2, WB_A3, ADM0_A3_IS, ADM0_A3_US
  • You'll define the selected standard code in the --featureProperty parameter, as a comparison value
  • the --searchIn parameter defines in which data source you'll search the specified regions (availables data source are world and italy)

This task generates a (italy/world).subset-json file in the src/json folder.

Once that is done, you can minify your new GeoJson file by running this task:

gulp json:minify --filename "your-brand-new.json"

By running the gulp serve task all the json file in the src folder will be copied into the dist/json folder.


Kapusons-ui-map provides a minimal support for l10n:

  • add a LOCALE.js file with proper translations in the src/js/l10n folder (use the it.js file as a reference)
  • add the l10n option in the plugin configuration: $('#map-wrapper').kapusonsUiMap({ l10n: 'it' })


Once you've made your commits:

  1. Fork kapusons-ui-map
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  4. Create a Pull Request from your branch
  5. That's it!


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

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  • lazymood
  • dan721
  • jack-danielson